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squirell nutkin 07-01-2010 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 667929)
I don't understand why you can't put the laundry away. Just MAKE IT be part of the process. Seriouly, when you go to the bathroom, you KNOW that you aren't done until you wipe and flush, right? Now tell yourself that you aren't DONE with the laundry until it is put away. It will take less time to do this than it does to keep putting it back in the basket, so you are really saving time.

Would you like to explain that to some of the people at my house? I'm still working on "The lids isn't ON until it is on. Not some of the way on and not most of the way on, I expect that lid to be motherfucking on."

And when the syrup, gravy, soup or whatever spills all over the inside of the refrigerator will that help you to learn to put the lid on? No, because you are a slob and don't care about the giant mess in the fridge that is clinging to the bottom of everything and is now being tracked all over every counter and surface those things touch.

Was I just typing that?

Flint 07-01-2010 12:19 PM

I really am trying to understand this. Sorry if I am not sensitive to the realities of the situation, but I am trying to apply the principles upon which I perform my daily activities. It seems that if a load had to come out so another could go in, so that another could move forward, that you have too much production in the pipeline at one time. Stop putting more in the washing machine until the loads that came before it are processed, i.e. put away.

Pico and ME 07-01-2010 12:24 PM

I would leave the unfolded basket near the dryer so that when I when I was ready to fold I could give it a 10 minute tumble beforehand to help eliminate wrinkles.

Clodfobble 07-01-2010 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by Flint
It seems that if a load had to come out so another could go in, so that another could move forward, that you have too much production in the pipeline at one time. Stop putting more in the washing machine until the loads that came before it are processed, i.e. put away.

Absolutely. I have too much production in the pipeline. But the kids had no clean pants (Minifob typically goes through 3 pairs a day,) and I can pull clean pants out of a basket of unfolded laundry if I need to. Buying them more pants doesn't solve the inherent problem. Now that loads number 3 and 4 from yesterday have been folded and put away, I already have load number 1 for the day--the night's pee-soaked sheets--moving to the dryer. There are just not enough hours in the day for a workable Gantt chart.

Griff 07-01-2010 12:46 PM

Some kind of a net with a drawstring might be the answer.

Maybe some help too?

Flint 07-01-2010 12:49 PM

I understand. Your production capacity at 100% completion does not satisfy the demands of the environment.

classicman 07-01-2010 12:58 PM

I ran into a VERY similar problem for about 3-4 months. Its really difficult for people who aren't in the fight to understand. So much of your "normal time" if not all is used doing other things that a far higher priorities than folding laundry.
After getting up at 6 then going to work all day ... getting home at 6 and taking care of others finally being able to breathe at around 9 or 9:30 every other life chore began. By the time it came to laundry ... I was/am beat. I was basically folding the laundry in bed and more than once fell asleep while doing so.
I have two large baskets which I leave on top of the washer/dryer - sort of a holding station. I do as much as I can and try to keep one of them empty.

I'm guessing another compounding issue for you is that much of your clothes are for tiny people and one of your loads has a lot more individual items in it than say mine.

monster 07-01-2010 02:46 PM

My laundry system was eased by deciding to hang more stuff. Staight out of the dryer onto a hanger, much faster than folding. Of course this means that Hebe's stuff is hanging everywhere in her room, not just in her closet (the smallest in the house), but hey, it's outta the basement and outta my laundry basket...

Also, I always fold straight from the dryer -it just seems to take less time than doing it later. Unless it gets all kicked to shit on my bedroom floor before it gets put away, but at least my end of the deal is done


totally feel for you clod, answer is to learn to care less about the state of the place and the clothes. hard, but not impossible.

Of course I may have gone a little too far in that direction.....

squirell nutkin 07-01-2010 03:15 PM

I feel oddly comforted by everyone's chaos in that I am not alone. I almost can see a 1-800 you are not alone helpline for the over chored.

Gravdigr 07-01-2010 03:19 PM

Dump the basket onto the floor upside down. The clothes are going on the floor anyway, right? The upturned basket keeps the creature from strewing the clothes hither and yon. Just keep the floor clean.:D

TheMercenary 07-01-2010 03:47 PM

I keep trying to get the wife to dump the kids clothes on their beds and let them fold them, if they want to. For Godsakes they are in college now! Quit folding their damm clothes.

monster 07-01-2010 03:58 PM

quit doing their laundry at that age!

TheMercenary 07-01-2010 04:00 PM

I keep telling her that. I think she is just getting a bit nervous about losing the last one this Aug.

Flint 07-01-2010 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 668040)
Dump the basket onto the floor upside down. The clothes are going on the floor anyway, right? The upturned basket keeps the creature from strewing the clothes hither and yon. Just keep the floor clean.:D

This actually sounds like an elegant solution.

You could even fold a bath towel in half and place the upturned basket on top of that, then place a heavy book on top.

Shawnee123 07-01-2010 05:24 PM

Kind of like a little laundry snow globe.

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