The Cellar

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Cicero 01-30-2008 02:25 PM

Shawnee- I know how you feel. I'm about to walk out on my job because my boss deserves it. I don't even have another job lined up and I'm broke because I took a stupid risk and took this low paying job. I was supposed to be making new account commissions and haven't seen a dime and never will....I'm quitting today, or at least putting in my 1 week notice. Sad. I can't afford to quit but I have to.

Shawnee123 01-30-2008 02:32 PM

Good luck to you, Cic. So sorry this didn't work out for you. I believe that most things do have a purpose for happening, and that things could be SO much worse, but when you're in the midst of all the crap it's hard to see it all that way.

You deserve much much better. Hang in there.

Cicero 01-30-2008 04:53 PM

lol! My boss didn't even listen when I was trying to quit. I told him me working here isn't working out and he started to tell me his problems. He doesn't believe me or what?!? Crap.

I guess I'll just not be here one day before he gets it.

As far as deserveing better....the same applies to you Shawnee....
Honey you may not have any money...but at least you have our respect. You obviously can't buy that...

DanaC 01-30-2008 05:01 PM

I'm tired. Like dog tired. I have an ever increasing workload at Uni, an ever increasing work load in the Party and an ever increasing number of fecking meetings to attend. Shit in the party is really getting to me again.

Shawnee123 01-31-2008 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 428580)
lol! My boss didn't even listen when I was trying to quit. I told him me working here isn't working out and he started to tell me his problems. He doesn't believe me or what?!? Crap.

I guess I'll just not be here one day before he gets it.

As far as deserveing better....the same applies to you Shawnee....
Honey you may not have any money...but at least you have our respect. You obviously can't buy that...

Sounds like boss is a kind of a bonehead!

Yeah, Homeless Guy came home last night and I was crying my eyes out . What's wrong? I told him my woes: Homeless Guy barely noticed. Homeless Guy got his first big 2 week paycheck but is worried about having money "for the weekend." Homeless Guy has no bank account, so Homeless Guy's money is somewhere, and I am going to find it and take some. Homeless Guy has done the same to me.

Homeless Guy was given a deadline of March to shape up or ship out. It ain't looking good. It's my own fault for feeling sorry for him, for handing him money all the time, for letting him move in with me when his house caught fire.

Homeless Guy's Sucker (aka Shawnee) is a complete and total doormat fool. People could say "I told you so" because they did.

Oh well, I know it's the same old crap with me, and my fault. But thanks for letting me vent.

Cicero 01-31-2008 11:39 AM

I'll send you some money if you kick him out. pm me!!

Shawnee123 01-31-2008 11:45 AM

oh dear, I don't want my bitching to sound like I would want anyone here to help me out. That is not what I'm saying at all. I mean, I know you're kidding but I really hope that everyone understands that. Like I said, many people here have already done way too many nice things for me that I feel like I don't deserve.

However, when I kick him out we'll have a big "WoooHooo" thread.

(The problem is, I like the guy. He's kind, never berates, makes me laugh, is nice to my cats...and to be honest, I have been on the other side where the guy is not so nice, and worse. It's just a damn sucky situation any way I slice it. Not that I mind being alone...I am great at being by myself, but at most times I like his company.)

Oh fudge.

Eh, let's let someone else use this thread aside from my whining ass. ;)

Cicero 01-31-2008 11:51 AM

:mock: lol!! You are falling for the homeless guy lol!!! That's what you are so pissed about!! lol!!

Shawnee123 01-31-2008 11:54 AM

Oh honey, I fell for him about 3 years ago. Moved in with him, moved out, let him move in. I don't know why I like him...but that's water under the bridge, I'm just trying to convince myself he isn't worth drowning for. :Flush:

bbro 01-31-2008 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 428821)
Oh honey, I fell for him about 3 years ago. Moved in with him, moved out, let him move in. I don't know why I like him...but that's water under the bridge, I'm just trying to convince myself he isn't worth drowning for. :Flush:

Wait, are you sure you're not me?

I'm sorry that you are going through this. Trust me when I say I know exactly where you are coming from.

Shawnee123 01-31-2008 12:09 PM


I think I LOVE you, bbro! ;)

Cicero 01-31-2008 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 428821)
I'm just trying to convince myself he isn't worth drowning for. :Flush:

It appears that you have an extra word attached to the end of this statement.

binky 02-04-2008 03:35 PM

My daughter's hamster just died

Clodfobble 02-04-2008 05:54 PM

The check engine lights in both vehicles came on within a week of each other. Totally different problems, each about $500 to fix.

Aliantha 02-04-2008 05:59 PM

I had some blood taken for testing last week and the doctor rang and said she wants to see me about them. Apparently there's something wrong with my liver.

Excellent. Next I'm going to have to stop drinking!

monster 02-04-2008 06:55 PM

That's why I never let them test my blood :)

Shawnee123 02-05-2008 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 429746)
The check engine lights in both vehicles came on within a week of each other. Totally different problems, each about $500 to fix.

I can fix it for pennies. Just take a little strip of black electrical tape, adhere firmly to "check engine" light. Problem solved. :p

Clodfobble 02-05-2008 09:35 AM

Wonderful. Turns out the $500 fix for the truck didn't actually fix it, and they can't figure out why. They're "looking into it."

DanaC 02-05-2008 09:36 AM

ack Ali, that sucks:(

Upsetting me today is: I am tired, really really tired. Every part of me aches. I've pulled muscles I didn't know I had, I've fucked my lungs up (temporarily) shovelling fucking rubble and rotted floor covering, my skin isn't very happy either after days and days of dusty work. Have I mentioned I am tired?

Two weekends in a row, plus two frdays and two mondays and one Wednesday we've been clearing out the local party HQ building. Sale completed yesterday at had to be clear, like totaly clear and in a relatively clean state. By we, I mean me and D. Two of us have worked ourselves into the fucking ground on this, to get the party out from under a bloody big albatross just in time for the commercial sector to plummet. We got a few hours of help from a few people when they were able to: J did a bit, my mum helped go through a filing cabinet, a guy from the other constituency spent three hours lifting heavy furniture. But me and D were there throughout. Thirty years accumulated junk and furniture on four floors to deal with. Case files and party records to sort through into confidential waste, recycling and keeping. All furniture had to be either skipped, given away or brought down to one place for the recycling truck on monday morning.

The top floor is derelict: holes in the roof, plaster and rubble all over the floor, rotting lino and floor covering. We (D and I) swept it up and bagged it and got it to the tip. D organised collections of confidential waste, D organised the skip, D organised the recycling crusher van. All whilst working a full week around it and dealing with the solicitor for the sale of the building. I've been trying to keep up with uni work, spend whatever time I can down at the rooms, attend meetings etc etc...all whilst finding every movement painful because I have done something to my lower back and hips.

Last night at 5pm I felt about ready to collapse. Literally. Today I am dog tired and in two hours I have an important meeting to go to. I. Have. Had. Enough.

But...we did it. We got it sold in the teeth of obstructionist bastards. Got ourselves out from under a building that has so many holes and cracks it looks like it's about to sink into the ground any moment. A building we couldn't afford to keep because the party has no income stream (the building was no longer suitable for renting out for meetings, and no longer suitable [safe] for the MP to rent as her office). The bastards (faction) have tried to make it difficult, they like to gnaw on a bone. They wanted us to fail so they can beat us with that stick. Well they can fuck off we've done it :)

xoxoxoBruce 02-05-2008 09:55 AM

So you're one of those "working" politicians?

BigV 02-05-2008 02:30 PM

Well, I can't compete with DanaC.... wouldn't want to. Ugh.

But. I am upset at having been separated from my pocket knife today. I used it (somewhere... opening envelopes is my last clear memory) and now, it's not where it should be, in my pocket or in my hand. Dammit.

monster 02-05-2008 09:14 PM

Buy a new one from Walmart. Guaranteed to make the old one turn up, then return the new one.

freshnesschronic 02-05-2008 11:06 PM

I didn't get to vote in the primaries because I'm newly registered to vote in my Chicago suburb county-----not at U of I in Urbana, IL!!!!!!!! DAMNNNNN

zippyt 02-06-2008 12:14 AM

I'm tired , just fucking tired of irritating people , but every body seem to be eather irritated AT me , because of me , or just irritating in general .

That is all at this time .

Sundae 02-06-2008 06:40 AM

I've lost my CV and will have to start it from scratch.
Fair enough - the Job Centre will go through it all with me when I see then (next week I think) but I was going to shoot off some crafty applications of my own to get my hand in.

Oh and if you don't know from the other threads I've moaned about it in, I have fruit coloured hair.

Shawnee123 02-06-2008 08:36 AM

There you are...must go find other threads about fruit colored hair! :)

BigV 02-06-2008 12:57 PM

Tink is gone :(

Temporarily :)

My loss is Las Vegas' gain :eek:

robsterman1 02-06-2008 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 430293)
Tink is gone :(

Temporarily :)

My loss is Las Vegas' gain :eek:

Well, better work harder on playing it right next time ;)

Cicero 02-06-2008 04:26 PM

I was a flamingo pink once. (my hair) Not good and not cool. What a nightmare! That only works if you are an e-surance animation. I feel your pain sundae...I do.

I had to show up to work in a hat. Then I had to fight to keep it on.

If you aren't naturally red, just stay away from the red box. It's full of demons.

DanaC 02-06-2008 04:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Mmm...I do recall one very bad hair accident when I was in my early twenties. I'd previously had henna-red hair which had seemingly pretty much grown out, then decided to go back to my preferred ash blonde...bleach based hair colour used on hair with henna. I ended up with swathes of orangey flame coloured hair mixed in with the ash blonde, wherever the henna was still present. I basically looked like a gonk.

Aliantha 02-06-2008 04:57 PM

Always remember, colour is your friend unless you want to look like a funeral director.

bbro 02-07-2008 09:39 AM

I'm still sick and I want to be at home in bed, but can't afford to miss another day of work :(

HungLikeJesus 02-07-2008 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 430293)
...My loss is Las Vegas' gain :eek:

Isn't that always the case with Las Vegas?

Shawnee123 02-07-2008 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 430538)
Isn't that always the case with Las Vegas?

No one really knows for sure, because what happens there, stays there.

HungLikeJesus 02-07-2008 10:51 AM

That's not true; my friend's wife got pregnant in Las Vegas. They had to keep the baby.

Shawnee123 02-07-2008 10:52 AM

Unfair laws. :lol:

kerosene 02-07-2008 10:54 AM

Or misleading advertisements. :eek:

BigV 02-07-2008 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 430560)
Unfair laws. :lol:


Originally Posted by case (Post 430562)
Or misleading advertisements. :eek:

Youse guys are still talking about HLJ's remark, aren't you?

DucksNuts 02-10-2008 06:27 PM

I have thrush AND an UTI.


deal with it

monster 02-10-2008 07:20 PM


Aliantha 02-10-2008 07:29 PM

So you'll be making your acquaintance with the chemist then ducks? ;) Poor girlie. Hope you get it all cleared up nice and quickly.

binky 02-10-2008 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 430368)
I was a flamingo pink once. (my hair) Not good and not cool. What a nightmare! That only works if you are an e-surance animation. I feel your pain sundae...I do.

I had to show up to work in a hat. Then I had to fight to keep it on.

If you aren't naturally red, just stay away from the red box. It's full of demons.

I naturally have mousy brown hair, and dyed it dark auburn for years, until last year, when I said fuck it, and started letting the grey streaks come in

Clodfobble 02-11-2008 10:31 AM

What a weekend. So a fan in the computer has been noisy for awhile, and finally started rattling too much to deal with.

Quick examination proved it to be the fan contained within the power supply. No problem: we run to Fry's, get a little $15 fan, and put it in. It does not spin. During the process of trying to figure out if it could really be dead right out of the box, we start moving bits and pieces about, connecting and disconnecting--and suddenly there's a little arc, and the computer goes off.

Turns out this is a rare breed of AC-powered fan, that looks exactly like its DC counterparts and is not clearly designated as such on the box at all. (When we eventually went back to Fry's to get the right fan, the salesguy argued with us that there was no such thing as an AC internal-component computer fan until we showed him the product right on his shelf.) Long story short, we fried the motherboard, and possibly more. We have now replaced it--hell of an expensive fan repair--but we can still only boot up into safemode, and our next move is to reinstall Windows. There's no reason to think this won't be the end of our problems, but cynicism has me by the throat at this point. (Did I mention the minivan's back in the shop? They really think they've figured it out for sure, this time.) Everything important is backed up--but it's backed up to a second drive within the same machine, so for all we know it got fried by Mr. Tiny Electrical Arc too. That'll teach me to procrastinate about getting the family photos printed for two years... :(

Undertoad 02-11-2008 10:37 AM

I would not attempt a fan replacement within the power supply.

So you replaced the motherboard with a different motherboard eh?

Clodfobble 02-11-2008 10:46 AM

Yeah, actually I've now remembered we used an older one we had in the house because we couldn't find a decent AGP (I think that's right?) old-style motherboard for sale, and if we got a different kind we'd just have to buy a new video card and/or CPU... so it wasn't actually expensive to replace. But the other one's definitely fried-alicious, it goes into a neverending reboot cycle when it's hooked up.

Edit: I'm a poor relayer of information, not to mention way out of my league on the technology here. Mr. Clod, who was up working on it long after I went to bed last night, says it's behaving the same way with the new motherboard, so the new theory is the C: drive is what's damaged. Old motherboard is going back in, then Windows is getting reinstalled, possibly on a new drive. But I'm told the new power supply fan is working great! :rolleyes:

BigV 02-11-2008 11:34 AM


Timeout! Pls. I'm on another call here, but I *think* I can get you out of the Safemode ditch....

If you're interested, that is.

Clodfobble 02-11-2008 12:11 PM

Sure, any suggestions are welcome. Just keep in mind I'm not the one actually doing any of it, and generally don't know what the hell I'm talking about. :)

Tink 02-11-2008 05:16 PM

Piles of work. I miss Vegas already!

BigV 02-11-2008 05:17 PM

BlackBerry Service Disrupted Across North America.

Now at last I have something to do in my copious free time.


Aliantha 02-11-2008 05:25 PM

It's raining and I don't think they'll be delivering my new bookcase today.

BigV 02-11-2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 431482)
Sure, any suggestions are welcome. Just keep in mind I'm not the one actually doing any of it, and generally don't know what the hell I'm talking about. :)

My day has been wall to wall grief.... sorry I haven't responded before this. Windows can be cranky when the default hard disk controller has changed. It may be that the configuration for the hard disk controller is still set up for the previous controller. It was probably integrated with the motherboard. Your goal (or Mr CF... whomever) will probably be to change it to the proper setting.

The setting is the same, but the controller was changed out from underneath the config (which is on the hard drive). The plan would be to use Device Manager, find the hd controller, then update the driver. **IF** it can find the actual controller, wonderful. Let it install that one.

If it can't, for whatever reason, then the idea would be to choose the GENERIC IDE CONTROLLER, then boot the system, hopefully in normal mode, not safe mode, then, in normal mode, try and update the driver again.

That you can boot in safemode is a very promising sign, and you should be able to recover from there. I'd be happy to help further, if this isn't enough.

Clodfobble 02-11-2008 08:57 PM

Thanks, V. Mr. Clod's been in front of it all day, fortunately making progress. As it turns out, the problem ultimately seems to have been just with the boot drive, as he was able to boot into an existing Windows install on a different drive with both motherboards without a problem. At this point, all the pertinent data has been recovered over to the replacement drive, everything's running happily, and the old drive is just going to be trash--he did make an attempt to format it, but it started spewing errors and he decided he didn't need a piddly old 30-gig SCSI drive anyhow. :)

Bullitt 02-11-2008 09:54 PM

I found my razor after it had been missing for a few days.. minus the head and with a dead battery (it's the vibrating kind.. remember that)
I found it in the basement
It was a little wet
And kinda smelly

A female lives in our basement.....

I'm buying a new one tomorrow after work :rolleyes: :yelsick:

DucksNuts 02-11-2008 10:32 PM



but I have *heard* they work a treat.

xoxoxoBruce 02-12-2008 09:36 AM

1- Hide your new razor.
2- Offer your services to the cellar dwellar.

Order is optional.

Happy Monkey 02-12-2008 09:56 PM

I just smashed up the front of my car. :(

Aliantha 02-12-2008 10:46 PM

Well I'm glad to see you're well enough after that to still post here HM. Sorry about your car though. Do you have insurance?

glatt 02-13-2008 08:20 AM

Sorry to hear that, HM. Last night was fucking treacherous in DC. I saw a pedestrian being strapped to a back board after falling on the ice just a block outside the metro station. I almost fell about a half dozen times myself on the walk home from the metro, and I had to divert my normal route home to avoid a few dangerous street crossings where cars had virtually no control over themselves.

I'm assuming it was the ice that got you as well.

Happy Monkey 02-13-2008 09:57 AM

Not directly. I had just scraped off my car, and went from a standstill directly into a lamppost. I'm not certain why I didn't see it, probably the light from the lamp was illuminating the water streaks from the wipers, and the post itself blended into the night. If the weather hadn't been bad, it probably wouldn't have happened, but I didn't slip on the ice or anything like that.

BigV 02-13-2008 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Bullitt (Post 431698)
I found my razor after it had been missing for a few days.. minus the head and with a dead battery (it's the vibrating kind.. remember that)
I found it in the basement
It was a little wet
And kinda smelly

A female lives in our basement.....

I'm buying a new one tomorrow after work :rolleyes: :yelsick:

Err.... didn't you R-U-N-N-O-F-T to join the smokejumpers or something like that? You shaved your head to reduce your personal cranial fireload, etc? I feel confuseled.

Oh, your razor? ugh.

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