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Clodfobble 05-09-2007 05:47 PM

If it's in Canada, animal protection laws effectively prevent the restaurant from removing animals from the premises. Maybe it lives there.

glatt 05-14-2007 12:27 PM

2 Attachment(s)
What's that poking out from behind the clock? Let's take the clock down and look.


Spexxvet 05-14-2007 05:16 PM

It's Shelob!

Ibby 05-14-2007 08:23 PM

Holy shit, brown recluse, it looks like.

I had one of those in the apartment a couple weeks ago. Scared the fuck outta me, but I got him.

jinx 05-14-2007 08:29 PM

No, brown recluse are pretty small, and not hairy like that.

Ibby 05-14-2007 08:32 PM

Really? My bad, then.

Well whatever kind that is, I had one of those big ol' fuckers in my house. Not fun.

floki 05-15-2007 01:31 AM

When I was approx. 16 a palm-sized spider crawled up on my breast while I was (still half asleep) eating my cornflakes. I first didn't notice it because I was wearing a dark pullover. I suppose I noticed it when it started getting to my throat an touched my skin. Forget coffee and all of those energy drinks. Nothings wakes you up better than a 8-10 cm large, hairy spider crawling up to your head. :eek:

Hagar 05-15-2007 02:59 AM

That's a type of Huntsman Spider. (Araneae Heteropodidae) We get them over here. They bite, but are basically harmless. The one in the pics is one of the biggest I've seen (the biggest was just over 230mm legspan). Typically an outdoors spider, they move FAST to catch their prey, they don't build webs for prey.

Not to be confused with the slightly smaller (but just as fast) Wolf spider, whose legs point almost straight out.

Interesting things I know about huntsmans:
1/ If you shine a torch on them they're eyes (8 off) reflect silver.
2/ Their feet "click" when a big one walks across a stainless steel kitchen sink
3/ Knowing stuff about them doesn't make me any less shit-scared of them.

glatt 05-15-2007 11:50 AM

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Looks like the parking lot after a concert.

Shawnee123 05-15-2007 11:54 AM

OMG, I just looked at this link for the first time in a while and saw the spider. I would have puked if I had seen that spider, first behind the clock, then face to face. I truly think I may be sick. Gonna have the creepies all night. I had forgotten how arachnophobic I am; I thoiught it had gotten better. ARGHHHHHHHHHH is right! :shock:

glatt 05-15-2007 02:18 PM

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I would have submitted these to UT for IotD consideration, but try as I might, I couldn't find the story behind them. The site I found them on suggested they might be some sort of camel dish. From the size of those bones, I guess they are right.

But really, WTF?

glatt 05-15-2007 02:20 PM

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Is that a can of Pepsi in the top pic?

and here's one more.

rkzenrage 05-15-2007 02:32 PM

S-a lot of cous-cous. I wanna try it.

glatt 05-15-2007 02:44 PM

Reminds me of a kitty litter box.

BigV 05-15-2007 03:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Looks like Dad's Root Beer to me (furrin can pic, color scheme the same tho)

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