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When you have two acquaintances on SSD, (and only know 2 people on SSD), and they're both young and healthy (and in one case, knows a trade that is in demand), it is something not to be ignored. Drivel about something a politician said 10 years ago, is not relevant today. Not for Obama, and not for Romney. Quote:
All politicians change their minds, from time to time. Facts on the ground, change, the will of the people they represent, changes, the wording of laws, and the degree of enforcement, changes. Any politician who never changes their mind on issues, wouldn't be worth a damn. Their VALUES are important, and shouldn't change much, but their position on issues BETTER change, as the situation changes. Yes, I see you are obsessed with Romney's comment. And with the adverb "sadly", which is sad, in and of itself. Get help, or get over it. |
2 Attachment(s)
Have you ever noticed how the pictures are chosen to show who their preferred candidate is?
Can't do it every time, of course, but take a look at these two, from the BBC news: Which candidate is shown with huge shadowed eye sockets, and a sweaty, over-exposed, glare on his forehead? Attachment 41563 And here, they used an angle showing Romney with a microphone stand appearing to be a part of his mid-line. Attachment 41564 You know they have zillions of pics they could use, but time after time, you'll see a real slant to their photo's. You'd think the BBC at least, could do a much more even handed reporting job. |
Tomorrow is the big day!
Good luck to both candidates - indeed, to all the candidates, in all the parties. They've all worked hard to get this far. |
You can get really good deals at Taggart. I just got some awesome bath towels.
The sleaze bag on SSI/SSDI who runs a construction business or drives huge trucks cross country on a 24/7 basis or who runs a saw mill and picks up his gov't check after putting in a good 10 hour day tossing around hundreds of tons of wooden planks is one of those urban myths that stubborningly refuses to die. Not a single person EVER who has related such stories to me actually knew the villian involved. The story teller always knows OF the bad guy but seldom anything ABOUT him. Like, did you ever ask your buddy if he's on private disability instead of SSI/SSDI? Private is usually easier to get and it pays more. Federal takes forever and what they pay a person on SSI could barely keep a flea alive. The amount SSI recipients get currently is $680.00/mo. That's it. Period. Once you get your SSI, you may qualify to get on the wait list for a housing voucher - usually takes 2 - 5 years, and if you haven't died yet by time your name comes to the top of the list, Uncle Sugar will grudgingly hand you a voucher that allows a single person to rent a tiny one bedroom apartment - if he sticks to places on the wrong side of the tracks of course. The payoff is just hardly ever worth the energy required to deal with the Feds and pull off really major lies to a succession of health care professionals. Oh, and you also need to get your old employers in on it with you - they have to fill out forms about the quality of your efforts back when you worked for them. In my experience, busy small business owners who I had to go back to and beg them to fill out my form got kind of irritated. They did it because they could see that I needed the help, but otherwise why should they bother? I suggest you get a new pair of glasses - maybe 3 or 4 of them. Quote:
In fact, could you do me a little favor and call up my social security caseworker and inform her that she no longer needs to send me those recertification forms each year and that my doctors no longer have to waste their time sending her updates regarding my condition. What a relief it would be to get rid of at least some of that paperwork! Come to think of it, I'm feeling pretty PO'ed that you never bothered to inform either me or the government of our "bear to the honey" status until just now. No! Instead, a few months ago I had to fill out a 26 page government form - one of the worst paperwork nightmares I have ever seen in my life. It took me almost a MONTH to finish that damn thing, staying up late to get just one more question finished. I was applying to be allowed admission into a special rehabilitation program which could possibly allow me to become self supporting. The government was so indifferent to my disability status that the director of the program, Carolyn the Fed, called me 5 times - FIVE, I kid you not - LONG Distance, to grill me about the various aspects of my plan and my current abilities. The Feds have also fired off to me 3 envelopes of more forms to be filled out, and 2 or 3 sets of detailed instructions which must be followed to the letter. Otherwise, I will get more fact finding interrogations from Carolyn the Fed. And Carolyn CARES. She cares BIG TIME! So, in conclusion, thank you for so completely proving that your information is totally unreliable and that your comments are less trustworthy then Urbane Guerilla's - a low that it's almost impossible for anyone else to sink to, but you have done it. By the process of reducto ad absurdem you have nicely proved my points for me. Good job! So, what else do you know about the Easter Bunny? AND for anyone who is honestly curious about the amount of fraud that occurs with the Social Security Administration - including overpaying and UNDERpaying regular Social Security retirement benefits as well as overpayment and UNDERpayment in the SSI/SSDI programs, that amount comes to 2% a year TOTAL. For ALL of the SSA. This was the most recent report as of September 2012. If you enjoy reading stuff that the Government Accounting Office puts out, click on the report here and expect to fall asleep within 5 minutes. |
I have factual experience, and you have the typical naive viewpoint you see in liberals. Quote:
Way too many people have gone on some form of welfare, since the recession hit -- because Obama's policies to get our economy moving again, have been a colossal failure. :mad: Walked right into that one, didn't you? :D |
"we should have, as a society, a prohibition on abortion."
Mitt Romney, presidential candidate. (3:24, but watch the whole thing really) |
See video in previous post. |
My boyfriends always bring me nice things. A man who doesn't please his woman is no man of mine. That ain't changed either. I told him I was sick and tired of that stupid cunt assigned to my case and my boyfriend's gonna go have a nice little chat with her. I won't be getting grilled much longer once he does that! Well, if you'll excuse me I gotta go explain to my home girls how to beat the system and get all the cool stuff I get. A lot of them girls have quit "dating" since I've shown them how much easier it is when we got a bro in the White House now. Makes me feel good that I can help out other folk too and not just be helping myself to all those goodies and not sharing or nothing. BTW, I do believe you were the one that walked into something. What the hell is that stuff you done drug in on your shoe? Smells like a pee party in here. :p: |
Moldy bread breeds maggots. Also well proven by observation. Because junk science (also called lying to oneself) is knowledge from observation. This is second grade science. Must extremists be taught second grade science? You demonstrate why propaganda and ideology are posted by you as facts. You do not even know the difference between junk science reasoning and what is required to have facts. Your fundamental problem has been identified. How to identify anyone easily manipulated by rhetoric? He does not post numbers. Adak, you never post numbers. Your subjective reasoning is another symptom of junk science. A classic lie: tax cuts create jobs. Even observation demonstrates that false. Why do you ignore observation when it contradicts your extremist political ideology? Observation is only valid when convenient? Knowledge from observation is classic junk science. Observation says tax cuts destroys jobs. Why do you ignore observations when it contradicts your extremist political views? Anyone can speculate by observing your posts. And always come to the same conclusion. Extremism justified by myths is alive and well. |
When you watch the traffic signal light turn red - did the light REALLY change? Yes. It is your observation, and it is also a FACT. And if you had the common sense that God gave to geese, you'd acknowledge at least THAT much. Quote:
Wrong again, Mr. Junk Science man! Quote:
You really have shown no common sense at all in your arguments. |
Obama has started calling terrorists associated with Al Qaeda - "folks"!
He's says he's going to hunt down the "folks" who attacked the consulate in Benghazi. Twice, he refers to the most violent terrorists who killed our Ambassador and killed a few other Americans, as "folks". Like the folks you meet at school or in your neighborhood. They're surely not "folks" to me! :eek: :eek: If you want to hear the speeches (two of them) involved, you'll have to d/l the first hour of the Nov. 5th audio program, from here: http://www.rogerhedgecock.com/category/228485/podcasts (and you want h1 for the first hour). The program is still on-air, so it won't be posted up for awhile. Sam, this thread isn't about welfare, or about welfare fraud. If you want to dive into that subject, start another thread. The "disabled" guy who was roofing, was caught on video, but it was years ago. I watch very little TV these days, and it appears that investigative reporting is something that is rarely done on an individual claiming they're disabled. After tomorrow, this thread will become obsolete , no matter who wins the election. To that end, this will be my last post in this thread. Obama asks his black supporters at a rally to vote because "voting is the best revenge". Romney asks his supporters to vote, because "you love your country". That reflects the most basic difference in the candidates character, imo. Romney served as a missionary for two years, overseas. Obama hung out with radicals and practiced Chicago style politics. Romney has been a success in business, and in special projects like the Winter Olympics in 2000, which was WAY behind schedule when he took over the project. Obama has never run a business - not even a lemonade stand. And most damning of all, Obama left Ambassador Stevens to be killed by terrorists (which he calls "folks"), after a 6+ hour attack, despite calls for help to Washington, to the CIA (from their men who joined in Ambassador Stevens defense, and were also killed), and despite having a large Air Base, just 1 hour away. (The same air base that defended Benghazi against the slaughter that Ghaddafi had planned for them, Aviano, Italy). There was even a recon drone overhead watching the last 2 hours of the attack, streaming live video to Washington. And Obama watched them get taken out - and did NOTHING! We impeached Nixon for supporting a burglary where there was very little damage done, and no one got hurt. We tried to impeach Clinton over some hanky panky in the White House. But Obama watches a US Ambassador and three CIA agents, under attack by terrorists, urgently requesting help by phone, email, and dedicated alarm, and does NOTHING TO HELP them. And barely a peep of Obama having done anything wrong. And that's VERY WRONG. This is my last post in this thread. The campaigning by both sides is over, and it's up to us who we want for President, and MANY other political positions. Good luck to All! :) |
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