The Cellar

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lookout123 12-05-2007 01:26 PM

ooh, that sucks. but look at it this way. your kid can get BLING! imagine it now, there is no steak he can't chew through because he has a diamond for a front tooth! ooooh, i want one.

sorry, just trying to throw a little humor into a crappy situation.

classicman 12-05-2007 01:45 PM

Every boy needs a little bloodshed or a chipped tooth. If for nothing more than the story to tell the girls. They'll have him fixed up better than perfect in no time - Don't worry.

Sundae 12-06-2007 01:59 PM

Still no fixed toilet, so the third day of flushing manually.
And water started coming through the ceiling earlier as HM was working on it - I had to delay my dinner to mop up and lay out saucepans to catch the drips.

Personally? I'd have called a plumber. But it's not my money after all.

Drax 12-06-2007 03:56 PM


Drax 12-06-2007 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 413418)
Every boy needs...a chipped tooth.

I gotta missing front toofusus :D

Sundae 12-06-2007 04:13 PM

I've been trying to get into the Cellar for over an hour :(

Thank god I finally got back in - I only get two Cellar nights a week on average (yes I post during the day, but very few other people do) and I hate to miss out!

HungLikeJesus 12-06-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 413895)
I've been trying to get into the Cellar for over an hour :(

Thank god I finally got back in - I only get two Cellar nights a week on average (yes I post during the day, but very few other people do) and I hate to miss out!

Someone locked the deadbolt, or did you forget your keys?

Sundae 12-06-2007 04:27 PM

I fear it was personal.
After all I've admitted to breaking a toilet this week, I'm not safe to be allowed in if I'm unsupervised.

HungLikeJesus 12-06-2007 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 413907)
I fear it was personal.
After all I've admitted to breaking a toilet this week, I'm not safe to be allowed in if I'm unsupervised.

That explains the "out of order" sign on the Cellar toilet.

Sundae 12-06-2007 05:03 PM

And again, for about 20 minutes.
Every other site works - although none can console me for not being able to come here.

ZenGum 12-06-2007 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 413912)
That explains the "out of order" sign on the Cellar toilet.

We have a toilet? Where???

: fidget :

Aliantha 12-06-2007 10:30 PM

It's over there. -->

monster 12-06-2007 11:07 PM

Follow the smell

monster 12-06-2007 11:10 PM

My laptop fell out of the bag and out of the car this afternoon and now has a line down it -one column of fucked pixels. It was fine initially, but now it isn't and it's really pissing me off. (It's a laptop but it's the main computer I use -I just plug it in to a real keyboard, mouse and speakers at home)

Sundae 12-07-2007 04:46 AM

After I posted last night I was locked out for good :(
In the end I was forced to watch clips from Have I Got News For You on YouTube. Amusing, but not the Cellar!

I have really bad farts this morning. I did roast vegetables last night and I think I ate too much fibre. Well, a whole onion and two chillies for a start. Hmmmmm.

HungLikeJesus 12-07-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 414058)
My laptop fell out of the bag and out of the car this afternoon and now has a line down it -one column of fucked pixels. It was fine initially, but now it isn't and it's really pissing me off. (It's a laptop but it's the main computer I use -I just plug it in to a real keyboard, mouse and speakers at home)

monster - just add an external monitor. That's what I do at home and at work. You can get a nice LCD fairly cheap. You can attach the external monitor and have two screens for different programs.

Cicero 12-07-2007 11:59 AM

I was just Layed Off! My last day is to be Dec. 21...

ZenGum 12-07-2007 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 414207)
I was just Layed Off! My last day is to be Dec. 21...

Merry bloody Christmas then! [/irony]

That sucks, Cicero. (I promise I was not behind it!)
The timing sucks and the short notice sucks and being laid off in general sucks. Were there any hints or signs that this was coming?
More importantly ... what are your plans for the future?

(At first I thought you'd just got laid, and couldn't understand why this was upsetting you. :smack: )

HungLikeJesus 12-07-2007 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 414207)
I was just Layed Off! My last day is to be Dec. 21...

Look on the bright side - you get to spend more time in the Cellar (while you're looking for a job, of course).

What type of work will you be looking for? I frequently get e-mail lists of jobs in renewable energy and they're scattered around the country. I could pass them on, if that's even vaguely related to what you do.

Cicero 12-07-2007 12:51 PM

Well, since the housing market has slowed down and taken a complete nose-dive especially with the sub-prime...well you can imagine that someone in that market might not be able to afford such an expensive assistant. My boss is already being pro-active in assisting me to find something else...She feels terrible about having to do it..

I told her that it would be incredibly difficult for me to find a position during Christmas. But that's just the way the cookie crumbles. If I had a good computer at home and the proper amount of savings for the neccessary programs I could open my tax-id again and do graphics.....I have been offered side graphics jobs in the past and my boss turned them down(her number is on all the materials), so I know people like my work....

I feel a bit shooken up. A little lost. I know I need to be updateing my resume and sending it out right now but I'm too upset to think. I think I'm going to go home and do the resume over the weekend and get it ready. I should be spending the afternoon working because now I really need the hours...but I think I'm just too upset and might lose it if someone is nice to me (get all teary).....No losing it at work!!!

My husband is sweet. He just got the afternoon off from work so he could be there for me.
My dad wrote me an e-mail this morning, he had a heart attack yesterday, and might go back in from feeling terrible again. I don't know where he is right now....
Thanks world. I quit for today. Packing it in to go sort my head out. I'm dizzy with upset.
People are always looking for competent people to hire. It's just that my boss and I have worked very well together since I have been with her and it's going to be tough to find a better boss, and better working situation for the same amount of money. (Preview of job-market right now I can expect lower wages)

So there I am...bleeding all over the cellar...but screw it. Some days you just have to say...Holy Shit!! Did all of that just happen?!? wtf?

lookout123 12-07-2007 01:11 PM

ah, shit cicero! i'm sorry to hear that. i know there isn't much we can do for you here in cellarland but you know we're all behind you.

classicman 12-07-2007 01:12 PM

Then I won't post anything other than good luck and I have a feeling I am right behind you too. Some weird things going on here at my office.

kerosene 12-07-2007 01:45 PM

NOOOOO! No more burrito/chinese wars!

Seriously, I am really sorry to hear that, Cic. If there is anything I can do from here to help, let me know.

(Besides, now is your chance to move back to the *real* mountain state. ;) Lots of jobs in this area!)

BigV 12-07-2007 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 414207)
I was just Layed Off! My last day is to be Dec. 21...

Been there, done that.

You have my sympathy and support.

Here's some support: it is painful but not permanent. I only mention it as a first person demonstration of my claim. I do not wish to take anything away from your pain, only your despair.

I really am sorry for the awful news, Cicero. I *know* it is cold comfort today, but this is the beginning of a big improvement for you. You will see.

Chocolatl 12-07-2007 08:18 PM

Yikes. Best of luck finding something new, Cic.

Cloud 12-07-2007 08:41 PM

Cicero, oh no. Being fired (or let go) always sucks, but just before Christmas Sucks The Big One. That's happened to me before, I know. Not to mention your dad having a heart attack--that's terrible!

Shawnee123 12-08-2007 12:57 PM

Just read this Cic. I'm so sorry. Keep your chin up, girl, you're a good person with so much to offer and I bet something else will crop up before you know it. The world is giving you the old one-two, isn't it? Tell the world to bite you and show them what for! I have the utmost confidence in you.

Griff 12-08-2007 01:18 PM

Crap! I'm sorry to here that Cic. Keep your chin up and try to think of this as an opportunity for change.

TheMercenary 12-08-2007 01:25 PM

Sorry for your troubles Cicero.

TheMercenary 12-08-2007 01:26 PM

[rant]All this talk about student loans and how much parents are required to be burdened with is pissing me off. [/endrant]

jinx 12-08-2007 03:14 PM

Cicero that's just awful.
You were a PA to a RE agent? Are you licensed?

Aliantha 12-08-2007 04:43 PM

My husband left for PNG yesterday morning. He'll be gone all week. :( I was ok about it till I missed him next to me in our bed last night.

busterb 12-08-2007 04:46 PM


[rant]All this talk about student loans and how much parents are required to be burdened with is pissing me off. [/endrant]
Well I co-signed a "best student loan" for my son, who only had one year to finish. Guess what? Now I can't buy shit on credit, because my obligations out weight my income. Hell the rates are worst than buying a Lincoln Navigator. Thanks Senate banking committee.:rant:

Shawnee123 12-10-2007 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 414580)
[rant]All this talk about student loans and how much parents are required to be burdened with is pissing me off. [/endrant]

You don't believe it's your responsibility to educate the children you brought into this world to the best of your ability? :headshake

Clodfobble 12-10-2007 10:06 AM

...which must balance with the responsibility to teach those same children self-sufficiency and maturity.

Shawnee123 12-10-2007 10:08 AM

Absolutely. As outlined here.

Cicero 12-10-2007 10:54 AM

Hi everybody! (Skip down to last paragraph if you feel like you'll do too much reading here)

Just an update on my situation of Friday...I'm over it and ready to move on....I will be updateing my resume today and my first interview is tomorrow for a popular cafe here in town interviewing for their books, marketing, and etc. etc.

I vented on Friday, got silly drunk, completely crazy, and over it.
(I was the weird crazy woman that you see at bars that looks interesting, fairly attractive, but completely mad) But I land on my feet when I least expect it.
Sometimes that's really all it takes is for me to vent and of course get all teary- but hey I'm going to walk on the bright side because I know I have a skill-set that someone needs. I'm not even certified in anything but my work experience can match the certifications out there because I'm actually heavily experienced in the complex programs that I am sorry to say, most people down here in provincial NM just don't "get" and don't want to. No worrys. My personality needs the work...I need to be charming, as I suggested that someone else here do, to get the job.

I was planning on getting a super computer with the programs I need to start my own business- but there has been a hitch in my ability to save some money for it all. Just a delay...I was planning to do a side-business creating graphics because people were asking me to do it because they have seen and like my work, and I would have had a client list already...just a hitch in the plan. That is all. (more money, more money, more money)

I will be late, but there for cellar SS still, but the Christmas gifting is going about that far this year. I wish the financial thing weren't so messed up right now is all. Well my last day is the day my friend from Colorado shows up, so at least I don't have to ask for time off......

My dad is still having heart attacks and is in the hospital, and now I know I have to change my ways definitely. I am not overweight, but now I know that heart disease is pretty heavy on both sides of my family so I have to exercise if I think I'm going to make it. I already eat pretty healthily, but I have to start the cardiovascular workouts to be sure. This all seems pretty bad but I'm moving forward and not backwards. I refuse.

Thank you for your support that sucked really badly. I knew it was coming but thought it would stall out to at least a couple of months after the holidays. I was wrong. I know my boss hates the holidays so why would she be compassionate about mine? I was silly.....

You guys were awesome in your reponse here, and thank you for your uplifting comments because really that's all I'm going to do, stay positive and proactive. This doesn't have to be a goat-fuck...temporarily it is...but it isn't permanent...It just destroyed christmas as far is gifting goes and I made a fool of myself friday night (I was a total depressive freak)...that's all. Not the end of the world. I hate's always harder to interview than actually do these jobs...

Long story short: Oveeeer it!!! Thank you for being awesome cellar!!! You guys rock...and let's hope I get something new soon so I can hang out! No internet at home!!

(pulling out the boxing gloves but may just use the tape)


ZenGum 12-10-2007 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 415018)

Long story short: Oveeeer it!!! Thank you for being awesome cellar!!! You guys rock...and let's hope I get something new soon so I can hang out! No internet at home!!

Glad you're back on track. What a shitty week that was. You're entitled to be a little crazy after an episode like that.

Hang on ... no internet at home ... this really will mess up your posting rate. ;)
I swear I was not behind this! In fact, I'm saddened by it. :(
I mean, how can I gloat about passing you if you're not around to see me do it? :D

jester 12-10-2007 11:22 AM

Cic - just read for the past few days - sorry about what happened Friday - knew you'd be back on your feet. Everyone has to vent, get over it and get going. Good luck for a better job.

Shawnee123 12-10-2007 12:46 PM

Glad you're doing better, Cic! I knew you would, natch. :)

Cicero 12-10-2007 03:42 PM

Hmmm.....natch? Does someone want to tell me what natch is?

(Maybe this is really why I'm laid off...retarded)

Thanks Zen....Maybe I will make sure I do well enough to at least have enough internet to stay above your post-count. Maybe you could tell my future employers that I am at least motivated?

BigV 12-10-2007 04:12 PM


lookout123 12-10-2007 04:38 PM

snatch =?

Aliantha 12-10-2007 04:48 PM

Cic, maybe your boss could give you a computer as part of your severance pay...then you could keep coming here and...posting. :)

Cicero 12-10-2007 05:29 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 415126)
Cic, maybe your boss could give you a computer as part of your severance pay...then you could keep coming here and...posting. :)

Maybe she could...and maybe there isn't a snowballs chance in hell that I am getting any severance at all.....

glatt 12-11-2007 08:00 PM

Aw crap. I just had a vague recollection that my passport was going to be expiring in a few months, so I dug it out and see that it expired back in August. How did I let that happen? I think renewing an expired passport involves more red tape and money than otherwise. Rats. I don't have any trips planned, but now that I don't have a valid passport, I'm feeling all trapped and confined.

December is pretty busy, so I'll focus on this in January. Maybe by the Fall I'll have my new passport in hand.

shina 12-11-2007 08:02 PM

In FL I used a little passport office instead of the big federal office. I was faster for getting paper done.

busterb 12-11-2007 08:21 PM

Black, cell phone talking bitch ran into me & my pickup.

Clodfobble 12-11-2007 09:58 PM

Glatt, if you really feel like it, you can pay a fee (about $50 I think) for an "expedited" renewal. Mr. Clodfobble did it when his company unexpectedly had to send him overseas, and I think it only took a week or two. Obviously it was more money, but I seem to recall there being virtually no red tape at all.

Aliantha 12-11-2007 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by busterb (Post 415536)
Black, cell phone talking bitch ran into me & my pickup.

I'm sorry someone ran into your car buster. I'm at a loss to understand what the colour of her skin has to do with it though. I do agree that people shouldn't be on cell phones when they're driving though.

I hope the insurance covers all the damage.

busterb 12-11-2007 10:12 PM

Well she wasn't white, green, or any other color but black. Bitch, I'll give ya that. Not sure about it. bb

BigV 12-12-2007 10:44 AM

Warm globally, defrost locally
Came home last night to find the basement (cellar?) unexpectedly dark. Hmmm. All (three) the circuit breakers in On position. ??? Could the lights all have burned out simultaneously? And the server? And the freezer? Wait. The wiring closet equipment is all lit. Clearly the UPS is working. Turns out there *is* another circuit breaker down here. A GFCI outlet hosting the freezer sub circuit.

Click. Reset.

Walk over to freezer. It's running. Open lid. The waterfall is dramatically backlit by the lights in the lid. For a moment. Until the breaker trips again.

Somehow,somehow, the lid to the chest freezer had a LOT of water in it. The underside of the lid is slightly concave, to accommodate more insulation, I expect. And when the lid is opened, the water drains downward, toward the hinge, pouring directly over the lid mounted lights. Pow! After the third time, I "got it", intellectually, not electrically.

I drained the lid by the light of my headlamp, drained it well. All the towels in the hamper were not enough to hold back the tide. I eventually mopped the floor dry, and swamped out the freezer compartments. The freezer held a little more than half a gallon of softened ice. I added a little bit of bleach to the mess on the inside. I don't mind telling you I had some uncomfortable flashbacks to the last time I had to use bleach on a chest freezer.

It's all shiny clean now. Plugged in and working. Well. I thought it was working when I went to bed last night. This morning, it hadn't frozen anything. Looks like it'll be a white Christmas after all. On the inside of our new freezer, anyway.

kerosene 12-12-2007 11:28 AM

I go to take a shower this morning and the water is ice cold. Doesn't change and get warmer. The sinks are all running warm water, though. Damn it, sponge bath!

Shawnee123 12-12-2007 11:29 AM

Today: getting blamed by all bigwigs who don't know what the eff is going on with scholarships. Sheesh. Earn your freaking 70 grand a year, will ya?

edit: cheese and rice..I run queries, put them into spreadsheets, do the v-lookups, compile the information simplistically, and boss turns around and runs her own because she didn't understand mine? I looked at hers and wondered what the fuck she was talking about. Where's the freaking bottom line which is what we need to know for awarding the freaking spring scholarships. I even get ribbed because my meeting request wasnt' set up the way one person likes it. Fuck being chair...all the grief, caught in the middle, none of the pay.

[/usual rant]

busterb 12-12-2007 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by busterb (Post 415561)
Well she wasn't white, green, or any other color but black. Bitch, I'll give ya that. Not sure about it. bb

Retraction! The driver was a 17 year old boy. I assumed the lady that asked if I was ok was the driver. Sorry.

Cicero 12-12-2007 01:07 PM

Shawnee-Well if no one knows what's going on with a simple spreadsheet or database, I suggest you award yourself a scholarship!

Shawnee123 12-12-2007 01:08 PM

lol...damn this honesty! What a cross to bear.

DanaC 12-13-2007 11:23 AM

Eczema is pretty frikkin bad right now. Don't want to go outside the house or be sociable at all when like this. My own fault, burning candle at both ends for weeks trying to catch up and get assignments in on time, but still pretty annoying.

Chocolatl 12-13-2007 11:55 AM

Author Terry Pratchett has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. (Link to the article at here.)

He plans to keep writing for a while, but I will be absolutely heartbroken when he decides to retire.

DanaC 12-13-2007 12:35 PM

shit that's awful. Poor Terry.

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