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limey 10-01-2013 03:03 AM

I have an elderly friend who needs hearing aids and has had them for some time. She refuses to wear them because they distort the sound and she "Doesn't want to look like that stupid old woman with the hearing aids" (I've asked her). Instead she is increasingly looking like "that stupid old woman" (most people don't know about her deafness). I didn't realise that she's weakening her brain's abilities as well.
Yes, this is pissing me off this time ....

Sent by thought transference

monster 10-01-2013 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 877800)
but for me it was like being blind and suddenly having vision.

you don't think that would be traumatic and maybe scary and overwhelming for the majority experiencing it?

Gravdigr 10-01-2013 12:17 PM

They moved an F-111 Aardvark from the restoration hangar at Bowling Green Airport to Aviation Heritage Park Sunday night.

They tow the planes right down US 231 in Bowling Green, four-six lanes of highly trafficked commercial area. The sight of an F-111 (which is considerably larger than an F-4) easing down that particular stretch of highway for a little over a mile would be fukkin awesome!

I missed it when they moved the F-4 Phantom.

I missed it when they moved the T-33 Shooting Star.

And, goddammit, I missed it when they moved the F-111.


orthodoc 10-01-2013 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 877859)
you don't think that would be traumatic and maybe scary and overwhelming for the majority experiencing it?

For someone who has had hearing to any reasonable degree and then lost it, no ... just as it wouldn't be traumatic for someone who had had sight, lost it for a period of time, and then regained it. It does take time to get used to hearing so many things again; your brain doesn't filter out background noise as it used to, so the noise of a refrigerator may be intrusive. After a few weeks, your brain filters things again. Your voice sounds weird with the hearing aids for a period of time but again, your brain learns to process that better and you get past that hurdle. But the sheer joy of hearing all those noises, and hearing your family when they talk to you ... priceless.

Nirvana 10-01-2013 08:40 PM

Must be my hair I thought Miss Letella[sp] was a weirder version of The Master of Malaprop! Norm Crosby :rolleyes: NEVERMIND ;)

limegreenc 10-02-2013 11:22 AM

I think our Indian summer is over:( Tomorrow's the last day of +75 degree weather, then it's back to reality. There are 6 black walnut trees in a 500 square foot radius and the yard is just covered with squirrels. If you ever try to crack a black walnut wear your rubber gloves and carry a vise and ball-peen hammer.

If that doesn't stop you from getting to the nut, the juglone might.
'It is sometimes used as a herbicide, as a dye for cloth and inks, and as a coloring agent for foods and cosmetics.'
I'm still trying to get the stain out of my fingers after 2 years.

glatt 10-02-2013 11:30 AM

Makes a great wood stain too.

We had a black walnut tree for years right on our property line. The neighbors hated it with a passion because the walnuts dropped on their car. So one year they offered to pay to cut it down, and we let them. I saved some of the wood to make nick knacks.

limegreenc 10-02-2013 09:43 PM

My old neighbour did as you, and boiled the walnut shells. He had pails of them I guess and used it on a bookcase he built. It looks like something from the dark ages, in a good way though:)

Gravdigr 10-03-2013 10:36 AM

RE: Hearing/hearing aids:

Today, I've learned about Hearing Loops.


Gravdigr 10-08-2013 05:09 PM

3 Attachment(s)
This is my roof. Single layer of shingles. In magnificent condition. Popdigr had it put on like 20-25 yrs ago. It's still in great shape. The in-between owners didn't see fit to do anything with it, why would they, it's in great shape.

Attachment 45629

This morning, I wake up to this:

Attachment 45630

Popdigr's arranged for a new metal roof. The first I heard of this was some bastard going slaphappy with a SlapHappy on my roof at 8:00 this morning. No warning, no consultation, no "Would you like a new roof?", no nothing.

Now I gotta look at this hideous fucking roof. Positively fucking hideous:

Attachment 45631

And, not only that...but, I get to pay for at least half of this clusterfuck. I can't let the old man put a completely unnecessary roof on my house, no matter how much it's pissed me off. "Well, I didn't want to have to worry about it anymore." You didn't have to worry about it at all!#@* It ain't your house!

Every time I pull into the driveway, now, I have to look up and see every splat of bird shit, every minute glob of undigested mulberries in said bird shit.

Not to mention, now, every time Popdigr gets on the roof for whatever the fuck, I have to worry he's gonna slip, slide down off the steel roof and break his neck, or worse.


Aliantha 10-08-2013 05:51 PM

Your house has a nice aspect from the front with all the flowers grav. :)

Gravdigr 10-09-2013 09:23 AM

Thanks Ali, but that's Momdigr's doings. It would be grass to the foundation if it was up to me.

And that roof ain't any purtier today than it was yesterday. I'm having a really hard time with this latest 'usurption' (?) of homeownership.

Gravdigr 10-09-2013 09:25 AM

Usurption - yeah, no that's not a word.

I was close though...usurpation.

orthodoc 10-09-2013 09:27 AM

I commented in the other thread, but ... how did this happen, again? Your dad just engaged a company to replace your roof without talking to you? :confused:

footfootfoot 10-09-2013 11:44 AM

god gave you your relatives. thank god you can choose your friends.

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