The Cellar

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monster 06-11-2010 06:30 PM

great! that must be some good soundproofing you have there! :lol:

squirell nutkin 06-11-2010 07:02 PM


kerosene 06-12-2010 11:08 AM

Yeah, I think so...I would have thought we could hear her. This is a very old house and they just re-insulated it.

Sundae 06-17-2010 07:01 AM

Just had my first returned card from Big Sarge.
Ie I sent a photo card and it's been returned for that address.
I think that means I'll get another two back - one more at least.

I knew he was leaving Iraq, but I didn't know whether he was srill in the Forces and whether they would forward his post to wherever he was.
This indicates that either he isn't, or they don't. Or both.


If anyone hears from him please come back and let us know.

lookout123 06-25-2010 01:47 PM

One of my weatlhiest client has been talking about TEOTWAWKI for quite some time and his investment shift over the last ten years has reflected his growing discomfort with the direction of the country and world. Today he has officially thrown in the towel. Within 7 days he will be 100% divested from the stock and bond markets.

He is going off the grid completely. He said he'll check in and let me know how he's doing a few times a year but he's out of here.

HungLikeJesus 06-25-2010 02:14 PM

Is that a recommended strategy, LO? I'd be willing to entertain it.

lookout123 06-25-2010 02:18 PM

I can't legally or morally recommend this or any other strategy, but I will say his plan isn't the worst I've seen.

Then again I'm just a nutjob fiat money hatin', government fearin', gun-totin, double belly buttoner so I may not be the best guy to ask.

squirell nutkin 06-25-2010 03:00 PM

I ran out of the house today to do a photo job just as the various nutkins were heading out to the beach, thus creating a conflict over use of the car. (They farted around until 2:30 before deciding to go to the beach)
So I leave to the music of blame, tears, guilt, scolding and demands to hurry.

I leave without a memory card for the camera and no checkbook with which to buy one when I get to the job. If I go home to get the card or the checkbook then by the time I get back to the job, the people have left for the day. Monday, the wrong people will be there.

As it is I get race home so the nutkins can go to the beach at least, and then Mrs. Nutkin farts around for another hour before she goes! I could have gone back and had about twenty minutes to get some key shots.

I'm steamed.

Shawnee123 06-25-2010 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by squirell nutkin (Post 666352)
I'm steamed.


That sucks, dude.

HungLikeJesus 06-25-2010 03:41 PM

Steamed squirell nuts - that's a delicacy just about anywhere.

zippyt 06-25-2010 04:04 PM

im on vacation today , but that didnt stop my Cell phone from ringing at 7am 7:30 am 7:45am 8am like that till about 9:30 ,
i need to remember to just turn the damn thing OFF !!!!

DanaC 06-25-2010 04:25 PM

Sore throat.

My own fault. I've smoked too much. When I am working on the computer I end up chain smoking without even really thinking about it. Now my throat hurts. I really want a cigarette. I am trying to hold off and not have one for a while.


BigV 06-25-2010 05:19 PM

CEO still getting Too. Much. Spam.

zippyt 06-25-2010 06:08 PM

Well V tell him to stop going to THOSE web Sites

BigV 06-25-2010 08:06 PM

true dat.

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