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Sundae 11-18-2013 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 882298)
Just to clarify: the country round here meaning within easy distance from my village. I'm in West Ridings of Yorkshire, and Swaledale is in the North Ridings.

Sorry to divert the weather. Weather thread I mean.
We sell Swaledale Cheddar. I don't like it. Nice enough cheese, but I list it as one of my "dirty" cheeses. Got quite heavy a rind on it and that means an old heave-ho on the cheese wire, and scatterings of powder over everything. Okay when it's quiet, but if the next person is buying St Agur or any of the lovely sticky blues it involves the waiting customer waiting longer for a proper clean-up first (as opposed to selling back to back cheddars for example, which only require a quick wipe).

The 'rents paper is predicting doom and gloom and snow flurries as of tomorrow.
I expect to see none here. Boooooooo.

DanaC 11-18-2013 04:32 PM

Yeah....'pparently we have a fortnight's snow and ice to look forward to.

Wish I could send you ours. It is way less fun when you have to walk a dog three times a day. And when there are very few flat roads to walk on.

tw 11-18-2013 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pico and ME (Post 883656)
We got hit with something in Kokomo.

Is the Gold Dust (or whatever that Steak House was called) still in operation?

Sundae 11-19-2013 02:05 PM

It was chillier today I admit.
Clear blue skies but no wind. Leaving at 06.00 skews my opinion though.

Q: do I really have nifty range of outer-weer or do I just not compliment enough?
I have people both in store and on the street stop me to praise my hats and coats. I can't remember ever doing that to others.

Oh, was icy on the little bridge to get to the store. Slippy-icy. Must remember. Stupid constructions. WHY can't paving stones and wooden walkways be made frost-free?! Am entering the period of terror of falling.

If temp drops into single figures I have to stop moaning about it.
Because then it's not due to my medication any more, and everyone will be in the same boat.
I need to ditch the fashion glow-in-the-dark skelly gloves and break out my hot pink Arran sheepskin ones. Am already wearing the handknitted socks when I wear boots.

Pico and ME 11-19-2013 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 883802)
Is the Gold Dust (or whatever that Steak House was called) still in operation?

I've only been here for 11 years and never heard of it. Neither has my husband.

Gravdigr 11-19-2013 05:26 PM

Golden Corral, maybe? There's one of those in Kokomo.

Kokomo is fun to type.

Yeah, I'm pretty easy to entertain sometimes.

xoxoxoBruce 11-19-2013 08:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The tornado lifted the roof, blew the window in, blew the shade up an out, and dropped the roof on it. :eek:

fargon 11-19-2013 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 883885)
The tornado lifted the roof, blew the window in, blew the shade up an out, and dropped the roof on it. :eek:

Bruce is that your house?

tw 11-19-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pico and ME (Post 883851)
I've only been here for 11 years and never heard of it. Neither has my husband.

It was somewhere west of the Chrysler plant and south of the Kokomo mall.

Also did the Golden Corral there on the south side off 31. While waiting for the steak, I pigged out on the many salsd bars. Suddenly a steak arrived, I had forgotten about the steak - ate too much.

I also remember a place where you catch the catfish, then have it cooked.

Is Denny's still there?

The people there also loved chicken fried steaks.

It was the first venue where I found tornado shelters throughout the building I believe marked by blue lights.

Update: found it-
Gold Rush
Is it still there?

xoxoxoBruce 11-19-2013 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by fargon (Post 883893)
Bruce is that your house?

No no, I'm snug in eastern PA. That was a picture I gleaned off the web, which I thought was unusual.

DanaC 11-20-2013 01:51 AM

One of the things I love about my country is that the weather is rarely lethal.

glatt 11-20-2013 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 883885)
The tornado lifted the roof, blew the window in, blew the shade up an out, and dropped the roof on it. :eek:

That's amazing.

Tornadoes are so freaky. This picture is right up there with the famous pictures of the stalks of straw blown through a telephone pole.

Clodfobble 11-20-2013 08:31 AM

The pinpoint path of destruction always amazes me as well. One house in a tornado's path will be gone, completely leveled to the ground, and the house next door will appear untouched. At least with flooding, you know that all your neighbors got equally screwed.

footfootfoot 11-20-2013 10:53 AM

Or a redneck divorce...

tw 11-20-2013 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 883933)
The pinpoint path of destruction always amazes me as well. One house in a tornado's path will be gone, completely leveled to the ground, and the house next door will appear untouched.

Detailed pictures for Hurricane Andrew in Time Magazine demonstrated why. Look closely. An aerial photo showed the entire block leveled. Look closely at houses across the street. Not one destroyed.

If its roof is not properly attached, it will lift off. Then the entire structure has been compromised - will easily fall like stacked cards. Those houses across the street apparently had hurricane straps. Those roofs did not fly. So those houses remained intact.

Visit a house being framed. Atop each stud are two horizontal 2x4s. It is called the plate. Observe outside corners. Do those 2x4s overlap? Or just butted together.

If corners are not properly constructed, then the house will fall like cards. If those 2x4s are not overlapped, then butted walls easy separate. Also half way up corner 2x4s MUST be blocks. So that intersecting walls are also joined half way up (4 feet). If these required construction practices do not exist (maybe half of homes are not done this way), then the house is an easy victim of any severe storm. And so across the street (on the edges of those Time Magazine pictures) was another block of houses that remained intact.

A devil is found in those details. Since I don't entertain the devil, then god recently visited me. But that's another topic.

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