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squirell nutkin 04-03-2010 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 645626)
Ah, see, but he's got this noblesse oblige thing going on. He doesn't want me to not be a knucklehead, because that means I might possibly know more than he does. He doesn't respect intelligence in others, he just likes people to defer to him.

Nothing worse than being condescended to by a person who needs you to drive him places and cook his meals.

monster 04-03-2010 07:22 PM

How old is this child, 'fob?

Clodfobble 04-04-2010 09:42 PM

Just turned 8. It's an irritating age all around, so I haven't given up all hope for him just yet.

monster 04-04-2010 09:47 PM

Oh grief, same as Thor, yes don't give up. It's all about gender roles/differences at that age. First time they've noticed, but they don't all get it completely and there's a lot of peer pressure going on, so they conform as best they can.

morethanpretty 04-05-2010 09:50 PM

My cop friend got slashed open with a knife last night. He's home and recovering, he claims it wasn't a big deal. I'm still pretty freaked out.

My sister is still really really sick. I'm taking her back to the doc tomorrow (for the 3rd visit) for a chest x-ray. Guess we'll find out if she has bronchitis, pneumonia, or something else.

My oldest-time friend was suppose to come to town for 11days at the end of the month, she had to cancel. Her cat has cancer, its pretty awful.

limey 04-06-2010 02:55 AM

Hang in there, MTP. Sending supporting vibes your way!

Jaydaan 04-06-2010 07:49 PM

My boxer got kennel cough... and she wasn't even around any dogs. The downstairs neighbours had a few dog visitors in the past week, but no one new to the yard. BAH $98 to say yes, she is sick, and here is a week's pills.

Oh and better book an ultra sound and X-ray, cause her heart murrmur is "very loud" YIKES!!!!! So instead of going on a 4 day holiday at the end of the month, its going on my baby's vet bill.

xoxoxoBruce 04-06-2010 10:14 PM

Obviously a very strong evil power doesn't want you to take a vacation. Better cancel before more bad shit happens. :eek:

Jaydaan 04-06-2010 10:31 PM

Yup, cancelled. We were supposed to go to a cabin with 3 families for my son's 20 birthday (his first with us in 5 years) Since we planned it, one family cancelled, a guy quit work, so my son and I have to work part of the 4 days off, and Freya got sick....

So, now its a party on Sat the 17 for my son, low key (which is more his style) and a vet visit on the 21st to find out how bad the murmur is.
Real life always comes first, we were just hoping for a few days as a family... where there was not a TV, Computer, Work, Playstation 3, Playstation 2 or a Wii to distract us.

zippyt 04-06-2010 10:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Snatch out All the power cords , and Phone cords , put one of these on yer door , and ignore the Knocking

TheMercenary 04-06-2010 10:59 PM


xoxoxoBruce 04-07-2010 12:10 AM

Zippyt is so subtle. :haha:

DanaC 04-07-2010 05:48 AM

Oh! i want that sign lol.

Sundae 04-07-2010 10:46 AM

MTP - all fingers crossed for your sister. At least she's getting medical attention. Here's hoping it's something which will pass quickly.

My Great Uncle John died last night. Grandad's second sibling in the last two years, and the baby of the family. The five of them seemed to have charmed lives until Auntie Alice died - they were all in their eighties and all compos mentis.

Of course no-one lives forever, but the Doyles were giving the impression of immunity for a while.

We didn't really know John - not like Auntie Alice, who was very much close family - but I feel it for Grandad.

I have to break the news to Mum when she comes home. Again, I know it will hit her mostly because she'll have to tell her dad. And she leaves for Spain for five days on Saturday. I'll have to make sure to visit him every day, instead of the usual every other day.

Shawnee123 04-07-2010 11:29 AM

Trolls and troll minions and the tolerance of same upsets me today.

That, and I'm getting a ct scan on my head. Doc ruled out the usual suspects. Mo money.

My phone is about ready to be turned off...the one bill I just can't swing since my recent financial fucking. The others I've been playing roulette with.

Life is good. Work hard, get ahead, get knocked back down again. I'm sure somehow it's all my fault.

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