The Cellar

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monster 11-06-2014 09:50 PM

I hope your light turns green just as a long funeral procession starts coming through

Gravdigr 11-07-2014 03:12 PM

I hope your frog croaks.

Griff 11-07-2014 09:07 PM

You hope him frog croak?

Dead mouse family in your duct.
Dog shit transfer from heel to pant leg to car seat to fingers when your nostril is gummed with crusty boogs.

Gravdigr 11-08-2014 04:07 PM

I hope your conjoined twin gets a really bad case of Montezuma's Revenge.

I hope you drop the ice cream off your cone.

I hope you lose your whistle.

I hope someone steals your lollipop.

Gravdigr 11-09-2014 04:03 PM

I hope you get sunburn. On yer ballsack.

infinite monkey 11-09-2014 11:06 PM

I hope you get a bland batch of Cheez-its.

limey 11-10-2014 12:08 PM

I hope that, when secretly picking your nose in a public place, you pull out a long string of bogey attached to the crusty bit you're trying to remove just when you notice someone's looking at you.

Sheldonrs 11-10-2014 01:42 PM

I hope your family signs up for a reality show and they hire someone else to play you!

limey 11-10-2014 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sheldonrs (Post 913934)
I hope your family signs up for a reality show and they hire someone else to play you!

I'd be glad!

sexobon 11-10-2014 04:25 PM

I hope you were hoping for something else.

Sundae 11-10-2014 05:27 PM

I hope my autobiography is a best-seller and I spelled your name wrong ON PURPOSE.
And I did make your willy sound gimpy.

Spexxvet 11-11-2014 10:07 AM

I hope Westboro baptist church attends your funeral

Gravdigr 11-13-2014 06:22 PM

Damn, man.

Gravdigr 11-13-2014 06:23 PM

I hope you get bitten by an aroused capybara.

orthodoc 11-13-2014 07:52 PM

I hope the ex you dropped when she had cancer comes back in good health and, having joined the executive level of your company, decides that your skills aren't sufficient for the project that could really validate you.

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