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xoxoxoBruce 01-10-2013 02:37 AM

Making keys ~ You're getting a tiny taste of what it's like to be a machinist or tool&die maker. The pleasure of creating something useful, or just cool looking, from a blank. Fun ain't it.

Running money orders ~ May be mindless but you can relax for a few seconds because you can do it confidently and not worry about fucking it up, like you might with the million other things you have little or no experience with.

Tilling money ~ It's amazing how recalcitrant money in the drawer can be. Depends on how worn the bill is, or maybe how much coke residue is on it. Then somebody throw a $2 bill or $1 coin at you. :haha:

You're taking to this like a duck to water, UT, good job.

Griff 01-10-2013 05:42 AM

My first thought was machining as well, but woodworking does the same thing creating a little bubble reality. I actually prefer the feeling without the noise like when you're doing chisel or draw-knife work.

glatt 01-10-2013 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 847204)
chisel or draw-knife work.

Damn straight. The draw knife is my favorite tool. I just this instant realized this with your post.

Undertoad 01-10-2013 06:19 PM

Today was a bad day.

A) I had to tell a known jewelry thief that we were not taking his stuff any longer. This is a guy I bought gold in for five times in the last three weeks.

I lied and told him I didn't know why, but his account was locked, and the only boss who knows why is on vacation. He seemed obviously sad that he could not do business, and not at all ponderous about why. The cops are hot on your tail dude and this is your wake-up call. Last week they came in and already had your name and the five other places you pawn, including some places far away. Your ass should be burning red hot about now.

B) In the last half hour, a crazy racist woman came in. Entirely negative the entire time. Pitched a thorough fit that we were not giving her what she wanted for her Nintendo DSi. Threatened us with legal action. Ranted and raved for a good five minutes. Walked in and out of the store several times. Wanted to do the deal and then didn't. Made unreasonable demands at top volume. Finally when she walked in the fourth time, wanting to do the deal, the old man came out and said "TD that lady." It means Turn Down. We informed her that we were no longer interested in her DSi.

At that point her crazy fever went up to 12 for another full minute and we wondered if we would have to call the cops in order to get her to leave. Finally she walked out for good.

I really hope I can capture some of the audio of this shit. It's unbelievable.

glatt 01-10-2013 06:35 PM

Sounds like having days off is fairly critical.

TomJonze 01-15-2013 10:39 AM

you can still get nickle jawns in philly of dirtball weed. in cali its 'igh grade for a nick because there is a surplus.

BigV 01-15-2013 10:51 AM

Welcome to the cellar TomJonze. I've been meaning to ask, what's new, pussycat?

TomJonze 01-15-2013 11:29 AM

does I know you bigV? this relates to how i answer what is new. if I do then not a lot since we probably stay in touch. if not really, then a lot as I moved to San Francisco and have numerous new tattoos.

Undertoad 01-15-2013 11:47 AM

(Tom is an old friend of mine and is hilarious)

Undertoad 01-15-2013 11:49 AM

The cops came in today and took pictures of everything that jewelry thief stole in the last two weeks. (The guy I had to turn down last week)

It was about $800 worth of stuff. I bought in at least half of it.

footfootfoot 01-15-2013 11:52 AM

Are you both missing the song reference?

Undertoad 01-15-2013 11:55 AM

whoa, whoa whoa

TomJonze 01-15-2013 11:56 AM

Since you bought it in does that make you at all liable? To either the court or the shop?

I did not get the reference. My name is in reference to mixing Tom Jonze and Spike Jonze and was given unto my by a female friend. She might know Tom Jones music better than me. I just use the name as a way to be weird on the internet and not have it tied to my government (as they refer to it in the hip hop vernacular.)

Undertoad 01-15-2013 12:15 PM

No, I can bring in all the stolen jewelry I want, but we want to avoid it in many cases just because it's a ton of work for us.

BigV 01-15-2013 12:29 PM

Well, I know you *now*. I'm just being friendly. Y'know... we are a visual bunch here (I'll leave the funny to my betters, you're welcome) and we have picture threads of everything. Really. Pics of my food, pics of my pet. Pics of my pot, pics of my guns, pics of me (the royal we, all of us), with clothes and without. Pics of bruises. Now there's some color. But we don't have a thread about pics of tattoos! You could start one, hm? I am sorry to say I have nothing to contribute, being a needle virgin and all.

Anyhow... nice to meetcha, pics or no.

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