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Aliantha 08-01-2009 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 585277)
He knows Texas has bigger cockroaches than the rest of the world. :p

I don't reckon Texas has bigger cockroaches than Queensland.

DucksNuts 08-02-2009 01:11 AM

Queensland has the biggest mo fo roaches I've ever seen!!!

Where you been, Ali?

DanaC 08-02-2009 05:01 AM

My back. I don't know wtf I have done to it. Thursday evening it started. Friday I was in such a bad way mum had to come walk the dog for me. And then again yesterday.

Today is marginally better but still painful. can;'t sit here at the desk for more than a few minutes.

Bloody annoying thing is I had loads planned for this weekend. Wanted to sort my house out (sort through loads of old papers, hoover up, wash curtains etc). Can't even stay here long enough to upload my graduation photos (another task I had planned for t his weekend).


I just hope it's sorted out by tomorrow. I have a busy week ahead, i can;t afford to be out of action.

Griff 08-02-2009 07:15 AM

flu-like symtoms

morethanpretty 08-02-2009 07:21 AM

Looking at all the shelter pet postings on craigslist, and I can't adopt a single one. They look so sad!
A stupid family down the road moved, leaving their chow-chow behind. Stupid fucks. Now its hanging around our house and we can't keep it. we'll have to turn it into a shelter, but its shy and we haven't been able to catch it. It turns my stomach. Stupid irresponsible fucks leaving behind their dog.

Griff 08-02-2009 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 585548)
Looking at all the shelter pet postings on craigslist, and I can't adopt a single one. They look so sad!
A stupid family down the road moved, leaving their chow-chow behind. Stupid fucks. Now its hanging around our house and we can't keep it. we'll have to turn it into a shelter, but its shy and we haven't been able to catch it. It turns my stomach. Stupid irresponsible fucks leaving behind their dog.

...maybe a small yurt?

capnhowdy 08-02-2009 08:29 AM

In my area abandoning an animal is a criminal offense. They deserve to be reported and prosecuted.

Aliantha 08-02-2009 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 585526)
Queensland has the biggest mo fo roaches I've ever seen!!!

Where you been, Ali?

The boys have been sick mate. The doc suspected swine flu, so they were both on tamiflu all week last week. Mav is back at school today, but Aden is having one more day home today.

Tomorrow I have to go to a funeral and it sucks. I know I'm going to lose the plot. It was a family friend who died of the same type of cancer as my Mum and he was about the same age. Cancer fucking sux and I'm fucking sick of it interfering in people's lives.

Griff 08-02-2009 05:25 PM

Me too Ali.:thepain:

skysidhe 08-02-2009 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 585596)
The boys have been sick mate. The doc suspected swine flu, so they were both on tamiflu all week last week. Mav is back at school today, but Aden is having one more day home today.

I think here in the US anyone suspected of swine flu is tested. I don't know if there is a post immunizaton. I hope it isn't the swine.

I don't usually get flu shots but I've been wondering if I should for this one. Might be a good topic for a thread around flu season?


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 585597)
Me too Ali.:thepain:

I hope you don't have the swine flu griff. :thepain:
Get better soon.

Griff 08-02-2009 05:38 PM

I was hating on cancer. I don't know what I've got but it probably doesn't rise to full blown flu... just uncomfortable as hell.

Aliantha 08-02-2009 05:39 PM

sky, they didn't test the kids. They just said to quarantine them for 7 days and put them on tamiflu. That's really the only treatment they'd have for it if it were swine flu anyway, and it was a viral infection, so the tamiflu would have treated that anyway, so either way, they were covered. The reason they thought it was probably swine flu is because they had come into contact with someone with it, and within 24 hours they had most of the symptoms themselves. That was the point at which I took them to the doc.

I was really pissed off about them getting it from our neighbours, who invited them over to watch the footy last weekend, and then half an hour later said, "oh yeah, we've all have swine flu this week". Idiots!

eta: Just as a side note to this, people who take their kids out or have other kids over when there's illness about give me the shits. What kind of fuckwits invite you into their house when it's possible that it might still be contaminated??? Especially when they know you have a baby in your own home who could really suffer if exposed to a virus???? The other thing that shits me are people who don't seem to care about passing their bugs on to other people. WTF planet do these people live on??? Do they think it's ok for other people to suffer just because they are or do they think they're providing some kind of service to the universe?

I'm sick of fucking idiots and I'm sick of...well, just a lot of things right now.

skysidhe 08-02-2009 05:45 PM

They got it from your neighbors! who knew they had it!
what dummys! what were they thinking!? grr

side note
I guess the CDC discontinued official reporting of individual cases on July 24, 2009.

DucksNuts 08-02-2009 10:45 PM

I had that argument with one of the ladies here at work, I was pissing n moaning because there was a kid at Kinder with gastro, the Mum said she had the runs n pukes all the day before, but still send her to Kinder.

The lady at work was like....oh some Mum's dont get paid if they dont go to work. Tuff shit, I keep the boys home when they are sick.

Pie 08-03-2009 08:24 AM

And lose your job? Then what?

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