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Lady Sidhe 06-02-2005 05:13 PM

Lady Sidhe 06-02-2005 05:20 PM

Hanging by one of its rear tires from the guardrail.

Lady Sidhe 06-02-2005 05:25 PM

cadaver preserved through a process called "plastination" Ew. High ick factor.

Lady Sidhe 06-02-2005 05:29 PM

Ok--this is supposed to be the most expensive hat in the world-- $2,700,000 Champrau d'Amour, created by hat designer Louis Mariette. It's covered entirely in diamonds...

Um, yeah. If I had the kind of money it took to buy that, I probably wouldn't care that people were laughing at me behind my back, either...

Neva Li 06-02-2005 09:03 PM

I like gator-with-deer2.jpg for sheer WTF.

Photobucket album

Lady Sidhe 06-02-2005 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Damifino. Just a picture I came across surfing, Els. It's been on my PC for a week or so but I don't remember where I found it or if there was an explanation. That qualifies it for WTF.:) Actually pileups like that happen all to often these days.

I don't know who's mailbox this is either (Slang?).

Nope, that's Wolf's mailbox...

wolf 06-03-2005 12:34 AM


Originally Posted by BigV
So you post a picture of a car that costs as much as my house, with the license plate "jobless", taken by a person named never lie?

I think her husband might differ on that thought ...

BigV 06-03-2005 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
I think her husband might differ on that thought ...


Originally Posted by BigV
Well, hello Mr. Li, welcome to the cellar. I apologize for any offense I have given you regarding your name.

Perhaps I have made another unintentional gaffe. If so, I sincerely apologize.

wolf 06-04-2005 01:40 AM

I think she's probably as amused by that happening as I am. Although it is a rug that I've intentionally pulled out from under people online.

I let people assume what they will ... and then do or say something that's a major gotcha, once they think they have things all figured out.

mrnoodle 06-04-2005 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Neva Li
I like gator-with-deer2.jpg for sheer WTF.

:mg: that is a big fkin gator

mrnoodle 06-04-2005 04:34 PM

ewww. there's a NSFW pic on there. It's funny, but...eww.

Undertoad 06-07-2005 09:47 AM

LabRat 06-07-2005 10:47 AM

what's the WTF? the 'shroom, or the doors shirt??

Undertoad 06-07-2005 12:25 PM

Um yeah both I guess!

Queen of the Ryche 06-07-2005 12:54 PM

They do tend to go hand in hand . . .

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