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Since there is no "foreign policy Mitt Romney", I'd like to return to the search for the "real Mitt Romney". I'm reposting this, and a couple more observations and questions.
Social welfare? Or political speech? It is clearly a call to political action. We have structures for this, they're called Political Action Committees, PACs. The thing about PACs is that the donors must be recorded and filed so the electorate, we citizens, you and me, can see WHO is saying what. Not so with the Social Welfare organizations. They are not required to reveal their donors. Yet, Karl Rove can use this anonymous money to influence voters. Aren't you curious about who is buying this influence for Romney? I sure am. I'd like to know to whom Romney will owe a debt of gratitude, or more, should he be elected. It is not a lot of people. Check this out: Quote:
I sincerely doubt the difference they're striving for is the same difference I'm striving for. The concerns of Romney's NFL and NASCAR owning friends are not my concerns. I don't want them calling the shots. There's so much about Romney that doesn't add up. He is hiding so much, all headlines and no body. No details. No tax returns to show where his treasure is, so will his heart be also, right? I can't decide if he's more Thurston Howell III or Mr Burns. But he's a caricature and a scary one. |
Well Adak? What's your position on all the secret money bankrolling Romney?
You can't rescue an oil tanker under attack, but firing long range ship to ship missiles at small boats nearby the tanker, from the Gulf of Persia. See what I mean? Think about real life issues where the Navy has had to intervene in the last 10 years. How many times could a simple firing of a longer range missile from an advanced Cruiser, have been the solution to the problem? Almost never. In the foreign policy debate, Romney argued that the decline in the number of ships in the US Navy, resulted in a weakening of our Naval military strength. Obama then stated in a condescending tone, that we had these ships called Aircraft Carriers, and planes land on them, and the ships today were much more capable than ships in the past, so we have more strength, with fewer ships. There was more; that's just an off the cuff highlight of that exchange in the debate. You can hear the debate in zillions of places on the net. What's wrong with Youtube? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tecohezcA78 |
Let history be your guide here. We were weak before WWI, and we lost a lot of soldiers because we were unprepared, and our soldiers were horribly under trained when they arrived at the front. After the "War to end all wars", we naturally let our military disband largely, and stopped looking like a first class military nation. Other nations, like the UK, did the same thing. Shortly thereafter, Hitler came to power, and Germany started rebuilding it's military. We were weak, the UK was weak. Poland was terribly weak, and the French had actually gone back to using HORSES for some of their army transport! Russia with Stalin, had just killed off most of their top military leaders, because Stalin feared them. They were woeful at that time. With that weakness all around of course Hitler felt encouraged to bully and bluster, and finally, go to war with them! We couldn't believe it! Neither could most of the people in the UK. They were kicking the dead peace horse, waiting for it to run again and carry us all to a lasting peace. But that horse was really dead. :mad: Thinking that we'll have little need for a strong foreign policy, and the ability to project military strength today, is just lunacy. There is a LOT of instability in the Middle East. North Korea is a chronic hot spot, as is the recent squabbles with China and Japan over some islands that lie between them. And then there's Al Qaeda and their several associated groups, that are quite active in Mali, Sinai, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, etc. With the UK so very weak - NO aircraft carriers for now, and the French being headed by a Socialist, We need to be alert, and not knocking down the number of ships in our Navy. |
Those were financed by Carlos Slim - who's the worlds richest man, and not even an American. So no, Romney's money sources don't bother me any more than Obama's. To be honest, these big $$$ men, REALLY like having some association with those in the White House. Even if it's just to visit and share a drink, maybe a dinner, and a chat with the President - they LOVE it. It gives them a great deal of pleasure. But the President has constraints. He can't cater to their needs too much, even if he wanted to, because he's such a major figure that everything he does is watched and reported (nowadays). |
Couple of points: The disestablishment of large chunks of the armed forces after a conflict is pretty much the way Britain has always done things. We only stopped passing the annual Mutiny Act (for governing the size, budget and purpose of the army) in 1879. Cultural unease over large standing armies was only just starting to pass out of the national consciousness by the time of the first world war. It is standard for Britain to allow herself to become militarily weak during peace time and then have to scrabble around furiously recruiting and training up soldiers when large scale conflict erupts. It's one of the key reasons that Britain often does very badly at the start of a conflict. Not only is a large proportion of the army still green when they begin, but the structural integrity of regiments and battalions has often been shattered by large scale disestablishment and the need to move men around by, for example, combining the remnants of different battalions into a new whole, or using homebased battalions as a recruitment filter for overseas regiments. Over the course of the conflict they become skilled and experienced and gel into an effective fighting force. Then when the conflict ends numbers are again slashed, and regiments stripped down or removed from active service altogether. Rinse and repeat :p Second, whilst Britain is weak now relative to its historic strength (in terms of military and naval reach) it is still the fifth in Global Firepower rankings. Given the size of our land and population, that's still way overpowered. The lack of aircraft carriers is a problem. For all that I am generally anti-war it grieves me to see our navy so depleted. We don't even build ships anymore. Naval power has been a factor in English and British identify since the 10th century. The closure of the shipyards felt like a part of that was being ripped away. Back to the disestablishment of regiments though: now that the dust is beginning to settle on our recent military ventures, the government has announced a large scale reorganisation of the army, along with massive budget cuts. Some regiments are being disbanded atogether, others are being absorbed into surviving regiments. truly there is nothing new under the sun. |
You know, I've been thinking about this thread and the 'True Conservative' thread, and I think I should retract an element of what I have said in here:
For ease, I've been using the labels 'conservative' and 'republican'. But actually the views expressed by Adak in this thread, though in line with much of what we see of republicanism/conservatism through news and political commentary, doesn't seem so in line with mainstream conservative views. Certainly judging from other conservative dwellars. I probably should withdraw the labels 'conservative' and 'republican' and replace them with extreme republican, or right-wing conservative. I suspect they are no closer to many ordinary conservative or republican Americans, than the Socialist Workers' Party is to me. |
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Umm, thought we went down to 1 carrier in 2011?
Uhhh .. pic was on a page dated 2011 ... I saw it "somewhere" a few days ago and dug it up.
I suppose it depends also on whether or not you define the Invincible class as a true aircraft carrier. I think we still have one in service.
Why does Thailand need a carrier ?
My first thought was it must be scrap iron from the our Reagan years. |
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