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Gravdigr 01-15-2013 04:23 PM

The weather/news people have been screaming all day, literally all day long, about ice. "Ice is coming, ice is coming!!" They used the phrase "Travel, of any kind, is strongly discouraged."

We'll see.

DanaC 01-19-2013 08:38 AM

Yeah we're in the middle of a 'weather event' apparently. And there was I thinking it had merely snowed.

Talking of which: it could fuck off for me now. Pet owners are being warned about the dangers of rock salt and antifreeze. Antifreeze spilled onto the kerbside, and rocksalt spread on the roads gets onto their feet and when they lick it off they can be poisoned.

So it's washing paws every time we come back in now. Can't even create a salt free zone for quick wees as I don't have a garden. As soon as we step out of the mews and into the lane there's rock salt everywhere. 2-3 walks a day, plus a couple of 2 minute trips out back, rinsing and drying paws now 4-5 times a day.

Pico and ME 01-19-2013 08:42 AM

Buy Carrot booties?

DanaC 01-19-2013 08:45 AM

Waste of money. I and Mum have tried them with various dogs for various reasons over the years (Pilau had a problem with his pads sometimes, Wellybobs had eczema on his toes, Dan cut his paw open and needed it kept clean and dry on walks) and they have always come off.

Trilby 01-19-2013 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Pico and ME (Post 849069)
Buy Carrot booties?

I don't think they make booties out of carrots....wouldn't hold up.

DanaC 01-19-2013 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 849075)
I don't think they make booties out of carrots....wouldn't hold up.

Laughed? I nearly started :p

Actually I did, loudly.

Pico and ME 01-19-2013 08:47 AM

Aw, piss.

It will all melt soon, right?

Pico and ME 01-19-2013 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 849075)
I don't think they make booties out of carrots....wouldn't hold up.


DanaC 01-19-2013 08:48 AM

They reckon itll thaw in a week or so.

Pico and ME 01-19-2013 06:13 PM

So, I know you are unhappy with the snow, but this Brit loves it....

DanaC 01-22-2013 06:02 AM

This was in the local paper: alas it's only an ikkle pic

Aliantha 01-23-2013 05:43 PM

In my part of the country we're expecting up to 400mm of rain over the next few days. some areas have already had over 600mm (that's a foot and a half of rain for those of you metrically challenged).

Anyway, I hope we get a lot of rain. It's very dry here. The wet season has not even started, and we it should have started almost 2 months ago at the latest.

ZenGum 01-24-2013 06:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Good news, the drought has broken*!

Attachment 42554

Rescue was completed successfully.

More at

*Coastal Queensland and Gulf of Carpentaria regions only, rest of the country still hot, dry and probably on fire.

Aliantha 01-24-2013 09:10 PM

Not much rain here so far, but it's on the way. Very slow moving system, which is good in a way, but probably would be better if it'd do its thing then bugger off a bit sooner.

ZenGum 01-24-2013 10:27 PM

You reckon they've opened the gate on Wivenhoe dam yet? :p

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