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jinx 04-01-2009 01:04 PM

My washer is no longer spinning with gusto.

Queen of the Ryche 04-01-2009 01:10 PM

maybe a little rumba?

I am in a rut. Mentally, emotionally, physically, socially - you name it. I went from a high stress job to a similar job for less pay but ZERO stress, almost to the point of boredom. I have been dating the same guy for two years, and I know it's going nowhere - he wants to live together, and have me help raise his kids and share expenses and responsibilities, but I have no desire - I am recently divorced (about a year before I met him - is three years recent? I dunno) have my own beautiful daughter to raise, my own place that I love - why do I need all of that extra weight? I really do love the guy for who he is, and I enjoy spending time with him, but I really don't want to be his "partner." And he is not at my mental or social level (wow that sounsd conceited) so occasionally I find myself explaining jokes or language or points of reference, which is a big turn off. But I don't know how to break it off. I'm also supposed to be re-studying for my Series Seven which upon passing will increase my pay and status, but I already failed i tonce, and I don't deal well with failure, so I have totally postponed putting myself through the torture of mentally preparing for it again.
Thank you for letting me vent. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

classicman 04-01-2009 01:58 PM

I took that f*$#ing thing twice - :headshake: Beat me both times by 1 damn question. I think it was a message from above for me to get out of that business... so I did. Long time ago.

Queen of the Ryche 04-01-2009 02:23 PM

After 15 years I am deathly afraid of a career change that will afford me the life I live. Unless it was into "escorting" or "exotic performance" but unfortunately my modesty is still somewhat in tact.

lookout123 04-01-2009 03:39 PM

I've found that most people failing the 7 do so not because they don't know the answers but because the test has been built up in to such an incredible bogeyman in their mind.

You've spent time in the industry so you probably know most of the stuff already. Options generally kick people in the teeth because it is really complex and makes up more than 20% of the score. QotR, what study materials are you using?

classicman 04-01-2009 03:50 PM

FWIW - That was over 20 years ago for me LO123. I breezed through every other exam. That one I missed by one question both times.

lookout123 04-01-2009 03:54 PM

I figured classic. So what did they test you on back then? I didn't even know there were equities that long ago. ;) I was really responding to QotR more.

classicman 04-01-2009 03:55 PM

lol - thanks ya cock.

Tiki 04-01-2009 05:31 PM

I want to go back to school but I'm not totally sure how I'm gonna swing it financially.

Tiki 04-01-2009 05:32 PM

Actually, by "not totally sure" I really mean "I don't have the slightest idea".

DanaC 04-01-2009 05:36 PM

Is there anyone you can talk to for advice on funding options and so on Tiki?

morethanpretty 04-01-2009 08:13 PM

Chat is empty, very upsetting to me.

Queen, drop him, you're gonna end up hurting him the longer you take to do so. You know the relationship is a dead end, he doesn't. That being said, I do understand it is hard, because you don't want to be alone, and you tell yourself you're saving him hurt by staying. Not true.
Good luck on your test. Do you have mentor or friend of similar profession that could help you with your studying?

Tiki, there is a way. What type of school are you going back for? Do you have school picked out? First step is to fill out your FAFSA, second step is to talk to your financial and school counselors.

Tiki 04-01-2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Queen of the Ryche (Post 551996)
maybe a little rumba?

I am in a rut. Mentally, emotionally, physically, socially - you name it. I went from a high stress job to a similar job for less pay but ZERO stress, almost to the point of boredom. I have been dating the same guy for two years, and I know it's going nowhere - he wants to live together, and have me help raise his kids and share expenses and responsibilities, but I have no desire - I am recently divorced (about a year before I met him - is three years recent? I dunno) have my own beautiful daughter to raise, my own place that I love - why do I need all of that extra weight? I really do love the guy for who he is, and I enjoy spending time with him, but I really don't want to be his "partner." And he is not at my mental or social level (wow that sounsd conceited) so occasionally I find myself explaining jokes or language or points of reference, which is a big turn off. But I don't know how to break it off. I'm also supposed to be re-studying for my Series Seven which upon passing will increase my pay and status, but I already failed i tonce, and I don't deal well with failure, so I have totally postponed putting myself through the torture of mentally preparing for it again.
Thank you for letting me vent. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.

Oh my god... I just re-read this and realized how much I feel the same way about the guy I just started dating. :( Only, he has no kids of his own and wants them, bad. I can't do that for him... well, not can't, but won't. And he's bright, but not bright enough. Plus, I'm still in emotional hamburger territory from my divorce, etc etc.

He knows all this but I can tell he's still hopeful, and I should just break it off now. It's only been four dates, it won't hurt him so much.

Dana, MTP, I actually was going to go down to the American Indian Center at PSU on Monday to talk to someone... as an older, returning, single parent, minority student, I am hoping that I can get funding that will help me pay my living expenses, which are considerable because I'm raising three kids and have a mortgage. Being self-employed, I can work part-time, any hours that don't conflict with my kids' schedules... but the nature of my business is that if I drop below a certain level of productivity, I'll sell a smaller percentage of what I do make, because designers need to feel confident about being able to come to me for the majority of their needs week after week. If I work full-time I can sell about 80% of what I make, but if I drop to half-time I'll only sell about 50% of what I make because I'll lose my steady big-purchase clients.

DanaC 04-01-2009 08:33 PM

Oh lord, Tiki. You need to bring that to a close if you're sure you feel that way. Especially if he wants something you can't/won't give him.

Tiki 04-01-2009 08:46 PM

Yeah. I just wanted to date for fun/getting out/confidence boosting/returning to the world of normalcy, and he seemed to be on the same wavelength at first, but the subtext I'm picking up from him (and maybe I'm doing a lot of assuming, here) is that he wants to settle down, he wants kids, and he really likes me A LOT more than I like him.

But let me put it like this: he's hot, but he spits in the street. I can't deal.

The other guy I was dating, the first one I tried on after the whole divorce/breakup mess, ended up just being a really great friend... maybe I should just hit him up to take me out and tell me I'm pretty a couple times a week, and put a hold on actual dating for another six months or so. :lol:

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