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Shawnee123 07-15-2009 04:20 PM

Mother of freaking god...there isn't a rental car to be had from north of here all the way to Cincy, due to the Dayton Air show. Can I get a freaking break?

dar512 07-15-2009 04:34 PM

Not today. Evidently.

You are having a "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day".

My sympathies.

Shawnee123 07-15-2009 04:35 PM

Hehehee...yeah, not today. My dad just called and said to play the lottery, my luck is gonna change BIG.

So, I added the beater car back onto insurance. :) Yeeesh.

dar512 07-15-2009 04:36 PM

Wow, capnhowdy. Is that where you live?

Will you adopt me? And my extended family? :D

All seriousness aside, it's a beautiful place.

Clodfobble 07-15-2009 05:28 PM

I'm pretty sure that's where he works, meaning it was his job to clean up that mess. :(

Travelcaster 07-15-2009 07:10 PM

My gps took me off of the LIE in Queens while driving to NJ. It was supposedly detecting traffic conditions ahead. So I neglected my better judgment and did what it told me. It had no idea where the fuck I was in about 3 minutes. :mad2::mad2::mad2: While I was lost it just recalculated. I got to where I was supposed to be 45 minutes late, but the worst part is that I had fender bender outside of a tunnel that I wouldn't have been anywhere near had it not been for that fucking GPS. :meanface::meanface::meanface::meanface:

Griff 07-15-2009 07:15 PM

So you're saying you were targeted for elimination by Garmin? O brave new world...

Travelcaster 07-15-2009 07:32 PM

Maybe not targeted, but definitely hit like a bulls eye.

Aliantha 07-15-2009 07:35 PM

The navman does the same thing. We had a trip of over an hour the other day because I wasn't quite sure how to get somewhere. Turns out (after taking a trip to China) that I could have driven there in less than half the time it took the navman to get me there in.

capnhowdy 07-15-2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by dar512 (Post 581788)
Wow, capnhowdy. Is that where you live?

Will you adopt me? And my extended family? :D

All seriousness aside, it's a beautiful place.

Not my place, Dar. I am the Butler/ Caretaker there. I am housesitting at the moment, (with brief relief from one cow orker). But I am responsible for everything that happens there from the kids making it to school/dance/cheer/gym/ et al..... toilets flushing to bank deposits.... yada yadayada....
Six full timers here. Yeah... resonsible for them too. 5 kids, one autistic. Six cars 9 4 wheelers, 2 motorcycles and a golf cart. I love my fucking job, and my job loves fucking me.
I started as their personal graphic/faux artist, but we finished the project and well.... Here I am. Nice salary, too... I might add. But basically 24/7. The bar is always stocked tho. Hell... I stock it.:D
Another one of life's little pluses;).

wolf 07-16-2009 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Travelcaster (Post 581819)
My gps took me off of the LIE in Queens while driving to NJ. It was supposedly detecting traffic conditions ahead. So I neglected my better judgment and did what it told me. It had no idea where the fuck I was in about 3 minutes. :mad2::mad2::mad2: While I was lost it just recalculated. I got to where I was supposed to be 45 minutes late, but the worst part is that I had fender bender outside of a tunnel that I wouldn't have been anywhere near had it not been for that fucking GPS. :meanface::meanface::meanface::meanface:

I deal with that by saying, "Shut up, DirectionsBitch. I'm driving where I want to."

Latest update on the car thing. I had a ride arranged to either work or the dealership today. I called shortly before I was to leave, and they said the car should be ready around 1730. Not good, as I have to be in work at 1600.

Ride came, momwolf's friend was nice enough to even stop off at the convenience store for me so I could grab a soda.

Got to work a bit early, so went in to find chaos erupting all over and the day shift trying to scoot out of there like scalded cats. Went into the nurses station, swiped in, and my phone rang.

Yeah. The car was done and available to be picked up. I actually had up until 2000 to get there.

No such luck. It was so freaking busy I couldn't even take the 15 minutes or so it would have taken to get a ride down, pay, and ride back.

I will have to arrange for a ride to the dealership tomorrow.

ZenGum 07-16-2009 07:47 AM

Shawnee: Oh Noes! No no no!
Since your car was so new, can you get "new for old" replacement? Down here, if your car is less than 12 months old, they give you a new one (and take ownership of the old and repair it if possible). Chase your insurance company for that.

Wolf: damn, $850 for a fuel pump? That seems like a lot to me. But then, I've mostly owned old-style, simple cars.

Capn: nice billet! but the toilet paper wrapping is pretty minor, really; more of a "mildly irritating" thing I would have said. Teenage dickheadery, no doubt, but they didn't smash stuff or steal stuff.

Shawnee123 07-16-2009 08:00 AM

My brother is talking to an attorney friend (brother has pullz) and from now on both insurance companies are going to have to talk directly to my lawyer. Seems that even my insurance agency will try to cheap out by getting it fixed where THEY want, maybe not even using Saturn parts.

I am unable to bargain, threaten, this is probably the best route. As I lamented how evil and thieving the world is (I can only be honest, I don't understand anything else) my brother said you can't change it, it just is, and you have to deal with it...and mentioned his friend.

How far I would have gone in this world if only I had been a stone cold evil and lying person.

TheMercenary 07-16-2009 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 581696)
A kid ran a red light this morning, when I was almost to work. Demolished my car. I haven't had it but two weeks.

Everyone is OK. Though there were witnesses who saw him run the light he is claiming it's a conspiracy against him, but he is OK and I am OK and they're just vehicles. In the grand scheme, it means nothing. But, still, I'm a bit sad.

WOW! that totally sucks. Sorry to hear about that. From reading the rest of the threads it sounds like they are going to take care of things. Was it brand new?

TheMercenary 07-16-2009 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 581892)
How far I would have gone in this world if only I had been a stone cold evil and lying person.

Possibly a very long way. And you could be Madoff Rich.

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