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Carruthers 04-01-2010 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 644830)
Is there a bustle in your hedgerow? Don't be alarmed.

Yes, I see what you mean!


xoxoxoBruce 04-01-2010 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Carruthers (Post 644818)
Have a look at this Google Street View picture.


my god, look at all that land going to waste. Such a shame to see all those trees, grass, and crops, on what could be perfectly good parking lots. :haha:

Carruthers 04-01-2010 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 644863)
my god, look at all that land going to waste. Such a shame to see all those trees, grass, and crops, on what could be perfectly good parking lots. :haha:

Don't think that it hasn't already been suggested.:sniff:


Sundae 04-01-2010 03:39 PM

Car, like Dani I really do appreciate how awful it must be to be in situ when something like this happens. My example of the flats in Aylesbury was not to suggest "worse things happen at sea!" merely to illustrate my own poverty.

I'm still amazed at how many trains they plan to run to Brum an hour though. Not that the BFP is an unimpeachable source. Or even sauce. Still , at least they'll go by in a flash (weak joke).

Upsetting me today is Aylesbury in the press for all the wrong reasons. As it will be on May 1st (Dads' 70th in case you want to send a card). The EDL are intending to march in the town. That's English Defence League. I've not linked directly to their site as I don't want to promote them, even amongst curious minded adults. Formed to counter the rise of Islamic fundies in this country. Sadly, attracting hooligans and British National Party and ex-National Front members.

If they were for what they said they were for I'd accept their presence in the town, even if I'd still be wary. They claim to be against fundamentalism and terrorism. And for traditional English values. Something the British muslims I know would be happy with. If their social calendar promoted country dancing, Morris dancing, cheese rolling, bog snorkelling and jam making, I'd be all for it. I don't buy the right-wing red-top conceit that we are being overwhelmed or forced out of our own country at all. Chicken Tikka Masala anyone? Pro-traditional arts and crafts does not equal anti foreign influences.

Anyway, the English have always been magpies. If the school I worked at suddenly had classes in applying henna (not likely with three of fewer non-Caucasian children per class) I'd sign up for it!

So, I'm drifting. If the march happens we'll be the focal point for a clash of cultures and races. And although the Aylesbury population is nowhere near as laissez faire as Leicester (Ranjula Takodra is our second Asian mayor - Raj Khan being the first, a frequent visitor at our house) we've had a history of street violence going back to the '70s. Aylesbury was once mentioned in a House of Commons speech as a place you dare not venture after a certain time due to "yobs".

I worry for my quiet little county town.

Carruthers 04-01-2010 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 644975)

Aylesbury was once mentioned in a House of Commons speech as a place you dare not venture after a certain time due to "yobs".

If I'm not mistaken, it was the then Home Secretary Douglas Hurd who made that speech which included the first recorded use of the term 'lager lout'.

I suppose he has to be remembered for something:eyebrow:


monster 04-01-2010 06:51 PM

That Brum link was sorely needed when I left nearly 10 years ago. The motorway (?M42 -so happy to have forgotten the number) was a car park, and the trains ran so infrequently that they often couldn't take all the passengers waiting.

I'm sure I'd be a total NIMBY, but if London can't expand further, then the transport system needs to, and a lot of the commmuters were people with dual bases -London and Birmingham. If it were the US, they'd just fly.

Carruthers 04-02-2010 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 645045)
That Brum link was sorely needed when I left nearly 10 years ago. The motorway (?M42 -so happy to have forgotten the number) was a car park, and the trains ran so infrequently that they often couldn't take all the passengers waiting.

I'm sure I'd be a total NIMBY, but if London can't expand further, then the transport system needs to, and a lot of the commmuters were people with dual bases -London and Birmingham. If it were the US, they'd just fly.

The M40 runs from London to Brum and the M42 connects it with the M6 to the east and the M5 to the west.

The trouble is that traffic, like work, expands according to the capacity available to meet it. There has to be a time when it is no longer reasonable, or even feasible, to build yet another massive road or rail project.
If the nation was the size of France it might be a more practical proposition. Of course in many parts of the USA the country could quite happily swallow up a vast civil engineering project without inconvenience or detrimental effect on a massive scale.
I'm not suggesting that HS2 should be dumped on somebody else, just questioning the need for it at all.

All the best,


Sundae 04-02-2010 09:16 AM

You know what?
I disagree with this Carruthers chap's opinions, but he seems like a pretty good egg.

Good on you for not frothing at the mouth about something which obviously affects you very personally. Want to meet up for a pint?

Griff 04-02-2010 09:18 AM

Yep. He is a very palatable character. Good for the Cellar.

classicman 04-02-2010 10:33 AM

He does seem to be a good guy.

Shawnee123 04-02-2010 10:35 AM

How the hell would you know?


DanaC 04-02-2010 10:42 AM

I like carruthers. I like his style.

Shawnee123 04-02-2010 10:47 AM

If I had my druthers
I'd pick Carruthers!

hip hip hooray!

(let me know if you ever need a campaign manager)

Yeah, I agree...Car seems pretty cool. :)

xoxoxoBruce 04-02-2010 10:47 AM

Those axe murderers will fool you every time. :lol:

DanaC 04-02-2010 11:00 AM

Pshaw! what if we happen to like axe murderers eh? You ever think of that? Smartypants.

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