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zippyt 06-23-2011 04:49 PM

sorry to hear all this jay

Clodfobble 06-23-2011 05:50 PM

Goddammit. I'm sorry about everything, Jaydaan. I hope your aunt starts recovering soon.

Jaydaan 06-23-2011 07:15 PM

Well... see what over reactions and presumptions do? SIGH
There was no beating. It seems my aunt is a horrible alcoholic and decided to detox. With no help, no dr support or anything, she had a MASSIVE seisure. Looks like she seized for quite a while... all the bleeding on the brain, swelling, blood etc was caused from constantly banging her head. She was alone.
She still has not come out of it yet, and when she did kind of wake up, she knew she was in the hospital, knew her name.... but had the wrong city, and gave the year of her birth instead of this year, when asked the date. They now have her on the detox drugs ( whatever that entails) and now we wait. It looks like the thing that caused her seisure might be responsible for saving her from *some* of the brain damage. Did you know that drinking overmuch for over 35 years causes your brain and surrounding cushioning to shrink? I didn't. Well it gave room for the swelling, without serious pressure... causing less damage somehow. This could be a good thing.

DanaC 06-23-2011 07:21 PM

God, Jaydaan, what a shitter of a week you're having. Hope things settle down soon and that your loved ones are ok. Maybe this detox will be the thing that saves your aunt. At least it wasn't violence and family strife. Small comfort, but probably less distressing for the family than what it initially appeared to be.


Trilby 06-23-2011 07:26 PM

good god.

Sending good, healing vibes to her. I always relate to these kind of things...having detoxed myself (too many) times.

Good luck and godspeed.

Trilby 06-23-2011 07:30 PM

and, Jaydaan, I don't know what your relationship to this aunt is like, maybe she's a completely awful person, etc. but she's going to need some good people around her for this. I'll bet she's hating herself right now.

wolf 06-23-2011 07:53 PM

Having sent numerous people to detox, I do know that stuff. And yes, the seizures can be really extreme, especially in heavy drinkers.

Jay, I hope things go as well as they can. Hopefully the memory stuff will clear somewhat (or may not be related to the seizures, since there are chemical/architectural changes in brain structure of severe alcoholics). Hopefully this will serve as a wake up call for her, and she'll keep the initiative that's been started by this terrible event.

limey 06-24-2011 03:14 AM

Adding my shock and good wishes to you and your family Jay.

casimendocina 06-24-2011 05:20 AM

What all the postees above have said.

Griff 06-25-2011 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 741102)
Thanks man. I love you right back and all of you.

This one is going to turn out to be 80% meds, I know it now. The 20% of it that's real life suckage doesn't provoke this kind of response. Been better the last two days, as well.

Sorry I missed this development. I hope you are well. I'm taking a breather as my continued emotional response to a certain poster's ongoing battle with reality is completely disproportionate. Be well brother, I'll poke my head back in after washing my machine.

DanaC 06-25-2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by jimhelm (Post 741300)
chin up, dana! we loves us some dana too!

so, uh... tony... can i get some of that Bud Light?

Just saw this:p

Thanks sweetie:)

zippyt 06-29-2011 02:07 PM

Well yesterday we had a NASTY Thunderstorm pass thru ,
it dumped about 4-5 inches of rain in a Verry short period of time ,
Fucken rain washed out part of the Pool pad we had Made ,
So this Holiday weekend insteed of Floating in the pool Chillaxen and the such we get to drain the Pool , Fix the fucken Sand that washed out and refill the pool !!!
the side dropped 5-6 inches
DSCF7351 by zippyt, on Flickr
DSCF7352 by zippyt, on Flickr
I dont know if you can see , but the Whole Pool has settled and slanted about 4-6 inches
Dscf7353 by zippyt, on Flickr

Oh Well , such is Life

Spexxvet 06-29-2011 02:15 PM

That sux

HungLikeJesus 06-29-2011 02:27 PM

It's better that way. You can practice swimming up hill.

xoxoxoBruce 06-30-2011 12:53 AM

Borrow a fire truck and wash out the other side.;)

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