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BigV 09-02-2010 06:36 PM


Please check your pm.

lumberjim 09-02-2010 07:03 PM

hoping for the best for you and your son, Lookout.

lookout123 09-02-2010 07:53 PM

I should have done a better job of composing my initial post. The dr was not someone we deal with regularly. He is the new guy at our ped's office and i was there on an unrelated matter. His statement was off the cuff and he realized almost immediately he had stepped on his dick. I gave him a summary of our experiences and suggested he do some more reading and open his mind because not everybody is just shopping for a guilt relief diagnosis. I then spoke to the Dr who owns the practice (I've known and respected him for years) about coaching the new guy to develop more tact. I'm not going to fuck up his career by lodging a complaint because I believe he will learn to think before he speaks.

Thanks for the support and suggestions. The issue at hand is not new, just more severe than it has been for some time. We have a regular psychologist who works with LL to develop non-drug coping mechanisms. We have an excellent child psychiatrist who we will be going back to see as soon as possible.

LL is bipolar. About a year ago we finally found a drug that effectively knocks off the abnormal bottom range (depression) of his emotional roller coaster. Normally once that side of things is nailed down a second drug is introduced to deal with the high side (manic) of things. We have held off on that because we obviously don't want to overmedicate a 9 year old and he had been doing very well since february or march. Unfortunately the drugs that deal with the manic issues are nasty little bastards and we've tried to avoid them. Obviously it is time to revisit that decision.

kerosene 09-02-2010 08:27 PM

I am sorry, LO. I hope for your family's and your son's sakes you guys are able to come up with a happy solution for the little guy. Your son is the same age as mine and often reminds me of mine, when you post about him. My heart goes out to you and yours.

xoxoxoBruce 09-03-2010 12:32 AM


I'm not going to fuck up his career by lodging a complaint because I believe he will learn to think before he speaks.
But all that accomplishes is concealing what he really thinks/feels. That could be even more harmful to his patients.
Fortunately your smart enough to disregard his "wisdom".

lookout123 09-03-2010 12:35 AM

I trust that between my narrative and the very senior ped he is working under he will at least open his mind a little bit. Also, he is a ped not a psych man so...

xoxoxoBruce 09-03-2010 12:39 AM

Cool, I trust your judgment.:thumb:

skysidhe 09-03-2010 10:38 AM

The non drug coping mechanisms are a great way to go.
From what I have read, bipolar is very rough though. I wish you the best of luck finding the right rx's to bring your son some relief.

Sundae 09-07-2010 08:01 AM

B*I*G row with Mum last night.

Yes, I triggered it.
She coughs when she eats bread products.
No diagnosis, no medical issue - but she does. Cough I mean.
And she has an annoying cough.

I'm sensitive to noise.
Have been since I was a child.
I caused so many arguments at the dinner table because of my brother's eating habits (slapping his chops et al) that Mum told me I was going to be put in a home (ie turned over to Social Services)

So I admit I was probably flinching and grimacing every time Mum coughed
And yes, I did turn up the TV when Winslow came on. It's a local village, and one where I spent a lot of time aged 14-16. "Local" news is usually Reading or Bournemouth, over 100 miles away rather then 7.

She picked up her meal and went to eat it in the living room. Telling my Dad and I exactly why. Pointing out also that it was her bloody house and she paid half of the bloody bills and what did I contribute?

We carried on, but after dinner she came back in to say no-one ever defended her. Dad said nothing to dened her but he always slagged me off behind me back, he didn't want me here, why wasn't he honest about it.... Again, that it was her own house and she could do as she wanted and what right did I have to react like that. Etc, etc

I shouted back.
I did.
I admit it.

I went upstairs to cry. Dad did the washing and drying up. She stormed out.
Haven't seen her since, but apparently she is out with Maureen today, and her teacup was in the sink, so she must have come home last night.

This has been brewing a while.
I copped it.
Really - I hold my hands up about my reaction. But d'ya know what? Had she diffused it by saying, "I can't help coughing!" I'd have smiled and apologised. No, she had to make a scene. She's raised this whole "my house" thing before. When she threatened to smash Dad's face in because he admitted not knowing whether to follow my directions rather than hers.

She's a bloody scary woman.
I suppose I love her.
I certainly want her approval.
But there is a small part of me that wants to bring her down to earth and tell her exactly how things are.
All her friends and accquaintances adore her. Anyone I meet who knows her tells me what a lovely woman she is. How caring. How loving. What a great example of a Christian.

They don'e see the screaming, the threats, the bullying and how we're all terrified of her temper.

I needed to offload.

Sundae 09-07-2010 12:55 PM

She left the house at 10.00 this morning.
She's not back yet. Meaning she's missed lunch and dinner and that's pretty important in this house.
Grandad called and asked for her. Dad said he thought she was with Maureen.
She called Dad back - FURIOUS - to say she wasn't, and that Dad would have to "deal with him" (leak under his sink apparently).

Poor old Dad. He loves her.
Me? I'm glad she's out of the way if she's still in such a pissy mood.
Maybe she'll be hit by a car and I'll have the nice-or-nasty eulogy situation for real.

Old witch.

monster 09-07-2010 09:05 PM

Time for you to leave. Could you lodge with your grandad? Board in exchange for household help?

morethanpretty 09-07-2010 09:28 PM

I agree with monnie, she sounds abusive. I would try to find something else if I were in that situation.

squirell nutkin 09-08-2010 03:48 PM

Just heard that a friend's 22 y.o. son was killed in Afghanistan today.
Fuck oil.

classicman 09-08-2010 03:53 PM

Gah! Sorry to hear that.

Griff 09-08-2010 04:45 PM


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