The Cellar

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Shawnee123 02-19-2009 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 536415)
Nothing can change the way things are, Shawnee. But I pray for peace for you and your family.

Thanks dar, and all. I guess the detective has been interviewing friends and cow orkers. It's all unfathomable to me; you hear about it but you rarely know someone that it has happened to.

Again, the support I've gotten here has been something I will never forget. My family won't talk about things like I can here, so I'm forever grateful.

TheMercenary 02-19-2009 05:40 PM

The Great and Powerful Omnitoad.

Undertoad 02-19-2009 05:48 PM

If you add anybody from the Cellar, you'll get hits for other active Dwellars, cos we're all added up.

xoxoxoBruce 02-20-2009 01:14 AM

Distant past? Hope it stays there.

capnhowdy 02-22-2009 12:57 PM

Cellar's been d r a g g i n g last nite and this morning. Guess it's time to run a tune up program on my machine.

Razzmatazz13 02-22-2009 11:17 PM

I was up allllll night last night having this really long heart to heart conversation with my best friend about everything that's going on in her life (this was the first conversation EVER like that in our friendship, she's a pretty closed off person, and I've known her since I was in the 5th grade) then I got up this morning and went to work on 4 or 5 hours sleep. Worked all day, came home and was falling asleep in the chair around 7pm, not the "man I'm really sleepy" sort of tired...the eyes burning and head falling down every few seconds before I wake myself back up sort of tired. So I figured it was stupid to stay up...and went to bed.

Well here I am, midnight, wiiiiiiide awake. Ugh!!

SteveDallas 02-23-2009 09:06 AM

I was late for work.

Due to the necessity to speak to my daughter's principal regarding why she was being sent home for the day.

(Don't ask, I'll post something later. Maybe.)

classicman 02-23-2009 09:37 AM

Sorry SD. That sucks. I hope its nothing too serious.

Sundae 02-23-2009 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 536510)
If you add anybody from the Cellar, you'll get hits for other active Dwellars, cos we're all added up.

As were are in reality.
One great big glorious whole.

jinx 02-23-2009 12:57 PM

My fucking car won't fucking start. Fuck.

TheMercenary 02-23-2009 01:00 PM

Let me guess, it is a Jeep and the warranty just ran out.

jinx 02-23-2009 01:02 PM

It's a Jeep still under warranty. Roadside assistance is on the way, but I wanted to leave a half hour afuckinggo.

wolf 02-23-2009 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 536236)
Uncle told the detective some things he didn't know. I now know that it was a gunshot wound; not the normal MO for a woman.

Unusual, but becoming more common, although a lot of female suicides by firearm will shoot themselves somewhere other than the head.


Also, no note, and Uncle had talked to her the day before and she was chatty...not the kind of behavior you expect then to not leave a note.
Her being extra chatty, or even seeming like she's doing really well is not unusual. People who have decided on their plan for suicide are often very happy at that point. They finally have a solution to the mess they see their lives as having become.

No note is not indicative of anything. Most people don't leave them.

And even when you get them, you still don't have the answers you want.

Shawnee123 02-23-2009 01:41 PM

Thank you wolf.

The investigation is still open. The chatty thing: I don't know, much, really, but she was chatty and talking about her plans to file for divorce on Monday. Maybe we'll never know for sure.

We are having a memorial service here next Saturday. At least it will give us some closure.

Trilby 02-23-2009 01:47 PM

My sister is being punished for being an exceptionally dedicatedl, hard-working, rockin' pediatric RN. She's been in transport for twenty years and wants to transfer to another dept. They are holding up her transfer for SIX MONTHS and she is going crazy.

She's been published, is a national speaker on ped. nursing, works on numerous committees pro bono and they do THIS to her.

Ya wanna know why nursing is recession-proof? Because they treat you like shit and tell you it's Easter.

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