richlevy |
06-28-2006 07:30 PM |
Nancy's Buttons
Back in the early 80's, when I was in college, I attending the occasional convention. A group of us went down to Delaware and found Nancy and her button booth. In addition to her catalogue, we had custom buttons made up.
Fast forward to a year or so ago and I came across the 20+ year old printed copy of her catalogue I had brought home. I was curious and did an Internet search to see if she was still in business but did not find anything.
So I was surprised when I tried recently and found this. It's an expanded button/bumper sticker catalogue, with thousands of pithy and humorous choices.
Guns, 1st and 2nd amendments, insanity. The funny thing is that a local bookstore near my house still has a cache of her buttons that are about 15 years old. Every once in a while I buy one out of the bins.
BTW, every time you refresh the page, it changes the random slogan.
A few I found funny.
If you can read this, you're in range
If it still has feelings, it isn't cooked enough
Conservatives should learn the difference between a sin and a crime and liberals should learn the difference between a virtue and a requirement
I don't brake for incumbents
I don't care if *they* get the government they deserve, but why do *I* have to get the government they deserve?
If you could print all the money you wanted, and steal all the money you wanted, couldn't you manage to stay out of debt?
I might be getting the Paypal ready.