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plthijinx 08-28-2009 12:06 AM

i'm bringing it you ex-f-in-marinade uh i mean marine...

plthijinx 08-28-2009 12:07 AM

k we have enough to chat.....lessgo

ZenGum 08-28-2009 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 590714)
Oh and Zen , its former Marine .
as they say at graduation " A marine you are Now , and a Marine you WILL ever be !!"

ZippyT has just corrected my language usage.


I'm going to have to go upstairs with a revolver now, I think.

Goodbye all.

zippyt 08-28-2009 12:35 AM

Product Placement is every thing dude !!

zippyt 08-28-2009 12:36 AM

No worrys Zen , Id drink a beer with ya dude

ZenGum 08-28-2009 02:36 AM

okay but no playing with the .22 mag, okay?

I'll bring the, um, herbs.

monster 08-28-2009 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 590725)
ZippyT has just corrected my language usage.




OMFG that's the funniest thing i've read on here for a while. poor baby. :lol2:

Shawnee123 08-28-2009 03:42 PM

Remember a long time ago I had to cancel all those loans, and I was so upset about it?

Guess what? The Bursar's office has sent final notices to those students and NOW THEY GET THEIR FUCKING MAIL?!?! I dug through files, checked multiple sources, re-sent every bit of returned mail to at least one alternate address, but NOW they get their fucking mail?

I'm getting no support from the uppers, one of whom was in charge of the program when the whole fiasco of a problem was made, way before I was here.

I won't talk to them today. I fear I'll say something to get me fired.

monster 08-28-2009 03:48 PM

I don't understand, why are they only getting their mail just now?

Shawnee123 08-28-2009 03:54 PM

They're not. They choose to only "get" their mail when the notice from the Cashier's office tells them they have a balance due.

It happened at my old job too. They ignore all the warnings and requests for information, then when they get a notice from the actual MONEY people, they're like "Huh, what?"

And it's WAY too late to reverse it now. As I stated would happen, in BIG BOLD LETTERS, in my multiple letters.


plthijinx 08-28-2009 04:07 PM

sounds like they need some skunk snot delivered via airmail!

monster 08-28-2009 04:21 PM

Ah. I do that with my student loan stuff too. I thought it was mandatory. can I have my skunk snot a la mode?

plthijinx 08-28-2009 04:32 PM

anyway you like it! a la mode or a la pew, it's up to you!

Shawnee123 08-28-2009 08:28 PM

That's the difference. When a student is in repayment on a student's not something I have to deal with. It's between the lender (whether direct lending or by proxy) and the lendee.

This situation is between the student and the institution. I asked my boss for guidance and it was vague with a "sorry you got stuck with this."

I can handle it. I always do. I just wasn't in the mood for it today. :)

plthijinx 08-31-2009 12:59 PM

i am so sick of studying. for the past week and a half i've been taking on-line practice tests for the certified flight instructor - instrument written exam. hope to take it tomorrow but then i have to do the oral and practical with the FAA after that when i feel i'm ready. did i say already that i'm sick of studying?

time for a smoke.

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