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Shawnee123 09-21-2007 02:57 PM

another night of the lepus?

Shawnee123 09-21-2007 02:57 PM

We posted simultaneously! Go back a page for mine! ;)

glatt 09-21-2007 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 387729)
a rabbit is staring at me through the screen door


xoxoxoBruce 09-22-2007 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 387733)
We will travel in pairs for a while. Two go out one comes back.

Don't be the one wearing the red shirt.

BigV 09-22-2007 10:45 PM


"bummer of a birghmark, hal"

Clodfobble 09-23-2007 01:58 PM

Supremely crappy ass weekend. Have to call the doctor tomorrow about some very worrisome things. We'll see, I guess.

monster 09-23-2007 03:34 PM

eek. all the best with that....

PointsOfLight 09-23-2007 05:29 PM

i started college last week and i still have no friends.


DanaC 09-23-2007 05:34 PM

PoL, that isn't lame. It isn't aways an immediate thing when you first go to college. Are you living on campus?

PointsOfLight 09-23-2007 05:42 PM

Yes I'm living on campus. It's a really hard transition. It's hard to just put yourself out there and meet people...mainly because I'm pretty shy.

DanaC 09-23-2007 05:54 PM

Y'know PoL, that's the experience of a lot of students when they first go to college. Probably more students find that first transition hard than don't.

Whenever you hear tales of college life it seems like one big party and big gangs of mates. But that takes time, and for most kids the first few weeks are a serious adjustment. It's harder to relax and make friends if you aren't even on familiar ground: but the unfamiliar becomes the familiar pretty quickly.

Your classes and any extra-curricular stuff you get involved in will bring you into contact with people and at some point you'll find you've slipped into a group with a bunch of others.

But don't give yourself a hard time over it. There's nothing lame about it at all, you're doing something that most people would find daunting.

PointsOfLight 09-23-2007 06:08 PM

Yeah your probably right. It's hard going from high school where you are really close with a few people and you feel comfortable with those people and then suddenly they just move away and you have to make completely new friends.
You're right though, I just need to give it some time.
Thanks for the advice, I appreciate it.

piercehawkeye45 09-23-2007 10:59 PM

Points, just try to talk to as many people as possible. If there is someone sitting next to you in class, strike up a conversation. Nine times out of ten nothing will happen but there is a very good possibility you that your new really good friends will be people you just randomly meet.

I was very shy in high school and can still be when I'm in a depressed mood. Just practice with conversation skills and watch what other charismatic people do and try to copy that, within reason. It is much easier to make friends if you show confidence and don't talk in a monotone voice. It will take a while but it helps a lot.

Dana is right too, it took me until late March my freshman year to find a group of people that I really connected with. I met them by being dragged to a party by my roommate who I hated and meeting someone I met randomly earlier that year and met his friends who needed a bassist for a band and we've been friends since.

SteveDallas 09-24-2007 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by piercehawkeye45 (Post 388313)
Points, just try to talk to as many people as possible. If there is someone sitting next to you in class, strike up a conversation.

That's easy for you extroverts to say!!!

Anyway.. what's upsetting me? I've lost a filling. The tooth hurts like hell. It appears I'm going to have to see a dentist. (I was hoping nuclear war, or bird flu, or a helpful public transit bus would take care of me before it became necessary.)

piercehawkeye45 09-24-2007 02:51 PM

What makes you think I'm an extrovert?

Forcing myself to talk to someone or go to a social gathering is what helped give me confidence.

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