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Ibby 10-18-2012 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 834732)
What state Governor has hired more women into his administration - and many of these jobs were SENIOR management positions.

Oh, It was Mitt Romney! ]

About Mitt Romney's 'binders full of women'? Guess what. It's BS.

ZenGum 10-18-2012 04:50 AM

That's a good article, but I :lol: at the ad for a speed dating site at the bottom!

Trilby 10-18-2012 07:24 AM

thank god Ibby found that article. I heard about that bullshit last night but I'm notorious for not being able to link shit so thank you, Ibby, for that.

Mitt hired women for positions he didn't give a shit about and really, he just wants us all to vaccuum and make more Mormons. Kinda like the Catholic Church, really.

Stormieweather 10-18-2012 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 834709)
Now you know why smart women, are changing their preference for President, to Mitt Romney.

You haters can hate all you want, but if were a woman who needs a job, or one looking to move up and break into upper management.

Then you'd be voting for Mitt Romney, no doubt about it.

Here's another fun fact:

This smart woman will not be changing her preference and voting MR. In fact, plenty of other smart women feel the same. Actually, MR did more harm than good as far as the women's votes are concerned, during the debate.

Undoing gains

Never fails to astound me how different people can see the same thing so completely differently.

Lamplighter 10-18-2012 10:20 AM

DanaC 10-18-2012 10:32 AM

Yeah. Silly thing to say, but I think he was led into it somewhat. It was a question about how he feels when his Dad is called a liar by Obama. Instinctive emotional response to an attack on his Dad.

An unfortunate thing to say, and possibly indicative of something unpleasant in the attitudes of Romney's people, but...equally likely to be indicative of nothing more than a strong sense of family loyalty coupled with a degree of rashness.

glatt 10-18-2012 10:49 AM

I have no problem with the son saying that. The way that debate was set up, with the audience in a circle around the combatants, and the combatants able to walk around each other, it really had the vibe of a boxing match. He verbalized what I think many people were feeling. That it was a fight.

I think what's more indicative of Romney's attitude is that he was a bully in school who was the ringleader to get a gang together to pick on a different kid, pin him down, and cut his hair off against his will.

Adak 10-18-2012 11:00 AM

Obama for another four years, would not be good - he's promised us more of the same policies that have not been effective at improving the economy. Also, he's burdened us with over a Trillion of dollars of debt, every year he's been in office.

You can't keep that up, I don't care WHAT. A monetary crisis the likes of which we have never seen, WILL be the sure result if we keep it up.

Mitt Romney will change things, and he knows business, and how to get it going. One thing he mentioned in the debate was supporting an eVerify hiring system, so illegals will not be drawn here to get a job. Living in a border city and state, that will be a BIG help for us.

Mitt will fix this problem, when many other politicians wouldn't, afraid it might hurt their popularity, and companies like the cheap labor illegals offer, and lobby to have it kept this way.

Bush, Obama, Clinton, etc. Nobody would implement eVerify, but Mitt Romney will - and that's the kind of positive change that we need to help limit this on-going illegal traffic across the border.

DanaC 10-18-2012 11:20 AM

Y'know, from outside America looking in, it looks a lot like the Obama administration has managed to navigate very stormy economic seas and get the ship headed back in the right direction.

Romney and his ilk are part of the financial and commercial casino culture that all but shattered the global economy. In no way is it at all wise to invite them to apply the outdated and failed economic ideology that created this mess in the first place.

BigV 10-18-2012 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 834784)
Obama for another four years, would not be good - he's promised us more of the same policies that have not been effective at improving the economy.

This is factually wrong.

Obama's policies, to the extent that he's been able to enact them, have been effective at improving our economy.

I don't know where in the world you could come up with such an utterly wrong assessment of what has happened in this country for the last few years. In the immortal words of President Obama "Governor, that's just not correct."

Stop lying.

Cyber Wolf 10-18-2012 11:56 AM

Edited for accuracy, in bold...


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 834784)
Mitt Romney will attempt to tell Congress to change things, and he knows business, and how to get it going. One thing he mentioned in the debate was supporting an eVerify hiring system, so illegals will not be drawn here to get a job. Living in a border city and state, that will be a BIG help for us.

Mitt will attempt to tell Congress to fix this problem, when many other politicians of both parties couldn't get the bill past Congress, afraid it might hurt their popularity, and companies like the cheap labor illegals offer, and allow special interests and career preservation convince them to have it kept this way.

Bush, Obama, Clinton, etc. Nobody could get their relevant 2-party Congress to pass eVerify, but Mitt Romney will attempt to tell Congress to do it - and that's the kind of positive change that we need to help limit this on-going illegal traffic across the border.

Cuz... yknow... the Executive Branch doesn't actually make the laws. They just champion the ideas then signs/doesn't sign the paper once it gets to his desk.

BigV 10-18-2012 12:06 PM

You make a valid point about American Civics, but I am ashamed to admit I've given up hope for such a fine distinction to be noticed much less understood in the clamor of the season.

You get full credit from me at least for being right.

Cyber Wolf 10-18-2012 12:16 PM

Appreciated, V.

It's been a long while since I ever believed any candidate's campaign promises as anything they WILL do, since they aren't the be-all-end-all for law- and policy-making. There are 535 other cooks in that kitchen.

Adak 10-18-2012 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 834787)
Y'know, from outside America looking in, it looks a lot like the Obama administration has managed to navigate very stormy economic seas and get the ship headed back in the right direction.

Romney and his ilk are part of the financial and commercial casino culture that all but shattered the global economy. In no way is it at all wise to invite them to apply the outdated and failed economic ideology that created this mess in the first place.

How far outside are you? Pluto? :rolleyes:

Because the liberals (and that includes Bush Jr., who was a liberal in spending), has spent us into the poor house, failed to secure our borders, and in order to get their large campaign contributions, failed to rein in the Wall St. types getting into very risky and highly leveraged derivatives.

And to top it off, they allowed FHA to buy mortgages from unqualified home buyers, like it was free candy!

Romney is a Conservative basically, and KNOWS business. He'll run us back into the black ink.

Adak 10-18-2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 834789)
This is factually wrong.

Obama's policies, to the extent that he's been able to enact them, have been effective at improving our economy.

I don't know where in the world you could come up with such an utterly wrong assessment of what has happened in this country for the last few years. In the immortal words of President Obama "Governor, that's just not correct."

Stop lying.

When you overspend by a Trillion dollars in EVERY YEAR, and still can't restore a robust economy.

Time for you to go. You've done all the good you could do, clearly.

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