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xoxoxoBruce 02-04-2014 02:02 PM


March 5, 2013 - As Winter Storm Saturn Threatens East, Verizon Finalizes Storm Preparations, Offers Preparedness Tips For Consumers and Businesses

Undertoad 02-04-2014 02:06 PM

What's more current than...

good catch!

Clodfobble 02-04-2014 04:30 PM

That's funny... I went searching earlier in case it was something like that, except I searched for "tropical storm Saturn." Because I apparently don't know what season it is.

Griff 02-04-2014 08:47 PM

We're getting the Ali jab tonight and the Foreman hammer over the weekend.

Griff 02-05-2014 07:02 AM

State of Emergency, I don't even have to take a vacation day!

glatt 02-05-2014 07:19 AM

Looks like we dodged a bullet down here today. They were predicting ice, which is really the worst. But it's mostly just cold rain with an occasional slick spot. The trees have maybe a quarter of an inch of ice on them, which is no biggie. And it's supposed to warm up a few degrees, so even that will melt.

The weekend is sounding interesting though.

Griff 02-05-2014 07:27 AM

Ice isno fun.

Undertoad 02-05-2014 08:33 AM

Severe icing as predicted.

So far none of the falling trees or branches have hit the house or car. So that's good.

I was able to get out and salt the driveway, and in the meantime I cut all the branches I could reach on the 2" limb leaning on the cable coming to the house. One cable is above the branch, one below it. I don't know if it's power or Internet but either way that would be bad. My chainsaw is electric...

Weird sounds coming from all over as stuff melts and falls. There are two guys on the roof of the three-story apartment building next door. A bad thing probably happened.

Gravdigr 02-05-2014 11:22 AM

I read "500,000 without power in Philly"...then I thought "I wonder if the Cellar is still up?"

And here you are.

Undertoad 02-05-2014 11:29 AM

Here I am, but the Cellar servers are 30 miles south, in a data center with a big-ass diesel generator for backup power.

xoxoxoBruce 02-05-2014 12:03 PM

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays Undertoad from getting it up.

Sundae 02-05-2014 12:18 PM

Been raining very hard here, with high winds for this area.
I arrived at work looking like I was in a wet waitrose uniform contest. Had to go into the disabled toilet and take my shirt off, try to dry it under the hand-drier.
I made sure I switched the chicken rotisserie on well before I went to date-check the items in the chiller.
FSM knows what I'll do if it's like this tomorrow; it's a Bakery shift, so I start half an hour earlier (which means I'm less likely to get in early) and my first stop is the freezer. No choice, no question, straight into -20.

Actually I'll just assume its going to be as bad and wear other clothes to work. And take a towel. The weather report conspired against me this morning, as did a temporary lull while I was getting ready.

One think that did make me chuckle was as I was walking past the mosque on the way home, the wind blew over a recycling bin, out for collection. The chap whose house it was came out in a panic, looked relieved for a second that it was nothing more than the bin, then horrified as paper, cardboard and fast food containers took to the skies, and soft drinks cans skittered away, mosque-bound. As I carried on walking, the last I saw of him was his mad grabbing dance. I did wait a decent distance before sniggering.

glatt 02-10-2014 10:54 AM

Last week's ice storm in Slovenia. No matter how bad it is where you are, just remember it can always be worse.

xoxoxoBruce 02-11-2014 01:47 AM

That guy must be driving someone else's vehicle, like government or company owned... or he's just stupid.

Sundae 02-11-2014 02:34 AM

I got myself a second-hand Regatta jacket from eBay.
That's a proper outdoorsy walker kind of jacket and is properly waterproof.
I've only had it a couple of days but it's shaping up to be the best purchase of 2014. Big pats on my well protected back.

Floods are still big news here. They're spreading for a start.
We're so lucky not to be affected, in this town and in this house.
Large areas of the Thames Valley are underwater, as is most of the South-West it seems. And the rain is still falling from a relentlessly grey sky. Being warm and dry seems like a distant memory.

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