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TheMercenary 04-17-2011 09:02 PM

Mildly upsetting: Just watched the Nat Geo special on the Tsunami loaded with tons of home video of the actual event at the moment of impact. Moving. Upsetting. My heart goes out to those people and their future.

zippyt 04-17-2011 10:01 PM

Sorry for your Loss Rich .

Undertoad 04-17-2011 10:02 PM

Sorry to hear the bad news Rich.

DanaC 04-18-2011 04:44 AM

So sorry Rich. I imagine the expectation of continuing with the ongoing religious observances and celebrations adds to the sense of the surreal right now.

Warm thoughts are with you, mate.

capnhowdy 04-18-2011 06:24 AM

Sorry for your loss, Rich.

limey 04-18-2011 06:45 AM

So sorry Rich.

kerosene 04-18-2011 10:41 AM

So sorry for your loss, Rich.

bluecuracao 04-18-2011 04:43 PM

Sorry to hear about your mom, Rich. :(

Nirvana 04-19-2011 01:06 PM

This is a day for ducks or platypus :(

morethanpretty 04-20-2011 04:42 PM

Having a really hard time being motivated to get my work done for this semester. I think some depression has creeped in.

DanaC 04-20-2011 04:55 PM

Oh me too kiddo, me too. Where the frig did my enthusiasm and capacity to focus go to? It's like I am physically incapable of making myself work. And when I do it's fragmented and nothing hangs together. Reading the books just makes my eyes want to close...

You are not alone m'dear. Recognising that it's depression is probably a good sign that you're on the way back up soon, at a guess.

morethanpretty 04-20-2011 04:59 PM

Well, I just realized that I never turned in a proposal for my paper, thats an immediate half off the grade, so now I'm not even sure its worth writing the damn thing. I've been so distracted by my own self loathing. The paper is due tomorrow. :(

DanaC 04-20-2011 05:00 PM

Ouch. Fuck me, that's a sucker punch. How much of your final grade is the paper worth?

richlevy 04-20-2011 05:04 PM

Thanks for the messages.

The funeral is tomorrow, followed by an on-again off-again shivah schedule at my sisters house.

Sometimes members of the family will go out to dine together after a funeral, although this is not in accordance with any Jewish custom. Not much chance of that happening with Passover, since it's pretty much impossible to find a restaurant that even comes close to serving Passover meals outside of downtown Philly.

I'm going with my dad to services at my sister's synagogue on Friday night. Shivah is I think Thurs evening, Friday day, Saturday evening. This is according to the Rabbi.

morethanpretty 04-20-2011 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 725004)
Ouch. Fuck me, that's a sucker punch. How much of your final grade is the paper worth?

Almost 1/3rd

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