Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
(Post 416953)
But you seem to have an agenda to pursue, and it doesn't match the general mood of the Cellar.
No aqenda, but I gotta be me. ;)
Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
There are people here who like Death Metal, but don't flood the music threads saying so. There are people who like SFF pics of girls, who like syndicated shows, who dig beautiful women etc etc but they don't dominate the threads.
I can try cutting down, but I make no promises.
Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
All I am trying to say is that this is a community. It's not a show & tell. Give us something to discuss, not just "This is something I like" Let us choose whether something you like is worth discussion or viewing. I post the views of my (foreign) life in one thread. As does Slang. People either read it or they don't.
I find that interesting cuz there are some Dwellars besides me that have posted videos and pix without any explanation, so why should I be any different, and I am (I think) letting you choose whether you like it or not just by posting it, and if you don't llike, just say so, but don't attack me for posting it. Anyway the video clip and picture threads seem pretty show 'n' tell to me. A good example of a show 'n' tell picture thread would be UTs very own IotD thread.