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ZenGum 03-02-2011 11:22 PM

No offence Zippy, but you wouldn't be the first person I'd turn to for advice about choosing a school. ;)

I think you're right, though.

monster 03-02-2011 11:24 PM

I totally trust zippy's judgment and we've all met him ...and he's Hebe's hero because he cooks great steaks...wait, we could be onto something here......

ZenGum 03-02-2011 11:33 PM

If I was choosing a shotgun, a ride on mower, or an industrial scale, heck yeah I'd ask him. For choosing a school I'd find someone who can spell, and maybe has a postgraduate degree, like Monster or Beast.

On the other hand, if his advice could push Hebe in what is obviously the right direction, use it.

Griff 03-03-2011 05:39 AM

That hard fall on the ice I took a while back appears to have wrecked my back.... go me!

monster 03-03-2011 06:56 AM

Sometimes you shouldn't judge a book by the cover, ZG. Zippy's smarter than the average bear. He just doesn't waste brainpower on spelling. ;)

Decision made, daughter still not happy. Hoping that will change as she gets used to the idea. Shiny new high school here we come and we didn't really have to railroad her although I'm sure she feels that way right now...

Shawnee123 03-03-2011 07:53 AM

@ Griff: I was just reading in TIME about chronic pain...a large percentage from back problems. I hope you heal. It can take just one incident to vastly change our lives. I have faith that you will feel better soon. :)

@ monster: your daughter, making these kinds of decisions, will benefit so much later in life as far as problem-solving. It has to be so hard to see her conflicted, but damn good parenting on your part. You and beest are raising an independent young lady. Good on you.

glatt 03-03-2011 08:22 AM

That sucks Griff. I can see something like that happening to me, and it worries me. I've been wondering lately if I should do pilates or something to strengthen my core. Preventive exercises, you know?

monster 03-03-2011 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 714466)
That hard fall on the ice I took a while back appears to have wrecked my back.... go me!

Yow. Are you getting PT? Is it fixable? Yes, glatt, definitely do core strength exercises. My back is bothering me again and I know it's because I've been neglecting the exercises. Even if you do knacker your back with some accident -like falling on the ice, having core strength will help your recovery. I have experience of this from the wrong side of core strength.

footfootfoot 03-03-2011 01:33 PM

sorry to hear that, bro. Rest, ice, more ice, some movies, more ice, some nsaids, some rest, and have Pete stroke your head saying "Poor little bunny"

If it keeps up you'll have to read John Sarno's book about back pain.

Clodfobble 03-03-2011 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
That sucks Griff. I can see something like that happening to me, and it worries me. I've been wondering lately if I should do pilates or something to strengthen my core. Preventive exercises, you know?

Mr. Clod's employer just started offering a yoga class once a week at the office, from 5PM to 6PM. I badgered him into doing it, but he said he was going to drop out unless there was at least one other male in the group. Turned out on the first day that it was 75% guys. I think most middle-aged men realize it's important, but don't have a good environment to do it in. But seriously, what can it cost to bring in a yoga instructor for an hour? $50? A great investment from the employer's standpoint.

footfootfoot 03-03-2011 06:11 PM

Yoga is the bomb. I went to my first post surgery class the other day. It is f ing great

Griff 03-03-2011 09:06 PM

I'm assuming this is a minor thing as it is incrementally better than it was. I'm applying heat right now and will do my stretches then ice and ibuprophen and off to bed. I'm planning to give it major rest this weekend... maybe I'll see the doc about pt if it is still kicking my ass next week. My pt friend said something about camel toe yoga maybe I'll google that. ;)

Tulip 03-03-2011 09:36 PM

Maybe it's PMS, but I'm feeling a bit pissed off that I have to wash dishes, wipe the kitchen counters, and mop the kitchen floor everyday. :mad:

plthijinx 03-03-2011 10:22 PM

i know what you mean and feel your pain. i cook and clean here too.

ZenGum 03-04-2011 01:48 AM

Me too. Well, not everyday. Probably should though.

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