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Cloud 11-16-2007 02:48 PM

oh no, there's waaaay more 'cadolovers than haters. Like I said, we're in the minority, Glatt.

Sundae 11-16-2007 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by bluecuracao (Post 407727)
I'm OK with guacamole, but I find avocados in their original form too bland and slimy.

I once nearly wimped out of a detox diet on the first day because I had to drink a green shake that was avocado based. The whole time I was retching I had to say to myself, "Oh c'mon, you LIKE guacamole!"

Aliantha 11-16-2007 05:07 PM

I like avocados no matter how they're prepared, or if they're just sliced up in a salad.

I love them on a toasted sandwich with chicken, cheese and mayo.

Guacamole is good too. I never buy it though. I think bought stuff tastes like crap. I always make my own.

It's also good with seafood because the flavour is fairly mild.

When cooking with avo's you should always choose fruit that's half a day from fully ripe if you want it to keep shape. That's my only bit of advice. :)

queequeger 11-16-2007 05:22 PM

In college, my buddy Sean and I would go down to the co-op on special occasions (i.e. when we had enough money for food and alcohol at the same time) and buy avocados and salt and eat them downtown. There's nothing more delicious than a good, ripe avocado.

Cloud 11-16-2007 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by queequeger (Post 407904)
There's nothing more delicious than a good, ripe avocado.

Yes there is. Almost anything, in fact. I'd rather eat peyote (the MOST DISGUSTING tasting thing in the universe) than an avocado. :headshake

wait . . . maybe that's not a fair comparison . . . :)

DucksNuts 11-17-2007 04:38 AM

I love avocado's.

I make an awesome Chicken n Avocado Pasta...different version for hot and the cold dish.

But they are a staple in my grocery shopping for salads, cooking, dips etc

Urbane Guerrilla 11-18-2007 12:46 AM

Avocados are a staff of life -- and I was sure of that well before moving to Southern California, where you can hardly throw a rock without hitting an avocado picker.

If you're agile, that's a pretty fair way to get free avocados back.

Botanically, avocados are a fruit, but nutritionally they more resemble a nut, from their vegetable oil content.

Guacamole would find much favor with raw-food faddists. Granted, it would be less fun without its pepper, lime, and salt.

Something that de-slimes (I'd call them unctuous, not slimy) sliced avocados is to put them in chicken soup at the very end of cooking. Caldo Tlalpen~o is sort of Mexican Jewish Penicillin: a brothy chicken soup with lots of red pepper included with the other chicken-soup bits like onion, carrot slices and some potato, and it may be had with half an avocado sliced up into it. For my money, that's the way to have Tlalpeno. It's enriched. And with all those peppers, both dried red and sliced fresh green ones, it'll cure what ails ya.

There's a local restaurant that offers them in eggs Benedict. I should give it a try that way.

DucksNuts, could you post the recipe over in the recipe thread? That sounds fun.

DucksNuts 11-18-2007 03:13 AM

Will do UG, the thing with my they only exist in my head :)

I dont do quantities, but will figure it out for you

Sundae 11-18-2007 12:48 PM

Look, one fine day I'll eat the 'cado with you 'cado lovers. Exacly how you feel it is represented best. And if I don't like it you pay my travel to the town limits :p

But for the present for me it's guacamole only.
And UG - Uriah Heep was not unctuous, that's all I'm saying.

Urbane Guerrilla 11-18-2007 08:51 PM

'E was 'umble. A 'ole 'eep of 'umbleness.

Urbane Guerrilla 11-19-2007 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 408186)
Will do UG, the thing with my they only exist in my head :)

I don't do quantities, but will figure it out for you

Great. Listen, eyeball quantities sound like they'd do -- how much of your hand it would fill, or "such-&-such, to taste."

Urbane Guerrilla 11-19-2007 02:12 PM

Y'know, one of these days I'm going to keep in mind that Google is my friend! :rolleyes: Caldo Tlalpeno recipe. The herbs noted are half the mix of Herbes de Provence... can I get a "Hmm Nummy Nummy?"

Tlalpeno out of cans -- perhaps useful if canned food is all you've got. I'd put herbs in like the first recipe has.

One with leftover turkey and chipotle peppers

One from some guy's blog. Like Herr Doktor Viktor von Fronkenshteen, he wrote how he did it.

Um... Soups Too Numerous To. Page of links; I didn't look, but there ought to be something there for everyone. Avocado Gazpacho... hmm.

Urbane Guerrilla 12-01-2007 02:28 AM

Tried the first recipe for Caldo up there in my above post because I liked the herbs in it. Came out okay even without avocado slices -- I'd used all the 'cados making guacamole, so each serving got a dollop of leftover guac. That works too. This recipe definitely wants a nice rich broth for full effect; my broth was a little thinner than I liked. Either the two herbs marjoram and thyme, or else the full-on Herbes de Provence with or without bay leaves work well. If you don't have any chickpeas, try lima beans. Add them late in heating if they are frozen so they just get cooked to warm and stay bright green, very pretty. Canned limas can go in whenever. Drain these to keep the soup broth clear.

I don't think I've quite hit the definitive Caldo recipe for my tastes yet, but I'm close. I definitely got the pepper heat, using crushed red peppers, fresh jalapeno and a few grinds of cracked black peppercorns. It'll cure what ails.

Sperlock 12-01-2007 11:11 AM

I'll only eat avocados when it's in sushi. I don't even do guacamole.

Stormieweather 12-01-2007 04:45 PM

I love fruits and vegetables. I was raised a vegetarian and can easily do without any animal products in my diet.


There is one fruit that I cannot stand...the avocado.

I'm pretty sure it had to do with my mother introducing me to the thing when I was a child and her not knowing how to tell when one was ripe. So the one she gave us was wayyyy overripe (aka rotten) and she forced my sister and I to eat it anyway (this was typical of her). I have never tasted something so wretched and to this day, my stomach clenches at the sight or smell of one. And to tell you just how far this dislike extends...I refuse to have any object in my home that is 'avocado green' in color :vomit:


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