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DanaC 04-21-2010 02:27 AM

I think I'll just blame the government :P

Am feeling tons better this morning. Getting some sleep helped. A lot. Alot of help that is, not a lot of sleep :P But hey: 5 solid hours isn't half bad for me ;) Hopefully that's it, done and dusted. Usually by the time I start talking about what's up that means I've hit bottom and about to come around.

Shawnee123 04-21-2010 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 650506)
Also, I'm anxious for myself. I went to a new doc on Friday also cuz I had a fever and some sinus issues. He gave me meds for that, but also found that my thyroid feels enlarged. Might be the cause of my chronic fatigue, which I have been struggling with for....2yrs now, I think. So had blood tests and a sonogram of my thyroid. I hope they DO find something wrong, so that finally there will be something to fix, and I don't have to feel like its all my fault. Results for that "in a few days."

Awww, dear, I know. I'm still worried about my noggin and still haven't heard from the hospital as to when they're scheduling my scan. I won't even go into what I did yesterday...but it was proof of just how bad my concentration is. I can't seem to focus. I forget what I did 5 minutes ago.

I know what you mean when you say you hope they find something, so at least there is something to fix.

Hang in there, girl.


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 650511)
You both just need a man.

Someone to blame, then you wouldn't have to figure out what's up.:lol:


NO comment. ;)


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 650518)
I think I'll just blame the government :P

Am feeling tons better this morning. Getting some sleep helped. A lot. Alot of help that is, not a lot of sleep :P But hey: 5 solid hours isn't half bad for me ;) Hopefully that's it, done and dusted. Usually by the time I start talking about what's up that means I've hit bottom and about to come around.

I got a lot of sleep last night, and feel better too.

I'm glad you're feeling better. :)

Shawnee123 04-21-2010 09:15 AM

Awww, dear, I know. I'm still worried about my noggin and still haven't heard from the hospital as to when they're scheduling my scan. I won't even go into what I did yesterday...but it was proof of just how bad my concentration is. I can't seem to focus. I forget what I did 5 minutes ago.

I know what you mean when you say you hope they find something, so at least there is something to fix.

Hang in there, girl.

(heeeheee...that was a joke, you know, can't remember stuff...haahaa., I got nuttin')

glatt 04-21-2010 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 650565)
(heeeheee...that was a joke, you know, can't remember stuff...haahaa., I got nuttin')


Tulip 04-21-2010 10:56 AM

Shawnee: You got me scrolling up and down and a tad confused. :p: Glad to see you still got your sense of humour although you're worried about your health. :) I was about to pm you and ask about your doctor's appointment. Don't you just wish they can work faster to figure what's wrong with us? You're still waiting on making an appointment? What is wrong with them? Geez.....

Shawnee123 04-21-2010 11:05 AM

Heeheee...I was thinking, what if I do have a benign tumor or something, and they remove it? What part of my brain will I lose? Will I no longer have a sense of humor? Then I wouldn't be "me." What if I can't remember how to do my job? What if I become, like, a really nice person? :eek:


;) Just things that have been running through my head.

I called my doc on Monday to ask what I should do. She said the nurse would call me soon.'s not like I'm breaking their door down to get the test...of course I don't really WANT to, so I wish they'd get on the ball so I don't have to keep begging for a damn appointment that I don't want to have to do anyway. But, have to I must.

Thanks! :)

Nirvana 04-21-2010 12:52 PM

We have other people's cows here to feed and synchronize for breeding. One just chased me trying to get me. I had to run about 200 yards to dive head first and roll over the electric fence! I called up the owners and told them to come get their cow otherwise she and McDonald's will be on a first name basis!!!!! :mad2:We don't keep people chasin' cows they are crazy. :mad: :scream:

Shawnee123 04-21-2010 12:56 PM

You have some seriously unique experiences! I giggled, though I know a cow could actually hurt you, at the thought of your narrow escape and the crazy people-chasin' cow. :)

Nirvana 04-21-2010 01:08 PM

Seriously they better be hooking up their trailer pronto to come and get her because F that shit!:eyebrow:

You can walk thru our herd and pet calves if they come up to you. Some gals are a bit nervous right after they calve but you give them a wide berth for a couple of days and they are fine. This one ran across the pasture just to get me. No insane cows wanted BYE BYE! :)

classicman 04-21-2010 01:49 PM

Sale on Angus burgers at Nirvana's . . . while supplies last ;)

Pie 04-21-2010 03:24 PM

I like my steaks rare. :yum:

morethanpretty 04-21-2010 04:08 PM

Mom just called. Doc had no definitive answers for my sister still. The most recent round of blood tests ruled out all of the "nastier" possibilities (IE lupus). Not all of the tests have come back though, still waiting on the mono test for example, which she has had mono, but it is possible to have it reoccur. He has pretty much concluded its a viral infection, and she's not contagious. She can go to work if she feels up to it...
Doing another round of blood tests and a stomach scan. Another appointment next Wed.

Pie 04-21-2010 09:20 PM

"It's never lupus."

Sorry to hear about the uncertainty, moar.

classicman 04-21-2010 09:30 PM

Hope all works out for your sister.

I didn't know there were blood tests specifically for lupus. That took me by surprise.

Pete Zicato 04-23-2010 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pie (Post 650726)
"It's never lupus."

I'm sorry to disagree with whomever you are quoting, but sometimes it is lupus. Mrs. Z lost a very dear high-school friend to lupus.

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