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glatt 04-28-2009 10:31 AM

Wow. That really does suck. Sorry case.

Undertoad 04-28-2009 10:38 AM

Some prick is angling to have today's iotd taken down for copyright violation.

classicman 04-28-2009 11:15 AM

Sorry case - thats awful.

Tiki 04-28-2009 11:21 AM

Oh, man, Case. That's terrible in an extra special way. :(

capnhowdy 04-28-2009 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 560993)
Some prick is angling to have today's iotd taken down for copyright violation.

That sux. I always wondered about that. :neutral:

Aliantha 04-28-2009 04:30 PM

Does your MIL realize she's hurting you?

It's a suckful thing for her to do, but I guess there must be something about the ex that she really liked. That doesn't have to mean there's anything about you that she doesn't like does it? Maybe she's just trying to be supportive of her grandkids and show that she doesn't hold a grudge?

Clodfobble 04-28-2009 05:32 PM

There's only one solution, case. Mothers-in-law are 100% completely and totally driven by the presence and condition of their grandchildren. You have to have a baby with mac_tire, and then all of a sudden you'll be her new favoritest person in the whole world. [/voiceofexperience] :rolleyes:

DanaC 04-28-2009 06:06 PM

...Or, the target of even more negativity as you fail to measure up to her high standards of mothering and begin the slow agonising process of ruining her grandchildren, forcing her to take charge and intervene for their future happiness :P

Sounds like a nasty situation Case. But, at the end of the day you're with your partner, not his family. Doesn't make it easy, but it's worth reminding yourself now and then.

kerosene 04-28-2009 06:53 PM

Thanks, you guys, for your supportive suggestions. It has been 5 years, now and yes, it is a painful and near constant thorn in my paw for as long as I have known mac_tire.

Ali: Unfortunately, I am unable to talk to MIL about how it hurts me, because I am afraid she will not take me seriously, and instead cut me down to the ex-wife and in other gossip circles (primarily the religious faith group she is a part of.) Or she might take my complaints as efforts to control mac_tire and evidence that I am the reason for all negative changes in his (her) life. Either way, it will only make her worse. She once told me "he seems happy, but really he isn' are just a phase in his life that I know he will grow out of." I swear she must think he is still 6. Yes, she does favor the ex, because to her, she represented "things as they should be." They are both part of the same religious organization, which I don't participate in, and neither does mac_tire. There is a lot of "us vs. them" mentality with them, so they naturally sort of bond together, even at the expense of their children. Yes, I acknowledge that there needs to be an example for the grandchildren. That's cool. But some of her actions go beyond that and into betrayal. Ex, herself, even asked that MIL take the picture down citing that the image was "hideous." (yes, of course they are "facebook friends")

Clod: Thanks for your expert advice. ;) Yes, in fact, mac_tire are in the midst of those very discussions, though not for the benefit of the MIL relationship. She is either going to decide to get over the past and accept mac_tire's choices or not. I guess I need to deal with the fact that I have absolutely no power over whether or not she does that. And I should not flog myself over not being accepted by MIL. I suppose having a baby with mac_tire would suddenly turn the magnet to her and she would want to be uber-involved, which would not actually be an improvement. I must be careful not to let that affect me.

Dana: Yes, as we discuss the possibility of growing the mac_tire/case clan, that is a concern of mine. But, I have a very supportive husband, who will not allow anyone (even MIL) to control how we do things. You are right. I married mac_tire. Not MIL. And the fact that we live 10 hours from MIL is testament to the fact that husband doesn't leave himself or our relationship open to her meddling.

Anyway, I appreciate the encouragement. Now, it is mostly a me issue...I gotta let this kind of stuff go. Once I learn how to do that I am sure I will be stronger for it, all said and done. But I am sure I will have no hair left on my head! :thepain:

Aliantha 04-29-2009 01:50 AM

Also yesterday I found out one of my cousins is among the 450 troops heading to Afghanistan in May. He'll be there for at least 6 months.

We're all worried about his safety.

capnhowdy 04-29-2009 07:00 AM

We sent of our 148th last week. Had a parade. God bless them.

BigV 04-30-2009 12:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Going to the adjuster's now.

kerosene 04-30-2009 12:04 PM

Sucky!!! I am sorry, V. Did the other guy have insurance?

Undertoad 04-30-2009 12:08 PM

Christ, it got the bumper, the rear qtr panel, the hatch, the light, and it left a nasty scratch on your license plate.

Chocolatl 04-30-2009 12:59 PM

Ouch, BigV. What happened there?

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