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xoxoxoBruce 12-01-2018 11:29 PM

I've seen pictures of women who were labeled as Cam Girls, and vaguely aware of what the do, but not having visited their sites didn't know how the operated. Actually I didn't know it is a profession, with some were making a good living doing it. :smack:

So I saw this article linked from a site that wouldn't send me to click bait, and found it to be a real interesting read about starting in the business. Not just the hardware and contacts but the psychology of making it successful.


My credentials: I was a camgirl for five years. My highest earning month was $50,000, and my highest rank (on MFC) was #7, meaning I earned the 7th most money that month. I was, at one point, one of the most (if not the most) widely known working camgirls thanks to some viral content. My average income per hour was $200. Getting there was not easy and took a ton of mistakes and work, so I hope this helps you.

I don’t think women easily empathize with the life of unattractive men.
Women get constant messages that you are beautiful and you are desirable – they get social support and easily accessible casual sex, if they ever wanted it.

Men do not live in a world where people are supporting them even when nobody seems to want them. Men are lonelier and have fewer options of healing that loneliness. They also have a greater (initiatory!) sex drive, and are stuck with the social burden of being the one who has to act and pursue, because if they don’t, they will be alone forever.

And so for you to smile at them, laugh at their jokes, be warmly interested in what they have to say, to be willing to bare your body for them and feel pleasure with them – this is something that they crave.

Obviously money is involved. Obviously you wouldn’t do this without money and you shouldn’t feel obligated to do anything. It isn’t your responsibility to heal other people’s loneliness. But keep in mind that this is a fundamental yearning of the people you’re dealing with – they want you to approve of them, to deem them worthy of affection.

To maximize money, you should give out approval proportionally to the amount they tip you. You don’t have to maximize money in this regard, though, if you don’t want to. I paid more attention to higher tippers in general, but I also paid more attention to people I genuinely liked. Camming would have been unbearable for me otherwise.

Gravdigr 12-02-2018 04:08 AM

When I trimmed trees, my fee for working in the rain?

$200/hour. That's what I'd bill out.

I coulda been a cam girl and stayed dry.:/

xoxoxoBruce 12-11-2018 12:16 PM

9% Kentucky's eligible age voters are disenfranchised, 26% 0f blacks.

Flint 12-11-2018 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1020676)

Do you think anything will come of all this media attention to voter disenfranchisement, voter role purges, gerrymandering, and rigged elections in general? It's a hot topic at the moment, which is good, but maybe when the stock market crashes or something, we'll move on to other things?

Gravdigr 12-11-2018 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1020676)

The "solution" is to not commit felonies if you want to continue to vote. Simple as that. But, no, people like the author of that piece feel the need to be hate mongers. To stir shit when there is no shit to stir. Don't make a damn what color you are, you do a felony, you don't vote. Simple as that.

Flint 12-11-2018 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 1020691)
Don't make a damn what color you are, you do a felony, you don't vote. Simple as that.

In 3/50ths of the States. So it's not as simple as that, it's as simple as what zip code you were born in. Without making a value judgement, you can observe that, at least, its a random variable.

Gravdigr 12-11-2018 03:02 PM

What? There's nothing random about it. Felony. No vote. How is that random?

You do realize I, and Bruce, and the piece he posted, the one I quoted, are talking about Kentucky, and not some random fucking zip code?

How is it random?

Flint 12-11-2018 03:03 PM

Most states don't do it.

Gravdigr 12-11-2018 03:20 PM

But we are talking about one that does.

I'm still lost on 'random'.

Flint 12-11-2018 03:24 PM

Babies don't decide what state they are born in.

Clodfobble 12-11-2018 03:38 PM

To be fair, babies don't commit felonies, either. Adult ex-felons could choose to move to a different state.

Perhaps I should clarify that I'm in favor of people who completed their sentences being allowed to vote again. I just think we should encourage people to leave Florida by whatever means possible.

Happy Monkey 12-11-2018 03:44 PM

Florida's changing that rule (unless they find a way to override/water down the referendum, which they will try).

It also was a prime example of why "Don't make a damn what color you are, you do a felony, you don't vote. Simple as that." wasn't true. Whether a felon got their rights back was completely up to the whim of the governor.

Additionally, which crimes are felonies, whether people are arrested, charged, charged to the maximum or minimum level, convicted, paroled, or pardoned are not color blind.

Gravdigr 12-11-2018 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 1020717)
Babies don't decide what state they are born in.

Waiting for random...

Third post with no explanation of what you mean by voting-rights-being-denied-due-to-felony-convictions being random.

Now you're bringing babies into it? What does a baby's lack of choice in birth location have to do with anything?

What does a baby have a choice in? Nothing whatsoever.

Just to remind you, because you seem to have lost track:

Felon voting rights, in KY. Not other states. Not babies. Not zip codes.

Happy Monkey 12-11-2018 03:49 PM

Flint - which three states are you talking about?

Gravdigr 12-11-2018 03:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
From HapMo's link:

Felony Disenfranchisement

Attachment 65811

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