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casimendocina 03-19-2011 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 717521)
There is only one reason a person wants to have sex with someone they tried to manipulate into changing and then subsequently dumping.

Apologies for being dim here but what is that reason if not just to have sex...not being faecetious, I genuinely want to know so that I can be sure I've understood the comment properly.

skysidhe 03-20-2011 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by casimendocina (Post 717577)
Apologies for being dim here but what is that reason if not just to have sex...not being faecetious, I genuinely want to know so that I can be sure I've understood the comment properly.

...and the reason he does a 360 turn around is because he's a user and a loser?

Maybe 'I' missed something. Maybe I missed the part where he was respectful, valuating and contributing, would never try to play on her emotions by getting her to change, then not respecting her for trying but then dumping her.

Not being angry at you, casi or anyone, but I care about someone nice like mtp getting mind, financially and otherwise, fuck'ed.

To me, this is beyond simply wanting to have sex. We all want to have sex.

footfootfoot 03-20-2011 12:49 PM

Calls to mind this blast from the past:

Cloud 03-20-2011 02:08 PM

so, I've been working around the house today, finally getting to some projects that have been bugging me for a while--that's good, but . . .

after a couple of hours of this, I'm so tired and in pain, I'm practically crying. My back and hips hurt like hell, I'm barely mobile.

I no longer have the strength or stamina to do much. things are improving slowly because I'm exercising and taking anti-inflammatory and joint supplements, but it still sucks.

Trilby 03-20-2011 02:28 PM

I hear ya, Cloud. I take 800mg ibuprophen every single day or I ache like a 90 year old woman.

If I'm going to walk the goggie I MUST take it 30 min. before or my knees, lower back, hips and sacro-iliac joints get so stiff and painful....the S-I joints are the WORST - they can even ache when I'm in bed trying to go to sleep.

Ah, to be 19 again...

TBH - all this stuff happend post-chemo.

Chemo has a lot to answer for - but I suppose it saved my life...I just didn't know I was going to be in pain all the time.

Cloud 03-20-2011 03:01 PM

I guess you take the bad with the good, and there's a lot of good in my life right now, so . . . meh

monster 03-20-2011 04:32 PM

OR, you get yourself to a doctor and see if it's something that can be fixed quite simply.

morethanpretty 03-20-2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 717640)
...and the reason he does a 360 turn around is because he's a user and a loser?

Maybe 'I' missed something. Maybe I missed the part where he was respectful, valuating and contributing, would never try to play on her emotions by getting her to change, then not respecting her for trying but then dumping her.

Not being angry at you, casi or anyone, but I care about someone nice like mtp getting mind, financially and otherwise, fuck'ed.

To me, this is beyond simply wanting to have sex. We all want to have sex.

I think he's basically a good guy, just too immature still. Doesn't really know how he should approach a problem and try to work it, which to be fair, a lot of people don't. I have my flaws, and thats why when he wanted to break up the first time I was willing to work on them, but when I tried point out that he wasn't perfect either, he decided I was attacking him and trying to make him "look like the bad guy." He accuses me of being negative but then tells me I am selfish for giving him advice like: don't try to take full time class and work 50+ hours/week, he thinks I do that in selfishness. Which really hurt, I was just trying to keep him from failing classes or getting too exhausted. *sigh* Anyway, my sister has decided that I probably do need to leave. She and my brother-in-law have offered to let me rent their extra room. It would be mutually beneficial since they could use the extra financial help and maybe I could help my sis with chores and such. My mom thinks we'll fight and I'll put a strain on their marriage. My sis and I get along really well now, so I hope not, and if so, I'll have an end date of when I'll have to have a new place. I think I'm gonna take the offer.

morethanpretty 03-20-2011 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 717654)
so, I've been working around the house today, finally getting to some projects that have been bugging me for a while--that's good, but . . .

after a couple of hours of this, I'm so tired and in pain, I'm practically crying. My back and hips hurt like hell, I'm barely mobile.

I no longer have the strength or stamina to do much. things are improving slowly because I'm exercising and taking anti-inflammatory and joint supplements, but it still sucks.

You've been to the doctor then? I'm guessing so since you're on anti-inflammatory drugs and joint supplements. Just keep to it, I'm sure it will be worth it.

monster 03-20-2011 05:26 PM

I read anti-inflammatory supplements. No Rx required. I'm betting no doctor, but good for you if you did, Cloud, sorry it's not helping yet.

Cloud 03-20-2011 05:49 PM

no doctor yet; I'll get there eventually, but I want to see how much I can alleviate it myself first. just hurting today and feeling sorry for myself, I guess.

I mean, what is the doctor gonna say? "you have osteoarthritis. You're old and you're fat. Here's some pills. See me in 5 years for a hip replacement."


monster 03-20-2011 05:58 PM

OR, you could be damaging yourself further. Trust me, in this game, I'm queen! I have learned through long, hard and painful experience(s), that coping strategies for joint pain can cause more damage and grief in the long run than the original problem. I know you hate bring poked and prodded, but go, find out.

Cloud 03-20-2011 06:11 PM

well, I think it's a given that it's degenerative, but I hear you. i will--just not quite ready.

casimendocina 03-21-2011 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 717640)
...and the reason he does a 360 turn around is because he's a user and a loser?

Thanks Sky. That makes more sense now. Cheers for taking the time to explain.

monster 03-22-2011 02:40 PM

No freaking passports is really pissing me off/getting me worried,

I applied 7 weeks ago, eight weeks before we needed to travel. processing time is 4 weeks for renewals (these are renewals) 6 weeks for new applications. My card was charged three weeks ago. Where are my goddamn freaking passports? :mad:

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