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Aliantha 02-16-2009 04:40 PM

Dazza purchased a gift certificate for me to have a massage and facial for our last anniversary which I was planning to use this morning and had booked an appointment for, but Mav came home yesterday arvo (after business hours closed) and said that he was to present his house captain speach this morning during that time and of course as a mum I have to be there for him.

So I rang the spa and asked to postpone the appointment and the woman told me they can't do that and that because I haven't given 24 hours notice they'll have to deduct 50% from the voucher. I then suggested that if that's how they treat their clients I have no wish to be one, so could they simply refund the balance and I'll go somewhere else to which she responded that they don't refund gift vouchers.

I've looked on their website and there's nothing with those terms on it, and there's definitely nothing on the paperwork that came with the gift voucher.

This is really upsetting me because it was gift from my husband and I think they've really give him a raw deal by doing what they've done. I feel bad because I've fucked it up by not being able to go when I said I would, but I can't choose otherwise for the sake of my son.

Maybe it's just the hormones in my system at the moment, but I can't stop crying now. I'd really like to kick that bitch in the cunt.

She hasn't heard the last of me. I'm going to get my shit together and then point out a few facts for her and see what she has to say.

HungLikeJesus 02-16-2009 04:44 PM

But what makes you think it's your last anniversary?

Shawnee123 02-16-2009 04:47 PM


My uncle has left for FL to talk to the detective on the case. My aunt is staying here hoping to make funeral arrangements here, but for some reason they are doubtful.

I am going to take 2 Advil PM to help me sleep, take a hot bath, and go to bed and read until I fall asleep.

Thanks for putting up with me the past few days.


Pico and ME 02-16-2009 04:49 PM

That sucks Ali, and would make me really angry too . Its awful costumer service! Talk to the manager, and if necessary after that her manager.

Pico and ME 02-16-2009 04:52 PM

Shawnee, try taking that advil pm with some warm milk too. Im so sorry that you are going through this...but especially that you are being kept in the dark...I can only imagine how hurtfully frustrating that is. Im sending you a wish for comforting peace.

Cicero 02-16-2009 04:56 PM


I just read all this. I am so sorry, and I am sending out a little prayer for you and yours.


Aliantha 02-16-2009 06:12 PM

This is the letter I'm thinking of sending.


Dear Madam,

My name is aliantha. We spoke this morning on the phone in regard to my appointment at 10am today. During this conversation, you informed me that due to my inability to allow you 24 hours notice, you would be required to deduct 50% of the value of my gift voucher. As a potential, and in fact paid up front client, I feel this is very bad customer service to begin with, and wonder how you think your business will survive these tough times when luxury items such as facials and massages are likely to be the first things off the list of justifiable spending. You may think that your 'policy' is fair on you, but considering the fact that you've had the money in the bank from this voucher for almost 6 months now, I'd say you've definitely had the good end of the stick.

You will recall that upon being informed of this 'policy', I requested that you refund the balance of the value - being in excess of $100 - as I no longer felt any desire to be a client of yours, you informed me of your second 'policy' which is that you do not refund gift vouchers.

I put it to you that if you do not refund this money, you are in fact stealing from my husband, Dr Daryl McPhee, because at no time during his discussions with you was he informed of either of these 'policies', and there is no documentation anywhere on your voucher no. 6337595 or on your website to that effect either.

I will expect an immediate response to this email affirming your intention to refund this voucher in full. If this is not the case, then I will have no choice other than to seek recompense through alternative means.

Yours sincerely,

Pico and ME 02-16-2009 06:44 PM


monster 02-16-2009 07:13 PM

Do you know if she was able to rebook that time to another client, Ali? If not, I think you're being somewhat unreasonable and the 50% seems fair -she was unable to use that chair/room during that time which represent loss of income to her, although she may have been able to avoid paying the therapist if she was able to get the message to her in time (which seems unlikely if i understand correctly and you called in the morning to cancel a 10am appointment).

It is standard practice here for you to be responsible for 50-100% of the charges if you cancel an appointment with les than 24hours notice, almost without exception. A child forgetting to inform you of a school obligation would not usually be considered an emergency.

Before sending this letter, I would advise you to consider what outcome you want. Do you want to get the most you can from the voucher, do you want revenge, or do you want justice? The letter is at best unpleasant in tone and makes you sound like a bullying harridan who attacks and then hides behind her husband's coattails. I believe this letter would raise the hackles of most people and cause them to give you the minimum they possibly can. If you can stand to lose the whole voucher, go ahead. It will probably make her upset/angry for a while, so you will have revenge.

If you want to see some money or other form of compensation, I advise you to adopt a much more conciliatory tone.

If you want true justice, I would seek the advice of a local business bureau/citizens advice bureau before taking any action.

this letter is written while you are still in the anger stage of your upset, and I believe that it may not be in your best interests to act during that stage.


Dr. Monster ;)

Aliantha 02-16-2009 07:33 PM

Well, it was Dazza who purchased the voucher in the first place as a gift for me, so it is he who outlaid the money which they've had for some considerable time now.

I accept that they can keep the 50% for the cancellation but do they really expect me to want to go there and spend the remainder of the voucher when they've been slightly unreasonable, and I might add, not informing a client of their 'policy', and that right there is the crux of my argument. At no time were we informed either verbally or in writing that the place had this policy. It is to be found nowhere. Normally if a service industry has this policy, they make it pretty clear up front and it should be written on the voucher if nowhere else. Whether that is in fact law or simply common practice I know not, but most industries stipulate these sorts of terms in writing.

To be honest, I was really shocked at her hardline approach to a new customer. I've never had someone behave that way before. On the few other occassions where this sort of issue has come up, the shop has always been accomodating about rebooking and it is very surprising to me that she'd be so unreasonable.

As to the issue of the voucher being unrefundable (which is what I asked for on the phone - the balance ie 50%) well that's at the stores discretion. Under normal circumstances, I'd think that yes, it's reasonable not to refund, but under this circumstance, if I were the manager with an unhappy customer on the phone, I would think that conceding the remaining 50% would be the best option even if it is not normally the case.

My issue is that daryl paid for this 6 months ago, and now I wont go there because for one thing, they know that I wanted to change the time and chances are they'd know about the conversation over the phone, so what sort of service am I likely to get anyway, and secondly I believe that if there'd been some kind of documentation of their policy I'd have tried to manage the situation differently, such as by calling yesterday afternoon even though that still wouldn't have been 24 hours notice. As it was, I called before normal business hours this morning hoping that I'd catch them early enough to make better arrangements.

At no time during the conversation did she suggest that perhaps I get there when I can and have half the service and perhaps come back at a later date for the rest (which in hindsight is what should have been the suggestion imo), or that as a show of good faith, they could waive their usual 'fee' for cancellation or anything. She was not willing to concede a thing and that's bad business practice in that sort of industry. You go to a day spa to relax. Who can relax after a confrontation with the manager?

In effect, the business has us by the short and curlies thanks to their alleged policies and quite frankly, if they think they're going to get away with it, they have another thing coming.

Too right I'm pissed off about it. Yes they should have to pay. Either give me back at least 50% of what has been paid, or I'm going to make some noise.

What I'm really upset about is the fact that it was a gift to me from Daryl and I feel like it's something I've broken. I feel like I've not given it justice. I couldn't care less about the massage or facial. It's the fact that Daryl tried to do something special for me and I've fucked it up through no fault of my own.

Aliantha 02-16-2009 07:37 PM

With regard to her rebooking, they're a full service spa including hair dressing and waxing etc. I have very little doubt that they'd be able to rebook considering they were unable to book me in for over a week from when I called to make the appointment.

monster 02-16-2009 07:37 PM

I understand that, really, but you need to be sure what outcome you want before you select your weapons. The letter is very nicely written and expresses your feeling in no uncertain terms, I just doubt it's the best vehicle for getting your refund.

Aliantha 02-16-2009 07:44 PM

At this point I don't really care about the money. I want them to realize that they're treating clients badly and in the long run, it's going to be bad for their business.

I get what you're saying. At this point though, i have nothing to lose really. I tried diplomacy on the phone and got no result hence the strongly worded email.

It shits me that she wouldn't negotiate. It shits me because she's already got our money.

eta: Be wary of gift vouchers in future! Lesson learned here.

monster 02-16-2009 07:51 PM

then the letter is great.

footfootfoot 02-17-2009 12:32 PM

Get Lexi to kick her in the cunt for you.

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