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capnhowdy 07-20-2009 07:09 AM

Another funeral today. One of my close friends died in a boating accident. At least I don't have to sing at this one. RIP, Jerry.

Story (from local news)

TheMercenary 07-20-2009 09:11 AM

Sorry to hear it mate. RIP.

Jaydaan 07-22-2009 08:47 PM

The wildfires are closer than I would like. My best friend's parents are on evacuation alert, and the ashes are covering EVERYTHING! We are hoping it gets contained, and they do not have to leave and/or lose their home. The smoke is quite thick here too.

We have 3 fires atm: Terrace mountain, Glen Rosa Kelowna, and another one on Westside.....

Makes for great pictures of the sun, which is bright red atm, mind you.

Sundae 07-25-2009 07:18 AM

Ouch - Jaydaan, that's crappy.
Very sorry to hear it. Hoping for the best.
There are fires out of control in Spain too, affecting one of Mum's friends.

Talking of Mum's friends - a different friend.
Breda has cancer.
The "bad arm" she's been getting painkillers for is actually cancer. I don't have all the details, but I am worried because the first sign my Nan was ill was when she lost control of her arm and it turned out to be cancer. They couldn't even locate the primary source - by the time she got to hospital it was everywhere. Three weeks from diagnosis to death.

I'm trying to be rational about Breda, but I have just found out (a call from her daughter - Mum's out) so it's hit me hard - her daughter says it's inoperable.

Breda is (very) Irish, (very) Catholic - she is one of my nephew's Godmothers, and was our neighbour for years. She is very close to Mum - they used to visit eachother every Sunday morning, and still talk at least once a week. She is a lovely lady, and it's just really close to home. I even got a birthday card from her this year - I think Mum told her I'd be alone on the day.

Just sharing.

Clodfobble 07-25-2009 09:29 AM

Sorry to hear about your mom's friend, SG. :(

Sundae 07-25-2009 09:44 AM

She's round there now.
I might have some more accurate news once she comes back.
Poor Breda of course (& family & all) but poor Mum too.

She had a call that Aunty Alice's house was sold just this morning. That's her Aunt - my Great Aunt,
That means that probate can finally go ahead and all the Aunts & Uncles won't keep calling and subtly implying that it's all taking too long. She's taken a lot on her shoulders in the past year and it's not fair. Sadly, she's taken it out on Dad (and that's splashed on me too) but it is unfair - she doesn't inherit a penny, and yet it's consumed her life for the past year - worry and stress and phone calls and visits to the house. I loved Alice, but she was selfish in nominating Mum an executor - sensible (Mum is SO organised!) but selfish - some of the other cousins actually live in the area. She'd have been better leaving no will, the money would have been distributed exactly the same way (to the siblings - Alice was the first to die) and Mum would never have had all the worry.

Anyway, so she finally gets some good news re the house - then she has this to deal with.
See what she says when she comes back re Breda.

Shawnee123 07-25-2009 09:48 AM

My mom is also very organized, and often gets put in that position. She's a trooper, but I can't imagine taking anything like that on. This is, sadly, a trait I did not get from my mom. I can barely take care of my own crap, let alone help someone else. I really wish I were more like my mom in that respect, but I am the polar opposite.

Keep me updated on Breda.

And, fuck cancer! :(

Sundae 07-25-2009 11:23 AM

Spine and lung apparently - exactly the same as Nanny.
She'll have radiotherapy - waiting for an appointment - but no prognosis currently. The impression given is that it's really just pain relief from here on in (like Nan).

Bloody hell.
Mum's blaming herself of course. Thinks she should have spotted it. Hasn't gone to Mass tonight (Dad's just left). She doesn't fit the stereotypical Catholic image in that way - she's upset therefore she doesn't pray. I wonder if I can get away with a Fuck Cancer card? Maybe Sod Cancer would be more acceptable - and probably shocking in its difference to other cards anyway.

Damn - she's a good woman.

Shawnee123 07-25-2009 12:01 PM

My heart goes out to your mom and her friend. :(

Sundae 07-25-2009 12:38 PM

You'd (all) have loved her.
She's like Mrs Doyle in Father Ted.

And I am always lovely in her eyes.

Oh isn't your hair lovely now, and your dress and doesn't that hair colour suit you now, and look at those lovely shoes, and have you caught the sun - it suits you, and look at the weight you've lost, and would you like a cup of tea now, and don't you look lovely?

Will keep you updated.

Crimson Ghost 07-25-2009 01:05 PM

All the best, SG.

limey 07-25-2009 01:23 PM

Hugs to you and your mum, SG.

Queen of the Ryche 07-28-2009 01:16 PM

So sorry Sundae. Fuck Cancer.

fargon 07-28-2009 01:31 PM

Wal mart pissed me off good today, after getting everything on the list I got to check out. And when I tried to use my debt card it would not work. The idiot running the register asked me if I had another way to pay because they are remodeling and the card readers do not work. so now I have to go to the other walmart and do it all over again. I left the cart sitting and walked out. If their equipment is not going to work during the remodel they need to close until it is done. Am I being an asshole or not?

glatt 07-28-2009 02:59 PM

You are being reasonable. If they won't take your money, they can restock that crap themselves, and they should apologize to you for wasting your time. This is 2009. Most people use plastic to pay for large shopping trips. If the machines are down, the store ought to close, or at least have a huge freaking sign on every door when you go in that it's cash only.

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