The Cellar

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TheMercenary 04-11-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 554584)
Learning I am Mortal ...and more so that i thought. I got my back x-rayed because of the trapped nerve that had me in the ER a couple of weeks ago (still only partial sensation in one foot, got traction at the physio today), and they called and said there is marked degeneration of my spine and I have to have an MRI on Saturday. :(

Athritis was mentioned. I'm 38 FFS :(

Wow. I hope it all turns out all right. Those kind of back problems can lead down a series of drastic decision making.

monster 04-11-2009 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 555223)
Those kind of back problems can lead down a series of drastic decision making.

Gee, thanks, I feel so reassured :lol:

I survived the MRI you'll be pleased to hear. If it'd've gone on any longer I'd've probably gone to sleep -it was loud, but with all the earplugs if was almost lulling like the washing machine on spin or the vacuum cleaner. and the "enclosed space" didn't bother me at all -there was at least 6 inches between my face and the top of the tube.

TheMercenary 04-11-2009 12:40 PM

Glad to hear it went well. I hate the closed MRI. Thankfully the last two I had were in an open MRI.

sugarpop 04-12-2009 08:59 PM

Glad to hear you survived it. Have you gotten any results yet?

monster 04-12-2009 10:52 PM

results in a few days

capnhowdy 04-13-2009 07:05 AM

Monday. That is all.

Queen of the Ryche 04-13-2009 01:39 PM

Wow Mon. Hope you're doing okay. We have the technology - we can rebuild.....
Update, FYI Pops got moved from the little local hospital to the big one that specilizes in brain stuff - they put him on blood thinners, the blockage disappeared, no surgery, he's going home toady or tomorrow. He'll need intensive therapy to get past the effects of the stroke, but he ain't gonna die like the first hospital was telling us. WHEW! I say it's all of the Cellar vibes - thanks guys.

sugarpop 04-13-2009 01:44 PM

Good news QotR! Yea!

classicman 04-13-2009 01:50 PM

I'm not a big baseball fan, but Harry Kalas, voice of the World Champion Phillies just passed away. :(

Undertoad 04-13-2009 02:48 PM

He's outta here. :sad:

BigV 04-13-2009 09:21 PM

I can't get the dog in the house.

Bad Luck McGhee 04-13-2009 11:00 PM

I saw 5 cars ignore an ambulance trying to get onto the street to the hospital as they sped by. The siren was blaring and the lights were flashing and the EMT was shaking his fist...okay, that last one was what I imagine he might have been doing, but it was still irresponsible of those people not to stop.

Trilby 04-14-2009 07:28 AM

this guy.

he keeps BUGGING me and I'm going to have to be RUDE to get rid of him.

why is it always the absolute NON-chemically attractive men who desire my company?

If I liked him just a smidge, he'd run for the hills. The fact that he rubs me the wrong way in every way makes him lurrrrrrve me. yuk.

SteveDallas 04-14-2009 04:44 PM

OK, sorry, I'll back off. Didn't mean to offend.

Trilby 04-14-2009 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 556351)
OK, sorry, I'll back off. Didn't mean to offend.

good one, SD, but you were invited back to the House of Pleasure a looooong time ago.

this guy is...well, to put it mildly, just the sort I would attract: IOW not any of YOU guys - except for the few here who truly KNOW who you are)

I'm sure he's just trying to "reach out" to another suffering alcoholic; a woman he sees as isolating herself and hugging her resentments, hell bent for the asylum or easeful death. I suppose I should be grateful anyone has taken the interest, the time, the sheer fucking effort to notice my exsistence. It's always gotta be this guy, though, doesn't it?


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