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Undertoad 11-18-2006 06:48 AM

That's how you burn someone right out of the thread, well done b!

Ibby 11-18-2006 09:35 AM

Jeeps and other SUV's are too big, gawky, and annoying... FOR LONDON. Most New Yorkers probably think the same. We have an SUV and have problems with it here in Taipei, because this city just isnt set up for big cars.
That's okay, cause when the rockets start flying and the shells start hitting, who're gonna be the ones getting the fuck out with 4WD and who're gonna be the ones puttering around in cars they could probably get out and carry?

I don't like SUVs a whole lot, but I dont dislike them any more than any other car, either. I'd personally scrap 'em all for a Microbus.

skysidhe 11-18-2006 10:28 AM

I am sure everyone knows you use your jeep as a workhorse so give the thread turkey no more thought.

My partner owns a Jeep. There resale value is good and you can sure pack them up when you live in areas with lots of outside activites like it appears you do.

Who the fuk cares what you drive. The important thing is that you are ok.

lookout123 11-18-2006 11:58 AM

here's the thing. a lot of folks buy the biggest SUV they can find because they have little bitty peckers, even thought they will never leave the road. oh well, that's their choice.

some of us use our trucks and SUVS to haul people comfortably, haul items that just wouldn't fit in the back of a camry, tow things like jet skis, boats, campers, and *gasp* some even dare to drive off road! i know it is horrible to imagine, but some of us really enjoy being able to take our vehicles to places that are off the beaten path without worrying about damaging the vehicle (or the environment). and BTW what vehicle only gets 8 mpg? fucking idiot.

zippyt 11-18-2006 01:21 PM

2 Attachment(s)
BTW what vehicle only gets 8 mpg?
These maybe ??

Hagar 11-18-2006 04:10 PM

NSFW or anywhere else. This could be offensive to just about everyone. But it's at least partially appropriate here.

A good way to spend about 25 minutes.

I love threads like this.

And yes, I have overstated my NSFW warning, there's no nudity or porn, but I wouldn't want to offend anyone! :D

Elspode 11-18-2006 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by sproglet
If that's the way you like to express your status in society then there's probably nothing anyone can say to change your mind.

So you're psychic? You *know* that Jinx and LJ drive a Jeep for status? Despite the fact that you've been shown pictures demonstrating that they are outdoors people, with children, who use a four wheel drive for carrying camping gear, recreational gear and family. You should be playing the stock market with insight like that. Twit. Yes, I am calling petty names. I virtually never do this directly to someone, but in your case I'll make an exception.


Personally I drive a car that takes up a little less room on the roads, doesn't pollute so much and is statistically less likely to be involve in a fatal road accident.
*This* statement I have no trouble with. State your position with out berating someone else. Perfectly reasonable.


I suppose in the States, you have the room, disposable income and attitude to run a car like that. But when I see pictures of freeways nose-to-tail with these things it just looks ridiculous.
Back to being a twit.


My father recently bought a Jeep Grand Cherokee, the reasoning behind it was to pull his large caravan on holiday. Fair point, but he can hardly drive the damned thing because it's so bloody big and his neighbours get pissed off when he parks it outside his house and blocks access. I of course started giving him a bit of grief over his poor taste in vehicles, citing the environmental impact involved in shipping 2 1/2 tons of pig iron across the Atlantic and the 8 mpg fuel economy, his scathing retort was 'well at least it isn't French'.
I like your father already.


Just my democratic opinion dudes.
You have the right to say any damn fool, rude ass thing you want. Well met. And I think you're a jackass for the way you've expressed yourself. Democracy in action.

lumberjim 11-18-2006 05:55 PM

We actually have 2 gas guzzling jeeps! and i like to light my cigars with $20 bills. and.....i DON'T recycle.

the sooner we exhaust the oil supply, the better. you're not changing the world economy's dependence on oil. you're prolonging it.

busterb 11-18-2006 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by Beestie
Oh yeah? Well here's my democratic opinion:

My democratic opinion tells me that you are a self-righteous, opinionated, Eurotrash asshole who thinks buying a car that costs the equivalent of three loaves of bread and a pint of Boddington's because that's all your sorry ass can afford gives you the right to bust ass on everyone who's lot in life is better than yours.

You might think you are better than everyone who has a nicer car, better looking wife and a better looking life than you but what you really are is a stupid, jealous, insecure nancy boy who has carefully crafted a self-reinforcing delusion to cushion yourself against the reality that you drive a crumpled-up wad of French tin foil not because you have a duty to the planet but because you are a sorry-ass loser in every sense of the word and you simply cannot come to grips with it.

Oh, yeah, good luck in the election. Nice car. Dude. -ette.

Congrats Sproglet! You've just become the 2nd person? somebody to make my ignore list.

JayMcGee 11-18-2006 08:05 PM

without exception, you really are all a bunch of sef-opiniated wankers.

Stand back, take a look at your posts.... examine your attitudes and motives...

now tell me you really are proud of and stand by the bullsh*t you'll posted here.

zippyt 11-18-2006 08:16 PM

Jeez , did some body drop some "Fuck these Yanks" pills in the water supply over there ??

JayMcGee 11-18-2006 08:28 PM

actually, it was bromide....... it doesn't differentiate....

lookout123 11-18-2006 08:31 PM

hey, Jay? i stand by every word i wrote.

Trilby 11-19-2006 08:23 AM

Oh, yes. The self-righteous Brit--he's NOT just a myth!

Jay, you, sproglet, buddug and that complete piece of eurotrash-hipp are, without doubt, the most prejudiced, self-satisfied, smug, wankers here. What's the matter? You all have those low-class accents that automatically make you sub-human in your own country so you come here to express all your outrage at your social impotency at home? Dump on people because you get treated like shiite? You all a bunch of alienated losers? Hmm? Because that is what it sounds like--all you four DO is bash Americans-individually and collectively and it is getting very, very boring. You four aren't so much humans as you are slogans. Whenever I see one of your names on a thread I already know what's been said without even reading it. If you one-trick ponies could come up with something MORE than just, "I hate you! You're stupid!" you might, just might, learn something.

If you're capable of learning.

But the question here, in this thread, is how on earth can sprog get all up in arms over what LJ and jinx drive when the bigger drain of assets and money and resources is the fucking Monarchy? Oh,yes. I know. The Monarchy get's spog's nuts in an uproar, right? Well, then. completely worth it, eh? I guess it takes that much to get old sprog excited. You hypocrites. Take the beam out of your own eye. Wankers.

xoxoxoBruce 11-19-2006 09:04 AM

It's all Jinx's fault. If she had been driving an LAV or M-1 Abrams, it wouldn't be an issue. Time to trade up.:thumb2:

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