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Gravdigr 03-10-2019 11:13 AM

Meh, fuck 'em.

Before they fuck you, if possible.

xoxoxoBruce 03-10-2019 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027911)
Of course, there's always room for improvement.

There certainly is


These people are hired to counter the rhetorical dope peddlers on the other side; because, the other side is not turning away from theirs. Unilaterally turning away from those on your side is how one loses parity (i.e. unilateral disarmament).
Who, hired by whom, the pundits and talk radio hosts. He saying just because they are on your side of an issue doesn't mean they aren't twisting the truth to flat out lying. Don't listen to them at all.


So, if you hate Nazism, racism, and genocide, someone making money or winning elections or getting more famous and powerful representing your sentiments is a bad thing?
Yes, it's a bad thing, because it's rhetoric from a paid shill and will be received with a negative attitude from the getgo. No possible chance of anyone opposing that position even listening no less thinking about what's said.

Hmmm, our leaders are elected to teach others something they didn't know or expanding their world view and moral outlook (e.g. life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness).
Give me a break, the elected politicians are NOT our leaders. Who the fuck would follow some clown in Washington who's owned by abc or xyz corporation, or maybe Koch or Soros. Our leaders are those pundits and broadcasters people actually listen to... and believe.


That's what losers always say to're just a tool. I suppose it can be cathartic; but, it doesn't change anything.
They do, I've never heard that. Everyone is being used by a employer, customer, spouse, kids, sometimes willingly, often not.

All in all, the quoted excerpt from that article comes across as a bunch of smollett. YMMV.
I'm not surprised you feel that way since you didn't get it.


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 1027925)
Well I'm on board

Love your enemies - the greatest and most radical advice ever offered to the human race

NO NO NO, it's not love your enemies. It's who are your enemies. Just because you disagree with someone about... say the height of a proposed flagpole, doesn't automatically mean you don't agree on what flag to fly.
Disagreeing with somebody does not make them your enemy, and that's what's happening. We're being played, both sides are being played and they're doing it by convincing you that the other guy is an enemy. He may be, but you shouldn't make that assumption.

sexobon 03-10-2019 01:19 PM

You sound like any person I've ever met who backed a loser.

YOU start doing what that quoted paragraph advocates and we'll go from there. I'm not seeing it in your responses.

tw 03-10-2019 04:31 PM

From the NY Times Opinion:

What we need is not to disagree less, but to disagree better. And that starts when you turn away the rhetorical dope peddlers — the powerful people on your own side who are profiting from the culture of contempt.
We wasted almost 5000 servicemen in Iraq on outright and intentional lies. Lies that were rhetoric. Facts (and numbers) exposed those lies. But extremists do not want reasons why. Extremists want to be told how to think. Peddlers easily manipulate the emotional naive.

An extremists is ordered what to think. He will deny anything that disputes rhetoric. A moderate learns facts. Then later comes to a conclusion. How to disagree better? Only become and listen to moderates.

With so many shrills and talk show hosts only pushing the "message of the day", we now have a severe shortage of moderates.

Extremists will not even discuss (admit to) moderates. Since the existence of a moderate quickly defines an extremist. Right wing extremists conclude anyone who disagrees must be a left wing extremist. That way, an extremist need not learn anything. Can ignore all facts to protect emotions. Then turns all discussion into cheapshots and personal insults.

An extremists is an adult who is still a child. He uses a reptilian brain to feel his superiority and righteousness.

We know the Catholic Church has protected - all but promoted - pedophilia. How many are so brainwashed by religion as to deny that reality for so many generations? Even a Pope's closest advisor (from the Philippines) had to be convicted by a secular government - using facts that church always possessed - before the Pope would even consider this pedophile. Another example of an extremist. Facts intentionally ignored for an extremist agenda.

It took how many reams of facts over how many generations to get extremists to even admit the problem exists? First in Boston and then in Philadelphia, how many decades ago? Extremists still refuse to change laws (even in Pennsylvania where so much Catholic Church protected pedophilia was exposed how many times?). Extremists in PA protect pedophiles by obstructing prosecution. That is their decision based only in emotions. They deny facts to protect their rhetoric and emotional beliefs. Classic examples of an extremist. Moderates, instead, learn facts long before letting their emotional (repilitian) brain make any conclusions.

We disagree better only when facts are not intentionally ignored to make a conclusion. How many so hated America as to even believe intentional lies - that Saddam attacked the WTC? How many so hate well understood facts to claim the US government destroyed the WTC? How many are so emotional as to still know vaccines cause autism - because some blond bimbo lied and said it was true. All examples of what drives an extremist - and the resulting confrontations in places like Charlotteville NC, Rwanda and Burundi.

Moderates learn facts before making a conclusion. Wacko extremists knew Saddam had WMD only because liars even 'sexed up' the rhetoric. Extremism is predicated by conclusion generated by emotions - by even ignoring facts - ie climate change or genetically improved foods.

Emotion works when one is an extremist. Extremists subvert 'how to disagree' better. Even deny the existence of moderates to impose emotions (ie insults) into honest discussion.

sexobon 03-10-2019 05:30 PM

Well you should've said all this before … you could've changed the world by now. Information isn't useful unless it's timely. Next time, speak up sooner!

xoxoxoBruce 03-10-2019 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027942)
You sound like any person I've ever met who backed a loser.

YOU start doing what that quoted paragraph advocates and we'll go from there. I'm not seeing it in your responses.

You've got that friend or foe military mindset, fer me or agin me. That's exactly why we have the split we do now. We have to be more flexible. Canada is a friend and ally, Israel is an ally but not a friend. We can work with both.

Your fellow Americans fall into probably dozens or more slots, and likely none you don't have something in common with. I'm not suggesting you go to Idaho and make friends with the survivalists, or Frisco and hang with the hippies/hipsters, or whatever is cool now. But for christs sake people you were friends with before this shit started shouldn't be written off as the enemy over one or two issues.

sexobon 03-10-2019 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1027966)
You've got that friend or foe military mindset, fer me or agin me. ...But for christs sake people you were friends with before this shit started shouldn't be written off as the enemy over one or two issues.

I specialized in unconventional warfare. I can work with friend or foe to accomplish the objective of supporting and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. All it takes is one issue of sufficient magnitude; but, it could be the cumulative affect of multiple issues of lesser magnitude.

It seems that tw agrees with you which is irrefutable evidence that your position has no merit whatsoever.

xoxoxoBruce 03-10-2019 06:34 PM

OMG, I'm so sorry, I'll change my position immediately. :o

sexobon 03-10-2019 06:36 PM

Thanks for the offer; but, I don't swing that way.

tw 03-10-2019 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027970)
I specialized in unconventional warfare. I can work with friend or foe to accomplish the objective of supporting and defending the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

An extremist: interprets using emotions. Same mentality that so hated 5000 American servicemen as to believe Saddam had WMDs - because extremist inspired and 'sexed up' conclusions said he must.

Who did Hitler target for support? People who view the world in terms of that friend or foe military mindset. Conclusions derived from a reptilian thought pattern.

Moderates see the world in perspectives. So moderates can make successful leaders. An extremist sees evil hiding everywhere. The Timothy McVeigh mindset. A big dic mentality characteristic of extremists.

Of course you will deny all this. Your conclusions are predictable. Consistent with the Fox News, Hannity, and Trump propaganda where hate (KKK, Nazis, White Supremacists) concepts are respected and condoned. Where comments are justified by cheapshots and insults. By attacking moderates as if lefty communist rather than discuss the topic.

Extremists are incapable of understanding even major differences between a socialist and a communist. Since that also requires ignoring extremists propaganda. Same extremists rhetoric that wasted 50,000 American lives in Vietnam. And still deny "we have met the enemy and he was us."

sexobon 03-10-2019 11:21 PM

Not now tw, we've got Shababs on the grill and we're getting ready to feast. Go play in your room.

Griff 03-11-2019 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 1027966)
Your fellow Americans fall into probably dozens or more slots, and likely none you don't have something in common with. I'm not suggesting you go to Idaho and make friends with the survivalists, or Frisco and hang with the hippies/hipsters, or whatever is cool now. But for christs sake people you were friends with before this shit started shouldn't be written off as the enemy over one or two issues.

quoted for emphasis

sexobon 03-12-2019 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1027960)
Well you should've said all this before … you could've changed the world by now. Information isn't useful unless it's timely. Next time, speak up sooner!

quoted for perspective

Gravdigr 03-13-2019 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 1028047)
quoted for perspective

Quoted for no good reason.


Gravdigr 03-13-2019 01:17 PM

The Unique Geometric Patterns of Coastal Barcelona

Pics thereof.

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