![]() |
You have to look at his in Positive way ,
With no little ones around to walk in at JUST the WRONG time , you guys could Actualy be able to make a babby !!! sex on the couch , or in the kitchen on the counter Naked Ninja attacks in the hall way at 2 am Doesn't yer new house have a hot tub ?? Nude tubben !!! |
For sure Zippy. I guess you just never know what might happen when the opportunity is there.
Oh, Sundae! I am so sorry. I hope he returns quickly.
I'm sorry for any pain you feel in giving them up. It's only natural.
It's a great experience for them and good for you in letting them have it. Come here and tell us (over and over again) if it hurts. |
Thanks mate. I don't think I'll spend too much time talking about it here though. There are very few who actually really care anyway. Those who do have already had their say, and for that I'm very grateful. :)
good luck, Ali. Everybody's home situation is different, and I don't pretend to have a complete grasp of yours, but, I hope it works out on both home fronts, for you and the kids.
Thanks Cloud. :)
Good luck ali:)
Like you say, it isn't for a such a long time. Make the most of the kid-free time with Daryl, make it count! *smiles* |
Yeah, I'll try to do that Dana. The poor babies are a bit sad tonight, but hopefully by now they're sleep since it's 10:30pm here. It's a bit rough on them, but hopefully they can suck it in and get on with it. I know that's what I have to do.
Ali: hang in there.
SG: keep us posted on your kitty. |
Sundae Im freaking out about your cat - any news?
knee still effedup. Tried to go for a walk tonight. No go. :(
No Dylan.
Am becoming resigned. It's a big cloud over everything I do at the moment. I just don't know what more I can do. |
Oh Sundae, thats awful....Come Back Dylan!!!!
Once I had a kitty gone for two weeks who came back.
But it's not looking hopeful. I'm sooooooooooooooo sorry! I know I would be just devastated myself. I've got to ask--did he escape, or is he used to being outside? |
I pulled a muscle in my ribcage several days ago, and it hurts to breathe. I think I did it sneezing, :cuss: allergies. It's getting worse instead of better.
LR, it's quite possible that you have a subluxation of one of your thoracic vertebrae (I think Clodfobble had a similar problem recently).
Dude. If you have what I had, go get your back popped! The pain relief was immediate. (FWIW, I'd tell him to leave your neck the hell alone though. The pain's not in your neck, neck popping hurts like a mofo, and it can be very dangerous if it's done improperly.)
1 Attachment(s)
Some 'net searching has me convinced that I have pulled the intercostalis and/or seperatus muscles between/attached to my 5th and 6th ribs on my right side, based on the pain and locale. The pain is in the front, beginning under the very bottom of my breast and wraps around and under my armpit. Right where my bra fits.
How the frick am I supposed to keep training, when I can't breathe just sitting at my desk??? Damn damn damn. |
rub some dirt on it and get back in the game. quit being a sissy and keep training.;)
or you can do what I do and that is cry and draw attention to my extreme agony so everyone will cater to my every whim. :D |
Oh, Sundae! I hope he comes back. Dyl, stop making your mama worry, so. I am sorry he is missing.
Sundae...I had a cat when I was little (about 10) and it went missing. About 2 months later my grandfather who lived about 1km up the road rang and said his neighbours (who he was on very good terms with) had my cat and they wanted us to come over and have a talk about it.
Their daughter was about 5 and had apparently grown very attached to my cat and they asked if they could please keep the cat. My mother said they could. I remember being very angry with my mother and thinking that I was still a little kid too, just a bit older than the other little kid. I guess my mum did what she felt was right, and she got me another cat anyway, but it still sucked. The point is sundae, maybe as you thought in the first place, Dyl has been taken in by some family who think it's best to keep cats indoors, and they're loving him just as much as anyone could. Maybe that's why he hasn't been able to come home. The important thing is that he's being loved right? Even if it does suck that it's not you. |
I'm afraid it's cold comfort.
He's obviously a pedigree. If the family didn't recognise that then they are inexperienced cat owners. Also, if they seriously wanted to take care of him they should have taken him to the vet. Any vet would have immediately felt his microchip and scanned him, triggering the alert. Finally I can't believe - even if he has no attachment to me - that he has no attachment to Diz. They groomed eachother, slept together every night (and most days), played at least 5 distinctive cat games. Diz has been wandering round crying for him. And Dylan has a mighty voice when he wants to. What kind of person would keep a cat who yowls every day and still think they are being kind? I might be wrong. A well meaning but selfish, ignorant person might be holding him captive. But my hope that he was trapped somewhere is also dust and ashes now. If he had no access to food or water he's died a horrible death by now, crying and hoping to be rescued. Sorry. I know I'm over-dramatising. I'm just upset tonight. I should never have let him out in the first place - he was just too curious. Almost everyone I've asked knows him, has seen him, has come into contact with him. |
I'm sorry for you mate. I wish I had better words for you and I realize there's really nothing that helps. Don't despair though. He may still come back.
Sorry Ali, I do realise you are being supportive and I take on board what you've said. I'm just seeing the most negative side of it all right now and have over-thought it from every angle, each time coming up with a worse scenario.
Thanks to everyone for your kind words, I do appreciate it. |
There's no need to say sorry Sundae. I think we've all been where you are today. It's devastating to think of losing a pet that you love so much. I'm going to be a mess when my dog Sheba dies. If I lost one of my cats I'd go nuts too.
We know how you feel. We expect you to be sad, so just go ahead and spill your guts. Specially if it makes you feel any better. |
Some addict left a hypodermic on a playground. A little person I know picked it up and got stuck. Ruin your own life asshole, that's fine, but when did it become necessary to shoot up on a damn playground?:mad2:
Holy crap Griff - (no words)
That really sucks, Griff. I hope all the inevitable tests come back clean. :(
i was just remembering an episode of COPS i saw where a cop gets pricked. he was talking about boiling it in bleach.
if you had a pair of tin snips in your right hand, and accidentally pricked your left pinky with a known AIDS infected syringe, what would YOU do? |
see a doctor right away; there are drugs you can take which may inhibit the virus
How about the Burma junta impeding cyclone aid -- visibly out of sheer racism, bigotry, and a crimes-against-humanity degree of shitheadedness?
If you were them, would you trust the American Military? It is upsetting, though, I hope a way is found soon to get the aid in.
...you know that feeling, when you are soooo tired you feel sick?
Sundae--I am so sorry for you. I grieve with you, my friend. :hugs:
Yeah, I keep hoping for some good news about Dylan. Hang in there, girl. :(
I have a good friend who is a hard-core alcoholic. When I first met her several years ago, we would go out all the time. I eventually had to stop because I felt like I was contributing.
I still go out with her--occasionally--because I like her and we have fun. At least until she gets way too drunk. But I can't do it too much, because it's depressing. All her friends are like that, too--it's all about the alcohol. Having lost a marriage to this, it's not something I can enjoy. Plus, I can't keep up! |
Bought something from Ebay which I really wanted, and after I bought (and paid for it) I get a message from Ebay that said the listing had been pulled and I should apply for a refund of my money.
WTF? Couldn't they have pulled the listing before I purchased it? It's completely disappeared, so I can't even check out why. Maybe the seller had horrible feedback or something (usually don't pay too much attention to this). Maybe I'll still get it, dunno. I have 45 days to request a refund from Paypal. |
Mr. Clod just left for a business trip and will be gone until Friday.
I will be alone with two kids all week, the main challenge of which will be managing to eat a reasonable dinner every night without the motivation of cooking for someone else, because eating is a fucking chore. Then I will take delivery of the two stepkids on Friday and deal with dinner/bedtime for all four of them before Mr. Clod gets home late in the evening, and then the next morning my MIL arrives :rolleyes: along with a bunch of other relatives and we host a birthday party for the toddler. |
Clod, you need this product:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG-GB84SL_w |
Was it something like that? |
it was a Coldwater Creek necklace. One of many listed. I did notice, after I bid, that the shipping was pretty high, but I forgot to look at the feedback.
Perhaps they accidentally listed more than they actually had to sell.
maybe. I really wanted that necklace though, bah!
The idjits running the junta have simply never had justification for their behavior. |
Gotta agree with that one. There is simply no excuse for letting, lord knows how many thousands of people, suffer and die because they won't let foreign ships (not just ours), sitting offshore, unload relief supplies.
Simply none. |
I have an exam tomorrow morning. I have not done anywhere near enough revision. In fact I have found it almost impossible to marshall my efforts in that direction all fucking week. I worked like there was no tomorrow during the campaign and managed, by the skin of my teeth and the patience of my school to get all assignments in and good quality at that.....I was left at the end of that mad month with 2 weeks to revise for one exam.....I have probably logged seven hours if that. I now have to spend the whole of today in panicky revision and am still having difficulty starting (hence being here at all).
Oh well. If I can throw a solid five hours at it I should be able to remember a few relevant queens and dates. I just hope I have enough of em to weave an argument for whatever questions come up. [eta] oh yeah and to add to the feeling of approaching panic is the fact that I have become unable to get out of bed in the mornings. Even if its something important I see the clock reading maybe 5 am.....then the next thing i know it's gone 9. I have to be up and out of the house by 7 tomorrow morning in order to get to the exam for 9. This is worrying me. |
Starting over again - AGAIN !
I'm getting too old to be doing this shit. |
classicman, it's never too late to start over.
Awesome. Just fuckin' awesome.
Minifob has figured out how to climb out of his crib. Happy birthday to him. Traditionally, there are two solutions to this sort of thing. One, a sort of tent device that traps him in from the top as well. Two, giving up on the idea of keeping him in the bed at all, and instead putting a gate at the doorway so at the very least he is trapped in the room until morning. If he plays until he just passes out on the floor, so be it. But of course, he figured this out five minutes before Mr. Clod took the car to Houston with the stepkids, so I don't have the option of going to purchase either of these items. Bedtime tonight is going to be soooo much fun. |
I feel for you.
Putting him back to bed in silence is what parent friends of mine advocate. But it can take up to five nights. Clod ==> :zzz: |
cf, don't you have some rope or bungee cord?
New beginnings take energy, and that is what you are drained of right now. But nature promotes growth and rebirth. It's in all of us. You'll come back bigger and better and stronger and happier than before. You're not a seedling any more, you're established growth putting out new shoots. |
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