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Shawnee123 02-12-2009 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 533447)
Shawnee, for what it's worth, I would double-check with your sister-in-law if I were you. It sounds like more than one person is acting as if they expect you to come. There may not have even been formal invitations other than a corporate email, and of course you don't have an email address with the old workplace anymore... If you don't want to put your sis-in-law on the spot, just casually ask her to say hi to everyone there for you, and that will give her the chance to either say nothing, or ask you what the hell you mean because of course you're coming, right?

Thank you. I thought about this, then thought I think I'd rather not go anyway. It was something I had looked forward to, but the idea of perhaps being not welcome made me think about people asking me questions "how's it going?" and me playing down the fact that I love where I am now, and it's 10 times better. I would graciously say, as I've said all along, that I am eternally grateful for what I learned there, the friends I made, the fact that it was a fluke that I even started in this field because of a little ad in the paper when I was working at the Country Club because I had my last of tech positions in crappy little companies.

I am grateful. I am happier.

I just don't want to detract from the event, though I know a lot of people go out of obligation. I was one of the few who went every year even if it wasn't me or a close friend being honored.

And I think I would have received something, in the way of invitation; my sis in law knows how to get ahold of me, and if you're not an honoree or a guest, you buy your meal.

More than anything, I just know my boss hates these kinds of things but will go out of duty, and I would have loved to see the look on her face when sis in law reads the letter. She'll love it. That's cool for me.


Cloud 02-12-2009 07:33 PM

my blood pressure was high when I went to the doctor today. Never had a problem with it before. :(

jinx 02-12-2009 07:37 PM

Maybe go check it yourself at the drugstore a few time... see if it was an anomaly?

Pie 02-12-2009 07:57 PM

Did you have your feet on the floor, Cloud? When docs or nurses take it, you're often up on the table with your feet dangling. That can raise your pressure by 10-15 points, iirc. If it's a one-time thing, there's really not much to worry about.

This site has a list of more things that can affect the reading:

  1. Not sitting quietly.
  2. Not sitting quietly for 3 minutes.
  3. Waiting too long before taking it.
  4. Feet not flat on floor (dangling or legs crossed).
  5. Back not supported.
  6. Use of nicotine, alcohol, or caffeine within 30 minutes prior.
  7. Rolled up sleeve (compresses arm).
  8. Clothing still on arm.
  9. Bladder full (urinary that is).
  10. Incorrect size cuff (usually too small).
  11. Cuff not positioned properly (edges must be aligned, 1 inch above bend of elbow).
  12. Incorrect arm (the right upper arm is the correct place to take BP). Not the forearm, nor the wrist, nor the finger.
  13. Arm not relaxed.
  14. Arm not supported.
  15. Arm not at heart level. Allowed to be straight down.
  16. Talking (either operator or patient).

Cloud 02-12-2009 08:21 PM

hope it is an anomaly--doc didn't seem to concerned about it. I'm getting my cholesterol checked, a gyn exam, and a colon cancer screening coming up, too. joy.

I'll be good for a while and see if it comes up high again.

I told him no mamo this year 'cause of the healing nipple piercing. :)

Tiki 02-12-2009 08:46 PM

Today, aside from the same old same (trying to get over a broken heart by not talking to object of love/best friend) also my back and my elbow hurt. Suckage.

classicman 02-12-2009 08:51 PM

Sorry Tiki :(

capnhowdy 02-12-2009 09:26 PM

My groin is shaved as a result of the angioplasty. I will most probably have a new partner this weekend.


All these years I've never not had pubic hair.

How do you wimmens feel about it?
Are there a lot of guys that shave now?

lookout123 02-12-2009 09:30 PM

No worries. you're just keeping up with the manscaping.

Cloud 02-12-2009 09:40 PM

ooh. sexy!

and be honest about the explanation.

Shawnee123 02-13-2009 02:42 PM

This is funny:

After all I put myself through, I just found out my ex boss isn't even attending the dinner! LOL...letter was written in vain. Oh well...

I thought she'd be kind of obligated to go.

Good thing: my best friend applied for a job here. It's basically the state counterpart to my federal reporting duties, but they won't make hers a professional position like they did mine, it will still be classified. Still, they'll pay her more than she makes in the hellhole, and she won't have to be stressed out 24/7. I hope she gets it! We can carpool.

TheMercenary 02-13-2009 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 533897)
My groin is shaved as a result of the angioplasty. I will most probably have a new partner this weekend.


All these years I've never not had pubic hair.

How do you wimmens feel about it?
Are there a lot of guys that shave now?

It grows back. Maybe. :)

Clodfobble 02-13-2009 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy
How do you wimmens feel about it?
Are there a lot of guys that shave now?

Tell her about the angioplasty. You'll get a sympathy/nurturing bonus.

Radar 02-13-2009 04:31 PM

Lost the house I was trying to buy, lost my job, my wife and daughter are on the other side of the planet, and I'm trying to find a job, but finding very little luck so far because there are few jobs and every job out there has 10,000 people applying for it.

Clodfobble 02-13-2009 04:42 PM

Didn't you have a dream of moving to Vietnam someday and opening a restaurant? Maybe now's the perfect time.

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