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morethanpretty 08-03-2009 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 585596)
The boys have been sick mate. The doc suspected swine flu, so they were both on tamiflu all week last week. Mav is back at school today, but Aden is having one more day home today.

Tomorrow I have to go to a funeral and it sucks. I know I'm going to lose the plot. It was a family friend who died of the same type of cancer as my Mum and he was about the same age. Cancer fucking sux and I'm fucking sick of it interfering in people's lives.

Fuck cancer.

Trilby 08-03-2009 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 585708)
Fuck cancer.

and then butt-fuck it in the mouth. (ref. this months cellar calendar!)

Clodfobble 08-03-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pie
And lose your job? Then what?

If you have absolutely zero flexibility with your job (usually kids being sick just means you use up your own sick/vacation days to stay home, but let's say you have no sick days left,) then you have to have another option in place--a relative you can leave the kids with, or maybe the kid's old enough to be left home alone and you come to check on them during your lunch break, or you get hardass with your boss and invoke FMLA to stay home without pay. But dropping the sick kid off at school is free and convenient, so most people take that option if they can get away with it.

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 10:58 AM

So, what is the deal with this swine flu anyway? Have there been many deaths? Have there been more deaths than is usual with any type of flu?

I hear about people being ill and suspecting swine flu, but I don't see droves of people falling over dead, as we were led to believe. Of course, I haven't left my office in a couple hours. :lol:

So, while all flu sucks, can't we just get the regular old flu anymore? Is the swine flu the big deal it was supposed to be?

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 12:41 PM

My car is totalled: transmission damage among other things. Pretty good for a kid who was just slowly cruising down the road obeying all traffic signals. He hit it HARD! I should have known by the way my head slammed against the door frame. :mad:

They're saying there just aren't that many cars like mine left out there: I know they have a few in Cincinnati, Columbus... Someone's ass is going to find me an exact replica. Or the twilight blue is nice, I'd settle for that. ;)

Nightmare entering Stage 2, progressing toward light at end of tunnel. Sigh...

bbro 08-03-2009 12:46 PM

That sucks Shawnee! Hang in there.

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 12:47 PM

Thanks bbro. :)

TheMercenary 08-03-2009 12:51 PM

Damm that sucks, tell them since you can't replace that one they have to get you one that is better.

Shawnee123 08-03-2009 12:55 PM

Yeah, the Saturn Sky is pretty freaking sweet. ;)

TheMercenary 08-03-2009 12:58 PM

Ok, I am digging that. It would look great in black or candy apple red.

note to self: Do not let wife see this car.

TheMercenary 08-03-2009 12:58 PM

Isn't GM dumping Saturn? I thought I read that somewhere.

ZenGum 08-03-2009 07:58 PM

Shawnee, I think it is GOOD that your car is totalled. If it was repairable, you'd get it back, 95% fixed, but it would never be the same again.
This way, you get a new shiny one with no subtle twisting of the frame or doors that don't quite shut perectly or anything. So long as you like the new one. Keep squeaking.

Oh and swine flu is no more dangerous than regular seasonal flu. Possibly even less dangerous. The vast majority of people who have died with swine flu had other, much more serious, medical conditions as well.
New Scientist is maintaining a web page about it at .

Aliantha 08-03-2009 08:59 PM

That's right. The only reason the doc put Aden and Mav on tamiflu was because of Max. He wanted them to be 'non-contagious' as quickly as possible. Supposedly it's 4 days once you're on the drugs.

Shawnee123 08-04-2009 07:30 AM

@ Zen, I think you're right about the car being totalled. My biggest fear was that somehow I was going to end up paying for a brand new car and not get it replaced because I would SOMEHOW get screwed over in the deal, and be stuck with nothing. I had a talk with my big brother over the weekend (who has been through something very similar) and he explained things more to me. It will be over, it's just a car, and I'm OK...but DAMN it's been frustrating (and I worked so hard to finally be able to buy it.) :)

Yeah, I'd just wondered about the flu thing. I was really hoping for all colleges to shut down for a week or so, to avoid the droves dropping over dead. ;)

glatt 08-04-2009 08:11 AM

The seriousness of the swine flu varies according to who you hear from.

The Washington Post had an opinion piece on Sunday by a guy who is saying that around 10 Million people will die of the swine flu globally. Possibly a lot more.

The article says that around a third of the people exposed to the virus are currently catching it, and around half a percent of those are dying of it. Those statistics are coming mostly out of the industrialized world. He expects it to get much worse once it hits lesser developed countries with poor health care.

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