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DanaC 05-22-2009 03:47 PM

Sundae, do you have a decent local MP? A lot of people have managed to get charges put back if it's deemed they've overcharged. It sounds like they have. Worth checking out. You'd be amazed how amenable some banks are when an MP's letter lands in their in-tray. I know my MP has helped a bunch of people.

SteveDallas 05-22-2009 03:48 PM

Our zoning application to put the addition on our house was last night. Based on the questions asked and reactions to the answers, I expect everything will be approved.

However, the actual decision will not be handed down till June 18.

Griff 05-22-2009 03:50 PM

We knew we were taking a chance raising teh lil goat without her mamas colostrum. She started to limp a little yesterday so we lickety split ran her up to Cornell Vet School. They'll drain the fluid out of her knees and determine which antibiotic will work. It'll prolly work out OK in the end. Pete got a very good vibe from all these wicked smaaat animal lovin future and current Vets.

Sundae 05-22-2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 567965)
Sundae, do you have a decent local MP? A lot of people have managed to get charges put back if it's deemed they've overcharged. It sounds like they have. Worth checking out. You'd be amazed how amenable some banks are when an MP's letter lands in their in-tray. I know my MP has helped a bunch of people.

I live in Bucks remember - we're a true blue Tory safe seat. None other than Mr Clean hinself, David Liddington.

No, I've reached the zen-like state of writing it off. I was doing so anyway, it's just it's come a bit sooner than I expected. I don't have the mental strength to try to get any more money back after my tax fiasco. But you can bet if the banks ever agree their charges were illegal (as if - they'll still be fighting it when I am dead) then I would definitely pursue it. I've wasted 100s if not 1000s that way. And all for piddling amounts. I just don't seem to be able to micro-manage money.

DanaC 05-22-2009 04:52 PM

*Nods* fair enough m'dear. I was offered the help to sort out my old bank charges....just couldn't be arsed with all that negative energy :P I was broke at the time as well.

Clodfobble 06-11-2009 03:58 PM

Big family reunion this weekend. First group of cousins was supposed to arrive this afternoon, the rest tomorrow. But their plane flights got completely cancelled for the day due to horrible weather at DFW airport, so they can't get here until tomorrow. Now I'm stuck with a huge piece of marinating brisket that I was going to serve them for dinner. Can't serve it tomorrow night, because it was only enough to feed Wave One, not everyone. Tomorrow night has its own huge meal in the works.

But there are upsides. First off, more brisket for me! And, now I'll probably get to take the little fobs to a sprinklerpark playdate tomorrow morning that I was going to miss otherwise. Plus, now I'm off the hook for picking anyone up at the airport, since my brother's on relative-chauffer duty tomorrow.

lumberjim 06-11-2009 04:00 PM

sounds like a win win to me.


MoonFreckle 06-15-2009 04:37 AM

buying a lottery ticket every bloody week!!

capnhowdy 06-15-2009 04:03 PM

I never buy them on weeks that are bloody. I have better luck that way. :rolleyes:

I have too much invested to stop buying them now, though.

MoonFreckle 06-15-2009 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by capnhowdy (Post 574261)
I never buy them on weeks that are bloody. I have better luck that way. :rolleyes:

I have too much invested to stop buying them now, though.

that's what i've been doing wrong.:rolleyes:thanks for the heads up:D

Clodfobble 06-28-2009 02:22 PM

I killed my third goddamn waffle iron last night. Why are all these brands such complete pieces of CRAP? So I figured that was it, I had to go hardcore. After a good amount of research, I purchased this truly professional grade one.

If this thing is as good as it's supposed to be, it will be worth every cent and I will be in heaven. But there's still a cynical voice in my head warning me that in another month or two I'm going to be $180 worth of pissed.

lumberjim 06-28-2009 06:54 PM

When I managed a Denny's, we had a guy that came around every two or three months and serviced our waffle irons. apparently, they just break. did you make any attempt at fixing either of the previous models? If this one breaks. you should look into it.

I mean...$180 is a lot. I understand that it is essential equipment at your mr fobble needs to do some research on waffle iron repair just to be ready when this one does break.

Clodfobble 06-28-2009 10:03 PM

Yeah, for the one that just stopped heating at all, I probably should have looked into repairing it. But for the other two, I opened them up to find my waffles coated in teflon, and bare metal exposed where the teflon used to be. It just peeled right off in sheets. At the very least this one's got a one-year warranty.

xoxoxoBruce 06-29-2009 12:02 AM

How are you going to keep maple syrup on teflon coated waffles? Unacceptable.
Good luck with the new one, did it come with replacement parts info?

ZenGum 06-29-2009 12:09 AM

Obviously, they just put the teflon on inside out. It is non-stick, after all.

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