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next he'll be complaining about having an election stolen from him.
I can't *give* them away. |
Speaking of stolen, Mrs. Dallas got in our car to drive to a gig this afternoon. The satellite radio and GPS are gone. (The satellite radio would be visible from our side, especially the antenna, but the GPS was in the glove box. The car hadn't moved from when I parked it in our driveway when I got home from work about 6PM yesterday. Very obnoxious.
Man, that sucks Steve. I guess they didn't break a window or anything, it was just unlocked?
I guess. I think I locked it when I got home from work... I usually do... but I can't be 100% sure. And when Mrs. Dallas left she just hit the unlock button on the key, so she had no way to tell if it had been locked or not. The car has an alarm, so I guess I'd rather assume it was unlocked than that they jimmied the alarm and left no sign of it.
Had a friend whose car was broken into just for a disposable camera lying on the front seat. That's it. Can't trust anybody to be decent citizens these days :headshake
What's mildly upsetting my world: indecisive women. Make. Up. Your. Mind. It's not that hard you pea brained bimbo. |
People suck. I hope the bastards get enough money for your stuff to buy a sufficient amount of dope to OD on.
Well considering we paid $100 for the GPS and our most likely satellite radio replacement is $70 minus a $50 rebate... they won't go far.
Bonus: A cop just came to take our report, not that we expect anything to come from it. He commented on the instrument cases and music stands in our living room... turns out his daughter is on a full college scholarship as a double bass player. He encouraged our kids to stick with the music.... he thinks it's been so great for his kids. My daughter was, predictably, rolling her eyes through the whole thing. |
My left eye is completely bloodshot! It doesn't hurt or itch yet. I guess I left my contacts in for too many weeks, but usually I can tell because they start to bother me. Plus, I only remember having them in for 3 weeks, doesn't usually cause a problem. It's really frustrating, I really don't want to go to the doc for the special drops I need. I hope it goes away on its own.
My husband often doesnt lock his jeep and every once in a while it gets 'raided'. Most of the time we are clueless that it even happens. We think its just kids checking all the unlocked cars for loose change.
Sorry to hear about what happened, Steve. I went through the exact same shit two weeks ago. I think the whole thing has so far cost me...eh, 3-4 hours of my time and about $300.
I'm Jewish. All I know is worry and guilt.;) |
Thanks, Rich. Yes, I am clean, baby, clean!
Of all things chemical--liquid, solid, gas...all of 'em. :angel: |
Yeah, but you still have a dirty mind... thankfully. :blush:
I HATE the word addiction when it comes to pain medicine. Its not an addiction when it is used to stop pain! I used it for 6 months and needed it every single day (and every 6 hours) of that time.
I know Iknow..its gets abused horribly. But because of that I suffered, I was never allowed quite enough pills to manage the pain entirely. |
Pico, this is the cellar. we know our addictions inside and out.
Im sorry...
I knew after I hit post that I probably jumped in much too rashly. |
Pico, this is teh cellar. Sorry is not an option.
Still though, I dont know Bri's history, so... Bri, Im glad you dont need the percocet anymore. Even though those pills are a godsend, they still suck. |
My first driving lesson this morning was okay, but I feel really frustrated because my instructor wouldn't just shut up and let me try... well, driving! I'd try to turn the wheel a little, and he'd jerk it back. If I was going slow, he'd say "Give it gas, girl, give it gas! The car will stop if you don't give it gas!" (Thank you, Captain Obvious. I may be a first-time driver but I'm not a complete idiot.) If I sped up a little, I'd feel the brake pedal disappearing under my foot as he braked on my behalf from his side of the car. I'm still at the "getting used to how the car moves" part, and my instructor was already at the "hey, you totally fucked up that four way stop" section.
I asked to take my husband's car out, this evening, so I could practice a little, but he drives a stick shift. Bad idea. After I stalled the second time, I burst into tears, mumbling something along the lines of "I just want to drive in circles!" We're borrowing a friend's automatic tomorrow so I can do exactly that. For now, though, I just feel like a complete and utter failure. :sniff: |
So, my car got booted 2 months ago...I touched upon it here.
Well, it almost happened again today. We deliver to these employees inside one of the parking garages at the hospital complex. We go into the garage, give them their food, they validate our parking ticket and away we go. Some POS security guy tried to tell me that I couldn't park where I did when I was dropping off food today. We had a pissing match for a minute, then when I went up to the customer and told them that security was giving me trouble, the guy backed off. But I was just so full of rage...I really wanted to beat the shit out of the guy. That doesn't happen very often. Incidentally, I was involved in a shouting match with someone that I raced on the street Friday night. When the bitch started cussing at me, I let off a torrent of words that I've never said in public to someone before, particularly, "fat fucking cow." I think I'm just really stressed the fuck out about my health right now. But I'm calmed down again, me and the doc talked about shit today, he put on a new med and we'll see how things go. |
I'm pretty upset about LJ's passing, despite his protestations that he's not quite dead yet.
We had our differences back in the day, but he is a good egg...I consider him a friend. I'll miss him terribly, that cock.
1 Attachment(s)
We went house browsing on our way home last evening and had an awesome balloon sighting... there was a group in the sky all above/around this development we were looking at. As we were leaving were leaving we drove directly under one (a mostly yellow one) about 15-20 feet above us, with the kids laughing and waving out the sunroofs.
Anyway, I was watching the news today and saw that one of the balloons crashed. This one |
Man. At least in a plane you have some control over where you're gonna crash.
Plane or balloon, if it explodes, you're fucked. :(
more bleeding
What does your doctor say? |
That's terrible - I hope the kids didn't put it all together and get freaked out. Nice pic though
Up, up in the air, in my beautiful my beautiful ballooonnnn...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. crunch.
Says the meanest mom *EVAR!!
What upsets me today:
Instructors at a podunk school who act like they teach at Harvard or something. Read: big pompous asshats. |
Of all the things that you would have thought would kill Jim--an angry customer, his overwhelming curiosity...no...it was a hot-air balloon.
Can't have been. It's still a day early. Insensitive bastard. |
Mean people, health issues, and mean people.
if you combine those you'll be happy again. you can always smile to yourself when you know the mean people also have health issues.
And some of 'em are decidedly unattractive. ;)
You are neither mean nor unattractive, so hush.
Ive got my new glasses and I cant seem to see quite right out of them. If one lens works the other doesn't, depending on how I move my head. They told me to give it a week for my eyes to adjust. I'm thinking thats sort of shady dealings right there now. I think I'm going to bite the bullet (and forget about the already $600 Ive paid ) and get the damn surgery.
They remeasured it and didn't seem to think that was the problem. But I will go back in a few days to try that again. They are the invisible line trifocal lens. They kind of suck in that there is a really small focus area in each lens for each correction. Also, at the same time they are corrected for really bad nearsightness and astigmatism.
I hate my eyes. |
The tri-focals are very difficult to get used to. Some people never do, while others adjust over time. They seem to be trying to do too much for me, I mean if you have your head turned or tilted in one direction and look through the "wrong" part of the lens then your vision will be blurred or otherwise obscured. They only work when you are looking directly at a specific object. If there are multiple images in your line of sight and they are at differing distances, it becomes increasingly difficult to process the info and focus.
They are not for me - that's for sure. edit: I am not an optometrist nor optician, I just play on on teh Cellar. |
Today, my return from the dentist belongs here.
:thepain: |
Bri stole my minion. Very uncool of her, is she just too lazy to get her own? I've had that minion most of my life, now that its gone there is a whole in my heart. I don't know if I can go on.
I've been stressing over this possible issue for well over a week now. Now the possible issue is a hard fact. I just returned from a meeting that has my stomach churning.
I fucked up monumentally. This has absolutely nothing to do with my clients, their families, their cats,dogs, iguanas, or money. This is simply a Lookout and family problem. When I first formed my company I didn't spend the ultra big bucks on a fancy dancy top end lawyer. I DID hire a professional with experience in the arena after receiving a number of referrals in that direction. For unrelated, ongoing performance issues I severed that business relationship about 4 months ago. After now working with my new professional and getting outside opinion on an issue it turns out a couple of very crucial errors were made in forming my company and those errors were compounded by the accounting side of things as time went on. I now have a problem with a lot of zeros that has essentially wiped out my business reserves and personal finances. :thepain: My mistakes, my responsibility. The upside is that at least the problem is known, can be fixed, and the way to fix it, while painful, is pretty straightforward. On that note, if I'm not around here much it doesn't mean I'm dead. It just means I have to be a grown up and clean up my mess.:sniff: Try not to kill eachother in the buildup to the election, I want the cellar intact when I come back. |
Good luck to you, cuz. I'm sure you'll get things straightened out in no time, then you can come back and we can argue politics. :)
Oh shit Lookout. I'm sorry. That really sucks.
Ouch Lookout! Best of luck, I'm sure your resourcefulness will pull you through. We'll all miss you.
Dude. Kick that problem's ass and get back in here ASAP.
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