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casimendocina 03-04-2011 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 714760)
Me too. Well, not everyday. Probably should though.

Does anyone get pissed off with you if don't do this though?

ZenGum 03-04-2011 03:24 AM

Only me.

Which just makes it worse, I think. :(

Griff 03-04-2011 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 714773)
Only me.

Which just makes it worse, I think. :(

You've got to be gentle with yourself, since the world surely won't.

kerosene 03-04-2011 08:04 PM

I am pissed because I have to do it at other people's houses and then come home and do it at mine.

footfootfoot 03-04-2011 08:35 PM

When I worked in the restaurant world I often wondered if the dishwasher ate off paper plates at home or if he washed the dishes at home too. Was it chump change to him or another straw on the camel's back?

casimendocina 03-05-2011 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 714781)
You've got to be gentle with yourself, since the world surely won't.

A great excuse when judiciously applied.

Where I am currently is great. Part of the service is daily room cleaning. :)

kerosene 03-05-2011 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 714914)
When I worked in the restaurant world I often wondered if the dishwasher ate off paper plates at home or if he washed the dishes at home too. Was it chump change to him or another straw on the camel's back?

People ask me that all the time. My answer is "I spend more time cleaning my own house than any other." I figure if I am not trying to get work done as quickly as possible, I am going to take my time and be deliberate about it. The client probably won't see some of the finer details, but I sure as hell will.

I charge by the job and not by the hour. 100 bucks is 100 bucks, whether it takes me 5 hours or 3. Motivates me to work quickly and get home.

Shawnee123 03-08-2011 09:35 AM

If you heard the person on the other side of the cubicle gasp and say "OH MY GOD OUCH" would you ask them if they were OK?

Apparently my buddy cube neighbor wouldn't. Such a phony nice guy.

I'm just bleeding to death over here, dude. Fuckhead.

SamIam 03-08-2011 09:47 AM

So, are you okay, Shawnee? :thepain:

Shawnee123 03-08-2011 09:56 AM

My feelings hurt worse than my finger, but my finger is throbbing something fierce.

It's a long story. Suffice to say I now see why they used bamboo shoots under your fingernails as a form of torture.

Next time he gets all suddenly cheery when a boss is nearby then wants to bitch and moan to me about how put upon he is? Forget it. I have all the friends I need, if someone dies I might give him a call. Self-centered fuck. Common human decency would seem to dictate a "hey, you OK over there?" I know I've shown such compassion to my coworkers.

Human beings suck.

But thanks Sam. Sometimes we just want to know someone gives a crap. :o

limey 03-08-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 715586)
My feelings hurt worse than my finger, but my finger is throbbing something fierce. ...

I'm sorry about ur fingr ... :(

Shawnee123 03-08-2011 10:22 AM


Thank you.

plthijinx 03-08-2011 10:27 AM

me too! was it one of those annoying cuts like on the tip of your finger? i accidentally poked the pocket razor when working in the downstairs bathroom and it nagged at me for a good solid week, kept hitting it on whatever i was working on or with.....

Pete Zicato 03-08-2011 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 715586)
I have all the friends I need, if someone dies I might give him a call.

Reminded me of this from Charade - one of my favorite films.

Reggie Lampert: I already know an awful lot of people and until one of them dies I couldn't possibly meet anyone else.
Peter Joshua: Well, if anyone goes on the critical list, let me know.

Shawnee123 03-08-2011 10:32 AM

A sharp metal edge (troubleshooting my broken cell phone with motorola online which ended up not even freaking working anyway) from the access to my cell phone battery (because goddam motorola online said it couldn't detect my phone from the USB port though my phone said it was there and motorola said to uninstall the battery blah blah blah which didn't freaking work either)...the cover is made of a fucking ginsu knife...I slipped hard and it ran up under my nail. Like I said, bamboo shoots. The kind of instant searing pain that makes you almost faint.

I just all around don't feel well, which doesn't help. I should go home. :(

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