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capnhowdy 08-21-2009 04:10 PM

Lightning came in my house last night.
Victims: Big screen tv, dvd player, 300 watt stereo amp, VCR, Playstation, and small BR tv. Fuck.
At least it spared my computer.

TheMercenary 08-21-2009 04:12 PM

That sucks, at least your house didn't burn down. Sorry to hear it.

skysidhe 08-21-2009 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 589306)
Lightning came in my house last night.
Victims: Big screen tv, dvd player, 300 watt stereo amp, VCR, Playstation, and small BR tv. Fuck.
At least it spared my computer.


So how did it happen? How did it get in?

and I am glad you are all ok.


Originally Posted by monster (Post 588078)
I followed the schoolbus on Hebe's first day and cried all the way for no apparent reason -and she'd already been to preschool for 4 years....



Originally Posted by Griff (Post 588581)
My sister took Dad on vacation with her, he had 5 "episodes" yesterday... FUCK Alzheimers!

What does an episode look like? We are thinking my mom has Alzheimers but the doctor won't tell us kids anything.


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 588640)
T The follow-up after the emergency room with the neurologist is throwing doubt on the Altzheimer's diagnosis.

Why is that?


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 588694)
Alzheimers killed my Dad... 4 years before his body died. :(

I'm sorry
I miss my mom the way she could be too. :(

capnhowdy 08-22-2009 12:56 AM


So how did it happen? How did it get in?

and I am glad you are all ok.
TV cable lines.

monster 08-23-2009 06:08 PM

eczema flare up :(

DanaC 08-23-2009 07:55 PM

*hugs Monster very carefully*

Oh honey. You have my sympathy. Any idea what's triggered it? Or is it just one of those unpredictable ones?

DanaC 08-23-2009 07:57 PM

What's upsetting me is I sent myself off on a trip down memory lane. Almost wilfully. Why do I do that? It's like messing with a sore tooth. You notice it and instead of thinking 'oww that's sore' and then leaving it the fuck alone you probe around with tongue until it really hurts.

monster 08-23-2009 08:13 PM

late august is always nasty, so i'm guessing seasonal allergies, but what exactly ... no idea. i know the humidy helpeth not, though....

Tulip 08-23-2009 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 589650)
What's upsetting me is I sent myself off on a trip down memory lane. Almost wilfully. Why do I do that? It's like messing with a sore tooth. You notice it and instead of thinking 'oww that's sore' and then leaving it the fuck alone you probe around with tongue until it really hurts.

That sure sucks, doesn't it? I hate it when I do that too. I always end smoking, and I don't even like doing it. I know I'm weird. :neutral:

classicman 08-26-2009 12:36 PM

Dealing with a psycho, lying ex who is a money-grubbing piece of crap. Nothing is ever her fault, not the lying, cheating, stealing money from her own children, the forgery, drinking/drug ABUSE, not even her trying to impersonate someone else to takle out a loan in their name.

morethanpretty 08-26-2009 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 590281)
Dealing with a psycho, lying ex who is a money-grubbing piece of crap. Nothing is ever her fault, not the lying, cheating, stealing money from her own children, the forgery, drinking/drug ABUSE, not even her trying to impersonate someone else to takle out a loan in their name.

I'm sorry classic, you have to keep your strength up. Take a break, count to 10, break a few (inexpensive) things, and then get back in the game. We're all on your side.

classicman 08-26-2009 01:30 PM

Thanks mtp - I'm not giving in nor giving up. I am in this game for every play!

Just had to get all that resentment O-U-T. Some people never change - its really sad. Thats partly what upsets me so much.

Shawnee123 08-26-2009 01:36 PM

Sounds like a dry drunk, classic.

Grrrr, keep fightin' dude!


The phrase "dry drunk" has two significant words for the alcoholic. "Dry" refers to the abstinence from drinking, whereas "drunk" signifies a deeply pathological condition resulting from the use of alcohol in the past. Taken together these words suggest intoxication without alcohol. Since intoxication comes from the Greek word for poison, "dry drunk" implies a state of mind and a mode of behavior that are poisonous to the alcoholic's well being.

OBVIOUS TRAITS Persons experiencing a full-blown DRY DRUNK are, for that period, removed from the world of sobriety; they fail, for whatever reason, to accept the necessary conditions for sober living. Their mental and emotional homes are chaotic, their approach to everyday living is unrealistic, and their behavior, both verbal and physical, is unacceptable.

This lack of sober realism manifests itself in many ways.

1. Grandiosity, put very simply, is an exaggeration of one's own importance. This can be demonstrated either in terms of one's strengths or weaknesses. In either case it is blatantly self- seeking or self-serving, putting oneself at the center of attention, from the "big me" who has ask the answers to the "poor me" whose cup of self-pity runneth over and wants all of our attention.

2. Judgmentalism is mutually related to grandiosity. It means that the alcoholic is prone to make value judgments - strikingly inappropriate evaluations - usually in terms of "goodness" or "badness".

classicman 08-26-2009 01:49 PM


1. Grandiosity, put very simply, is an exaggeration of one's own importance.

strikingly inappropriate evaluations

Intolerance leaves no room for delaying the gratification of personal desires. This is accomplished by gross confusion of priorities

monster 08-26-2009 01:50 PM

I wanted to take the sprogs to Cedar point today because it was cheap, but the forecast for Sandusky was shite so we didn't go. It has been raining here ALL day, but it was just fine there. grrr.

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