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morethanpretty 01-07-2011 12:43 PM

Good luck plthijinx!

Shaw, I'm glad your boss understood. We all have moments like that. My job has added a part in our call where we have to ask "is this a new or continuing issue?" its a horrible thing to ask, 1: they never give a truthful answer, or even know the answer, 2: we have the call history right there in the system, its a hell of a lot easier just to look it up.
I've already gotten a 0% on a call because I didn't "verbally confirm history" even though i stated it in my notes. Fuck 'em. Its a stupid thing to ask. I'm their best agent, so they can go fuck 'emselves.

Shawnee123 01-07-2011 01:06 PM

Good luck plt!

mtp: ch'yeah, I know! People are petty. Oh, and stupid. Don't forget stupid.

I don't know if I'm going to get my drunk on tonight, or if I'm going to take a couple tylenol PM and curl into my bed and sleep like a baby.

Shawnee123 01-07-2011 03:15 PM

Well, that's settled. My best friend called me and tonight I'm getting my drunk on. Eh, I've been good for a whole week. I need a night of beer and yahtzee, or whatever game we decide to play. :)

morethanpretty 01-07-2011 05:12 PM

Strip poker with progress pics for the dweller NSFW thread!

zippyt 01-07-2011 07:10 PM

Strip poker with progress pics for the dweller NSFW thread!

Seconded !!!

Undertoad 01-09-2011 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 662173)
In six months, her daughter will officially receive a diagnosis. Mark my fucking words. Goddammit.

Been seven months, what happened?

Clodfobble 01-09-2011 07:30 PM

Currently diagnosed PDD-NOS. Mom is still sure she's "just going through a shy phase." We hang out, but we don't discuss it.

Undertoad 01-09-2011 07:39 PM

Well dang. Best of luck to them.

monster 01-10-2011 10:16 PM

We know my computer is on it's last legs, but today, as it's whirring away (when it shouldn't be) it sounds like muttley with a chest infection. we could do with another month or two...... :(

monster 01-10-2011 10:18 PM

oh, and, I need a crown and I've put it off until beest's new flex plan kicks in (supposed to be 17th Jan) and his company just shifted the goalposts to an unknown date. Dentist says i can't wait much longer, budget says i must. fuckers.

plthijinx 01-10-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 704097)
Strip poker with progress pics for the dweller NSFW thread!


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 704107)
Strip poker with progress pics for the dweller NSFW thread!

Seconded !!!


Sundae 01-13-2011 10:45 AM

Not quite upsetting, but unsettling at least.
Emails from my Aunt in Brisbane.


Well our floods are just getting worst and it is expected that we will cop it in Brisbane today. Do not panic as we are at least 3k from the river and in the 74 flood our house was Ok. Cut off but OK.

It is such a disaster – Jim and Hannah [my Uncle & cousin] were in Toowoomba last week and its hard to imagine a wall of water that big.

We have plenty of provisions and have power at the moment. We are expecting another storm later this afternoon and its been bucketing down for the last few hours.

Our local shopping centre at Toombul is prone to flooding with a creek running alongside it. Dad may remember the year the last time he came they were sandbagging the creek side of the shopping centre with the water lapping the doors. Did not stop the locals from shopping. You went to Toombul when you were over it is near the airport. Jim was out and about this morning and it looks as though the water has been flowing over the bridge just before the shopping centre.

I guess we are lucky in that we have a high set house and its not built in underneath. Worse case scenario it will effect the car and the laundry. We have a nice lake developing in the front yard as it is just below road level.

Have just heard on the news that it is starting to come into the city alongside the riverside café area as well as west end which is on the opposite side to the city.

Its hard to imagine but the bad weather is heading done the coast and if that is the case we will have a flood that cover ˝ of Europe.

Today has been a little bit surreal. Very quiet no one around almost like a public holiday. We went down to the river at Hamilton this morning, they were sandbagging the restaurant on the broadwalk and there was a lot of people around having a look. The Hamilton reach of the river is the widest part so it is not expected to be too bad at our end. It is near the mouth of the river. There was a lot of debris going past – boats, pontoons, oil drums, fridges it was amazing.

We have not lost power and still have water although our rubbish was not collected today. They have told us it may be Monday before we get a collection but that’s Ok we can live with it. We have not lost our water supply although we have been told to conserve water and have been warned that we may loose supply as the water treatment plants have been effected.

The city centre is under water and the power has been cut.

The government have been very good and we are getting constant information via the TV and radio. We also have a early warning that comes via the mobile phone network. The river is due to peak at 4am and we will need to see what that brings. They are however also forecasting that we will get a tropical cyclone just around Australia day on the 26th so may have a double whamy lets hope that they are wrong.

Don’t know how long we will have internet coverage as the network is being effected obviously along with our phones.

All is well with us

glatt 01-13-2011 10:53 AM

These floods in Australia are simply amazing. That video of the water rising into the parking lot and cars being picked up and washed downstream just blew me away.

monster 01-13-2011 11:20 AM

just watched that :eek:

xoxoxoBruce 01-13-2011 11:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
If you've never witnessed an actual flood, it's hard to imagine how impressive the power and noise can be. You don't know if it will get worse, or how long it will last, it's full of surprises... a constantly changing tableau you're powerless the do anything about, except try to stay out of harm's way.

There's the rushing/roaring center flow called the floodway, then as the water rises it creeps silently out over the adjoining landscape. Standing there mesmerized by the floodway, you suddenly realize your feet are wet, or you're standing on a rise and the water has circled around behind you. It's worse at night.

edit: Aussies have another problem.

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