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Please, for your wallet, take a moment to read about The Surgery Center of Oklahoma, and their ilk, if you can find one:
They are a cash only Dude had his knee replaced, and spent his week-and-a-half recovery period at the Marriott Residence Inn. They even brought him an ice machine and extra pain meds. No extra charge. |
That's an interesting set up to be created by two anesthesiologists who are the highest paid segment of the medical profession. Won't work for me because without insurance it can't happen, but a good deal for those who can use it.
I was reading recently about having procedures done in Mexico, especially dental. Most of the doctors go to US medical schools. |
I had my upper teeth crowned in Mexico. $2500 including the anesthesiologist to knock me out so I would stop crying like a bitch.
Five years later, three have fallen off due to the dentist not leaving enough original tooth to cement the crown onto. Can't be repaired; must extract what little remains of the original, several root canals and implanted replacements. No knockout this time. Worth it? I dunno... |
For me, "Mexican dentistry" is not a confidence-inspiring phrase.
Walmart's Most Surprising Top Sellers - State By State Map
KY & PA - Legos TN - Traffic safety cones Wisconsin - Shopkins. Wait. WTF is a Shopkin? |
I'm having a hard time believing walmart in VT sells more luggage racks, or in MA more tennis balls, or in AZ more toasters, than anything else. Nope, not buying that for a minute. If that were true the stores would close.
Most Surprising Top Sellers
Not Top Sellers Quote:
OK, so is AZ selling more toasters than other states? Or toasters is a top seller behind all the stuff people normally buy all the time? Basically it tells us nothing.
It's doing exactly what it says on the tin. You're over thinking it. I think. Everything is interesting...Look closer. But maybe not with a microscope.
It's just surprising things they sell a lot of in that state. It'd be plainer, I guess, if AZ's entry was winter parkas, I guess. I take it that AZ's WalMarts sell a lot of toasters, compared to the nat'l average, and that therefore Arizonians really like toast, compared to the nat'l average. Not that they sell more toasters than anything. It's not an especially valuable trove of info, I'll give ya that. |
If they had said more than the National average that would be helpful but I guess half the states would be more than the national average. Guess they just picked out an item in each state that sold more than they expected. Interesting just poorly worded presentation.
My experience was 100% positive at the time. I had all my upper teeth done over several hours. I awoke with NO pain at all, no wooziness like I had when I had an impacted wisdom tooth surgically removed in the hospital, not even a bad taste in my mouth. Once I was awake, the dentist came back in, made some small adjustments that were not possible with me asleep (painless but oh! that pneumatic grinder! <shiver>) and I walked right out the door. They provide a van to take me home, except the short walk through the border checkpoint which is required by immigration law and not a big deal and that was it. He did say to let a few more hours go by before I tried to eat anything that required serious chewing to let the cement set up fully but that was no problem. I just had a light liquid lunch and was fully functional all day. Had a HUGE steak for a late supper though, as I had been on a full liquid diet for two weeks with the temporary crowns which would fall out if I talked too much and wound up super-gluing to hold them in long enough to get the permanent crowns made. I was hungry for real food and that one and a half pound T-bone was the best I had ever had! The biggest too! LOL Note that I don't eat that much in one sitting but I treated myself that one time. I'm just thinking now that the old saw about you get what you pay for does indeed hold true. |
I bet Arizona sells extra toasters because it's full of old people who grew up on toast as a guaranteed breakfast item, but modern toasters are shit and break in a year because there's no market outside of old people.
Don't get me started on toasters. There's a thread around here somewhere....
We've had our Hamilton Beach toaster oven that we bought at Wal-Mart for 11 years. And it works as good today as when we first got it. Used it this morning for toast, it gets used used nearly every day. Just keep stuff clean and it will last along time.
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