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classicman 06-09-2010 03:00 PM

Shawnee123 06-09-2010 03:34 PM

The entire Liar's Brigade has chimed in. Good job, fellas.

Spexxvet 06-09-2010 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 661874)
I read about that this am.

Sorry for your friend - Glad no one was hurt or killed. She has time to get better and learn - some do not get that chance.


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 661875)
Whoa. That IS very intoxicated. I hope this person gets the help they need. :(

She checked into in-patient rehab this morning.

TheMercenary 06-09-2010 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 661892)
Thanks, I do feel better. You've brightened my day up about 3 notches. Thanks.

Oh, and you are right I don't know what you posted because you deleted it before nailing yourself to your response to a joke by HUNG LIKE JESUS. I've got no innocent act here. I saw something that struck me as funny. It still does. Have a nice day.


monster 06-09-2010 08:35 PM

Could you two please take a step back and look at yourselves?

Do you see Shawnee as subhuman or something? I wasn't here either, I didn't see the posts and I'm not known for my empathy, but it's clear even to me that this was a point where she needed a little sympathy and little TLC.

Clearly HLJ had bad timing with whatever joke he was making, realized it and rescinded it, by which time our heroine had repaired the chink in her armor with a little bravado. It's not martyrdom, you fuckwits. It's an emotional survival technique that some of us use. If you had a human bone in your body, you'd realize that now was the time to leave well alone if you had nothing supportive to say. But no. I pity your wives and daughters.

Yup, she went a little postal. I woulda too. And now she's gone. She was a stone in the cellar foundations. you guys are just roofing shingles. Or pvc siding. or something. Or maybe that wooden trim that attracts carpenter bees.

So this is upsetting me today

and pass me that martyr crown because I actually came here to post about what was upsetting me, but now I don't care whether you express sympathy, concern or ridicule. Go ahead, have at it. Invite the chode to join the party. Taunt away without fear of my scary response. No I'm not leaving the cellar (dream on) but I'm all done with this for a while.

bitch on, bros.


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 661815)
Sorry Shawnee, bad timing on that joke. Please re-post.


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 661818)
Nah, it's OK. I just needed an ear, then I realized maybe I don't need these ears, as reaching out is frowned upon if one is a jokester.

It's all good.

xoxoxoBruce 06-09-2010 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 661925)
She checked into in-patient rehab this morning.

Hopefully because she realizes she needs help and not just because her lawyer told her to.

monster 06-09-2010 09:41 PM

what bruce said

Pico and ME 06-09-2010 10:59 PM

Yoo Hoo Monster! That was perfect. Thanks for posting it.

lookout123 06-09-2010 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 661957)
~snip~ It's not martyrdom, you fuckwits. It's an emotional survival technique that some of us use. If you had a human bone in your body, you'd realize that now was the time to leave well alone if you had nothing supportive to say. But no. I pity your wives and daughters.~snip~

Well, since I'm the one that made the comments I'll accept your reprimand. Do I see S123 as human? Absolutely. I see her as a human like we all are. I also see her give people shit all the time. I also see her play the martyr card about every hour on the hour. I thought the martyr move in response to a comment from a guy name Hung Like Jesus was fucking hilarious so I made a comment. No I don't regret it because I still think it was funny whether or not you or anyone else thought it was funny.

Welcome to the cellar.

Cloud 06-09-2010 11:22 PM

a . . .

nevermind (unrelated post to above drama--will save for later)

skysidhe 06-10-2010 12:07 AM

I'm lost actually. There is a large missing subplot somewhere I just know it.

lookout123 06-10-2010 01:07 AM

Not really. I called S123 for being a martyr once months ago. Today I thought it was funny and gave her shit for playing martyr again and it pissed her off. Apparently it pissed monster off as well.

wolf 06-10-2010 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 661830)
A friend drove a school bus, with a student on it, while extremely intoxicated. Her life, and the lives of her family, are fucked.

I heard about that on the news, too.

.374 is not unusual for me to see at work, but way out of hand for a school bus driver, obviously, although I suspect this happens a lot more often than we know ... less often by drivers drinking on the job, but rather from them showing up still drunk from the night before. I hope she gets into treatment and sticks with it.

xoxoxoBruce 06-10-2010 01:35 AM

I fear there are more school bus drivers out there with the same problem. Too many of them drive like they own the fucking road. There was one recently that was using an unsafe bridge every day, that had been clearly posted for cars under 4,000 lbs, only.

Shawnee123 06-10-2010 07:24 AM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 662017)
Well, since I'm the one that made the comments I'll accept your reprimand. Do I see S123 as human? Absolutely. I see her as a human like we all are. I also see her give people shit all the time. I also see her play the martyr card about every hour on the hour. I thought the martyr move in response to a comment from a guy name Hung Like Jesus was fucking hilarious so I made a comment. No I don't regret it because I still think it was funny whether or not you or anyone else thought it was funny.

Welcome to the cellar.

The difference is, I don't give people shit about their personal issues.

Every hour on the hour. Do you listen to yourself?

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