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glatt 12-06-2010 12:00 PM

If the freezer is on the top, the freezer gets the cold air first, and then the cold air spills down into the fridge. So the freezer is colder.

anonymous 12-06-2010 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 698639)
I've always wondered what it would be like to be those kind of people who can just go out and get new major appliances when they need to. So, what's that like?

It's Great!:p:

Shawnee123 12-06-2010 12:06 PM

The freezer is on top. So does that mean that they would both be "working" but not working very well?

I wonder if "coils" or whatever need cleaned?


Spexxvet 12-06-2010 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Nirvana (Post 698560)
The main line from the box to my water heater has a short gahhhhhhh! :thepain:


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 698639)
Could you get a gahhhhhhh lengthener? ;)

Haggis! x2

glatt 12-06-2010 12:51 PM

Couldn't hurt to clean the coils. You just vacuum the dust bunnies off them. They are usually underneath, but could also be on the back. They are just little radiators that look like wire racks. (To get to them if they are underneath, there should be a pull off plastic grill that you just easily pop off and then push back on)

It could also be that you have a freezer that's packed so full, it's blocking the vents that lead down into the refrigerator part. Pull frozen food away from the sides and especially rear of the freezer, and see if that helps cool the fridge part.

I'm assuming you hear the thing running. Does it run all the time? Or does it only run every once in a while? I'm also assuming you already checked that you didn't accidentally bump the thermostat and set the thing to a warmer temperature.

That's about it for things you can do yourself. Oh, and see if plugging it into a different outlet (via a heavy duty extension cord) makes it work. You could have a wiring problem and not an appliance problem.

Worst case is that the compressor motor is shot or the system has a refrigerant leak.

Shawnee123 12-06-2010 12:58 PM

Hey, thanks so much. I'll try cleaning the coils. I know my freezer isn't packed full but I can't be sure there isn't something in there blocking any vents. I would not have know to look for something like that.

I did check the thermostat.

I would be so happy if I could just get it working again, even if that is short-lived, until I can look into buying a new one.

Thanks again!

monster 12-06-2010 08:19 PM


footfootfoot 12-06-2010 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 698661)
Hey, thanks so much. I'll try cleaning the coils.

Careful not to shuffle them, I heard it can be bad.

plthijinx 12-06-2010 11:20 PM

my freakin' truck. going down the freeway at 70mph, cruise control on and all of a sudden it slips into neutral. or acts like it anyway. automatic transmission. i have 1st and 2nd gear. if i push the overdrive off button then it will at least stay in second gear and not slip out. wtf? any ideas? is it a bad TC or possibly a sensor?

plthijinx 12-06-2010 11:21 PM

built ford tough. my ass. last ford pickup i'll ever buy.

morethanpretty 12-08-2010 07:10 AM

Final project for drama class. It was a group assignment and we had like 3 weeks to work on it. First 2 weeks, the group member who was supposed to write the script, wasn't. So last week I finally said I would. I got it done on Saturday and we filmed the thing. Then one of the other members was supposed to edit it. She had Sun, Mon, and Tues morning. I asked her repeatedly if she could and if it was OK. Even Monday night before I went to bed, I texted her one last time. She assured me it was OK. Tues morning at 9:50 I get an message from her, "Uhm, things didn't turn out so well." Class is at 10. Come to find out, she couldn't even get the video off of the camcorder to the PC.
The camcorder will play on a TV, but the miniDV we used is FUBR and won't finalize so it can be transferred to a PC. If she had told me before hand she couldn't at all get it to work, I couldv'e looked at it, figured out it was FUBR and we could've reshot the film, or filmed it off of the least had something to turn in in the class. So now, I have to fix it, edit it and turn it in on Thurs. Fortunately I talked to the prof, and I don't think she's gonna count me off for it being late since she knows that its not my fault. But its extra work I shouldn't have to be doing damnit. Oh, and since the miniDV is FUBR, and the vid can't be downloaded straight to the PC, I'm gonna have to refilm it from the TV. Its gonna look awesome...

Shawnee123 12-08-2010 07:31 AM

I wonder if that's how Tarantino started out. Or was it Ed Wood? ;)

Good luck, mtp. You'll get it together.

morethanpretty 12-08-2010 08:42 AM

I know, but I've gotten through the last 2 weeks by telling myself. "Ok, you'll be done on Wed after your last final which is a breeze. Just hold on until then, then you can go nuts." So at this point my sanity is hanging on by a thread, and I was supposed to be DONE by 5:30 tonight...but it turns out I'm not. :( Its very very disappointing.
I think I'm still gonna get soon as I get done with editing.

Shawnee123 12-10-2010 11:01 AM

I'm so glad the pubes, I mean 'pubs, are back in town.

Thanks for nuttin', Kasich. Blowhard. :mad:

"WE gots other stuff we want to spend money on, he said (read: we wanted the money to go into our buddy's pockets.) We can't afford it, he said (read: we don't want to create jobs on the line itself, or in manufacturing of the line, or servicing the line, or in selling popcorn to people riding the line, or ways people could possibly commute to another city for a job.) Can we keep the money anyway, he said?"

NO, dumbass, you can't keep the money. Here you go, California. And here's some for you Florida. You can have it. Fuck a bunch of Ohio: maybe we can get everyone to leave the god-forsaken state.

Dick fucking fucking dick asshole. :mad2:

morethanpretty 12-10-2010 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 699354)
I'm so glad the pubes, I mean 'pubs, are back in town.

Thanks for nuttin', Kasich. Blowhard. :mad:

"WE gots other stuff we want to spend money on, he said (read: we wanted the money to go into our buddy's pockets.) We can't afford it, he said (read: we don't want to create jobs on the line itself, or in manufacturing of the line, or servicing the line, or in selling popcorn to people riding the line, or ways people could possibly commute to another city for a job.) Can we keep the money anyway, he said?"

NO, dumbass, you can't keep the money. Here you go, California. And here's some for you Florida. You can have it. Fuck a bunch of Ohio: maybe we can get everyone to leave the god-forsaken state.

Dick fucking fucking dick asshole. :mad2:

OUCH! I agree with your :mad2:.

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